This page documents the amazing number of onslaughts on Education, of different kinds.

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Bombard the Islamic University of Gaza for the Second Time in One Week

(PCHR) Palestinian Centre for Human Rights Press Release

Ref: 61/2006

Date: 4 July 2006

Time: 12:00 GMT

PCHR condemns IOF military operations in the Gaza Strip and the targeting of infrastructure and civilian organizations, most notably educational institutions.  The Centre calls upon governments, non-governmental organizations, and UN organizations, especially UNESCO, to work towards theimmediate cessation of IOF war crimes against educational institutions in the Gaza Strip.

PCHR's preliminary investigation indicates that at approximately 01:15 on Tuesday, 4 July 2006, an IOF helicopter gunship fired a rocket at a building in the Islamic University campus in Gaza.  The rocket targeted a student council office, destroying it completely.  IOF had previously targeted the university building with another rocket on 29 June 2006.  However, the rocket fell in the university's soccer field without causing injury or damage.

In addition, Atfaluna institution for children with hearing disabilities suffered damage as result of sonic booms, caused by Israeli F-16s flying at low altitude and breaking the sound barrier, over Gaza city last Tuesday and Wednesday.  These caused extensive damage to the institution's vocational training workshops.  A number of shelves and clay productions were destroyed, as well as training equipment and tools.  Two deaf students were injured by glass debris caused by one sonic boom raid.

It is noted that dozens of Palestinian educational institutions, including universities and schools, have suffered extensive damage since the start of Al-Aqsa Intifada in September 2000. On 25 September 2005, IOF fighter jets dropped two bombs on Dar Al-Aqram School.  The school is located in the densely-populated El-Tuffah area of Gaza City and more than 1200 pupils study there.  The air raid destroyed the three-storey school administration building completely.  In addition, a number of study rooms were partially destroyed and some nearby houses and installations were also damaged.  The raid also injured twenty-three Palestinians, including seven children.

PCHR calls upon the international community, especially the High Contracting Parties of the Fourth Geneva Convention, to intervene immediately to put an end to IOF war crimes against civilian installations and civilians in the Gaza Strip.

The Centre calls for:

An immediate cessation to the targeting of educational institutions, and an end to violations of the right to education, ensuring the protection of educational institutions and prohibiting attacks on them;

Respecting the rights of vulnerable groups, ensuring protection for rehabilitation organizations for the disabled, and respecting their right to education and rehabilitation; and

A boycott of the Israeli government by international academic institutions in order to pressure it to stop attacking educational institutions.

Public Document

Israel introduces new travel restrictions

By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank

Sunday 11 June 2006, 14:08 Makka Time, 11:08 GMT

Palestinian families have accused Israel of taking draconian measures, further restricting their freedom of movement.

According to Palestinian human rights organisations, the new restrictions involve barring Palestinians carrying foreign passports, including those married to a Palestinian spouse, from re-entering the West Bank after leaving for their adopted country of citizenship, even for a brief visit.
The new measures also affect long-time foreigners residing in the West Bank such as college professors, NGO employees, religious figures and naturalised spouses of Palestinian residents in the West Bank.
Adel Samara is a noted Palestinian economist residing in Ramallah. His American wife wants to go the US for a visit. However, because she is married to a Palestinian, she is worried that the Israeli authorities wouldn't allow her to return to her family once she left the West Bank.
"I really dont know why they are doing this to us. I am sure there is a special think-tank in Israel specialised in devising and inventing creative ways to make us suffer," said Samara.
Right to bar

Samara believes Israeli military authorities were targeting ordinary people, most of whom are not politicised and leading a normal lives with their families and friends.
"There are hundreds of cases. You see, I am barred from travelling abroad for so-called security reasons and my wife won't be allowed to return to Ramallah if she leaves the West Bank even for a brief visit to Jordan next door." tried repeatedly to get the Israeli army spokespersons to clarify policy with regard to foreigners staying in or wanting to enter the West Bank.
A spokeswoman for the Israeli interior ministry said Israel had the right to bar whoever it wanted from entering the "territories".
She said: "Those wishing to enter must apply for a permit and their application could be either accepted or rejected."
Academics targeted
According to sources at the Bir Zeit University (BZU) in the West Bank, Israeli measures are also targeting academics and lecturers working at Palestinian universities, whether foreigners or Palestinians carrying foreign passports.

At least two professors and an administration official at BZU have been barred from returning to the West Bank without any explanation.
One of the three is Sumaydi Abbas, who holds Swedish citizenship. could not locate Abbas, but Ghassan Andouni, public relations officer at BZU, said the Israeli military authorities refused to allow the Palestinian professor to return "because he didn't have residency rights".

"You see, they wouldn't even give him a tourist visa to enter his own country, his own homeland. They view Palestine, including the West Bank, as Israeli territory and us as foreigners."
Bahjat Tayyem, who holds US citizenship and teaches at the BZU political science department, was recently turned back at the Jordan border while trying to enter the West Bank at the Allenby Border crossing.
"I think Israel wants to effect a total siege on us, a total isolation. They are not content with physical isolation which this evil concrete wall embodies," said Anduni.

Andouni accused the Israeli military administration of trying to "empty the West Bank of foreigners", especially those working at NGOs as well as peace activists.
"They want to reduce our towns and villages to inaccessible detention camps and large open-air prisons until we succumb to their bullying or implode from within."

Israeli authorities have also barred international peace activists whom  they consider sympathetic to the Palestinians from entering the West Bank.
Peace activists

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which brings to the West Bank peace activists from around the world to encourage Palestinians to adopt non-violent means in their struggle against the Israeli occupation, seems to have been blacklisted.
ISM activists have been for years holding peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins against Israeli repression of Palestinians, including the construction of the separation wall and the bulldozing of Palestinian groves and farms and homes.

Some Israeli officials, especially within the foreign ministry, believe ISM activities have been instrumental in getting a British union of university teachers and a Canadian workers' union to boycott Israel.

Last week, Israeli interior ministry authorities at the Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv incarcerated Paul Larudee, an American peace activist, barring him from entering Israel and the Occupied Palestinian territories.
According to Larudee's lawyer, Gabi Lasky, the Israeli authorities gave no explanation why her client was incarcerated.
However, according to the Jerusalem Post, Larudee's name appeared on a Shin Bet [Israel's main domestic intelligence agency]-compiled blacklist of foreigners identifying with the Palestinian struggle.
Danger to state

The paper quoted unnamed Israeli security officials as saying that Larudee was an ISM leader who took part in anti-Israeli demonstrations during the Israeli army assault on the West Bank between 2002 and 2004.
"This person is a danger to the state. He is one of the ISM leaders who had been involved in anti-Israeli activities and therefore will not be allowed into the country," the security official was quoted as saying.
Lasky said Larudee visited Israel and the occupied territories four times and had never been arrested. She dismissed the security official's explanation as "dubious".
"To blacklist non-violent peace activists as 'persona non grata' raises questions regarding the sincerity of Israel's intentions to resolve the conflict with the Palestinians through dialogue and non-violence," an ISM statement given to said.


Arab American Institute AAI Slams Israeli Decision to Bar Arab Americans from Visiting Occupied Territories

Calls on Bush Administration to Step In 
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Arab American Institute today slammed an Israeli decision to bar Arab Americans from entering Israel and the West Bank and called for the Bush Administration to immediately raise the issue at the highest levels with the Israeli government. 

The new policy, apparently enacted recently, has already affected Arab Americans on trips for business and/or to visit relatives in Israel and the West Bank.
"This is crude racial profiling and represents the worst of Israel's systematic discriminatory policies towards Arabs and Arab Americans," said AAI President James Zogby. "We would not tolerate a country barring Americans entry because they are Jewish, Black, Asian or Latino and we certainly should not do so because they are of Arab descent." 

AAI also expressed grave concern over media reports that U.S. consular officials in Tel Aviv stating that the U.S. views the matter as a sovereign decision by another country. 

In denying Arab Americans entry, Israel is in clear violation of the 1951 "Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation" it signed with the U.S. Article II, Sec. 2 specifically obligates both the U.S. and Israel to grant each other's citizens the right "to travel freely and reside at places of their choice" within each other's countries. 

"If the Bush Administration refuses to uphold this treaty, it is not only Israel that is at fault but the Administration as well, as it will be saying to Arab Americans that, 'We do not care about your rights'," Zogby said. "If that is the case, we will explore legal remedies." 

Under the new Israeli policy, Arab American Congressmen Darrell Issa (R- Ca.), Charles Boustany (R-LA), Nick Rahall (D-WV) and Ray Lahood (R-ILL) along with Senator John E. Sununu (R-NH) would be barred from Israel and the West Bank.Founded in 1985, the Arab American Institute (AAI) is a non- profit organization committed to the civic and political empowerment of Americans of Arab descent. AAI provides policy, research, and public affairs.

AAI 1600 K Street, NW, Suite 601 Washington, DC 20006 
phone (202) 429-9210 fax (202) 429-9241 |   

Protest by former graduates against teaching censorship in Roosevelt University Chicago Ilinois

Susan Weininger
Dept Chair Art History
Roosevelt University
Chicago, IL

Ms. Weininger:

I recently read of your decision to fire Prof. Giles for properly teaching a class. Your hypocrisy is breathtaking. Please note the following:

* You'r egregrious acts of censorship. have no place in the academy. If Roosevelt's epigram "Dedicated to the enlightment of the Human Spirit" means anything, than free speech and free inquiry should be stimulated and encouraged. If the academy is not about seeking truth (wherever it
leads), then it is worse than meaningless - it is merely a propaganda mill.

* Your despicable and blatant hypocrisy, racism and arrogance in no way protects the Jewish people nor does it serve to honor the memory of the millions of Jews and others lost in the Holocaust. Rather, it disgraces, defames and dishonors not only these martyrs but all Jews of conscience all over the world. Your arrogant behavior   is more liable to create anti-Semitism than to prevent it.

* Yours is exactly the kind of rank censorship (based on racism and bigotry) that preceded the Holocaust. You are in very bad company.

* As a Jewish woman, I am appalled by your arrogance and impunity in taking this action. I insist that you immediately reinstate Prof. Giles and apologize to the entire faculty, staff and student body for firing him. You should resign.

* As the spouse of an adult professional graduate of Roosevelt University, I can assure you, we will not be bestowing any gifts whatsoever to the University until your decision is reversed, Prof. Giles reinstated, and you are disciplined appropriately.

Thank you.

Rhea Worrell
4618 Castanea Rd.
Efland, NC 27243
919 304 4350

Diane Vetrovec
Director, Alumni Relations
1400 Roosevelt Blvd. Room 130
Schaumburg, IL

I recently read of the decision by Department of History, Philosophy, and Art History Chair Susan Weininger to fire Prof. Douglas Giles for not agreeing to censor his students regarding Palestinian issues, Zionism, and Judaism and other topics critical to understanding the struggles and beliefs in the middle east . As an honors graduate, I am appalled that the quality of academics has fallen to such a low state at Roosevelt in the years since I attended. I am one of those "Free thinkers, (who)
share(s) a  commitment to social justice. " that you speak about in your Alumni web site.  I am shocked that people in leadership roles like Dr. Weininger can promote and support such egregious acts of censorship. Free speech and free inquiry should be stimulated and encouraged rather than slapped-down.

Has Roosevelt just become another propaganda mill?

If a university is not about seeking truth and encouraging free speech than I will never support it
through any form of gift until this outrageous decision is reversed, Prof. Giles reinstated, and
Susan Weininger is disciplined appropriately.

Thank you.

Fred Worrell
4618 Castanea Rd.
Efland, NC 27243
919 304 4350

Lecturer denounces critics of his 9-11 teachings

'Inside job' theory draws calls for firing, UW probe

Posted: July 9, 2006

A University of Wisconsin-Madison lecturer who has sparked controversy by teaching that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were an inside job lashed out Sunday at public officials who have questioned his right to teach.

Speaking at a gathering at UW-Milwaukee, Kevin Barrett took aim at state Rep. Stephen Nass (R-Whitewater), U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-Wis.) and Gov. Jim Doyle.

Doyle, a Democrat, joined the chorus of critics Friday by questioning whether Barrett has the "capacity to teach students in this state."

"I've been teaching for 20 years," Barrett told a crowd of more than 100, many of them cheering supporters. "I dare say I know more about teaching than the governor of the state."

The public sparring came as UW-Madison concludes a 10-day review of Barrett. The university is expected to announce early this week whether the part-time lecturer will be allowed to teach a class on Islam this fall, and if so, whether he will be able to share his theories on 9-11, as he plans to do.

UW spokesman Dennis Chaptman, who attended Sunday's event, said he was not in a position to comment.

Barrett, a bearded man with unkempt hair, said in an interview that he had met with Provost Patrick Farrell twice last week. The provost, Barrett said, never suggested that he would be prevented from teaching the fall course titled, "Islam: Religion and Culture," at a salary of $8,247.

He said Farrell was open to his including theories that the Bush administration planned the 9-11 attacks for its own benefit in the class. Barrett has discussed these theories in a previous class on folklore.

"Basically, the rules of the university are such that it would be a gross violation of academic freedom to fire me," said Barrett, 47, who earned his PhD in African languages and literature from UW-Madison in 2004. "I don't think they'll stand in the way of my teaching. I think I'll basically be able to stick with the syllabus as it currently stands."

The theories that Barrett plans to include in his upcoming course are espoused by a small but vocal group of academics that includes Steven Jones, a physicist from Brigham Young University; David Ray Griffin, a retired professor from the Claremont School of Theology; and James H. Fetzer, a retired philosophy professor from the University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Fetzer, a burly man with a booming voice, co-chairs a group called 9/11 Scholars for Truth. He outlined the theories at Sunday's gathering, saying:

• Explosives must have been detonated inside the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, because the impact of the airplanes was not enough to bring down the twin towers.

• That the damage to the Pentagon was such that a smaller military plane, as opposed to a large commercial aircraft, must have flown into the Pentagon, shooting a missile as it went.

• That the debris of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was scattered so widely that it must have been shot down.

• That half a dozen of the men who are said to have hijacked the planes are still living in the Middle East.

"It's a myth," Fetzer said of the generally accepted view that Islamic terrorists were behind the attacks. "The American government has been practicing terrorism on its own people."

Barrett told the crowd that the Bush administration orchestrated the attacks to justify invading Iraq. He said the purpose to the war was to take control of oil and other resources in the Middle East.

"The 9-11 images were designed to make us stupid, little children," he said.

Nass has called on UW-Madison's chancellor, John Wiley, to fire Barrett, arguing that it is unacceptable for Barrett to use the university to add credibility to "outlandish claims."

Green, who is running for governor, has said that no public funding should be used to support Barrett's teaching.

Mark Graul, a spokesman for Green, said "that he's being paid to teach this garbage is putting a black eye on the whole state. There is no merit to his theory. All you had to have was a TV to know what happened on 9-11."

But many of those who attended Sunday's gathering disagreed.

John Boly, a literature professor at Marquette University, said Barrett should be able to share his theories in the classroom.

Maryann Stubbs, a computer programmer at UW-Madison, agreed. "I think that all viewpoints should be covered," she said.

Rick Goyett, a 21-year-old auto mechanic from Whitefish Bay, was convinced by the presentations.

"All you need is common sense to believe that 9-11 was an inside job," he said.


While Columbia Universityıs School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) is holding world-wide celebrations to commemorate its 60th  year Dean Lisa Anderson and Vice President Nicholas Dirks suspended the Institute of African Studies (IAS), which is in its 47th year. This should be a year of celebration for the Institute of African studies rather it is a year of termination. Additionally, this decision comes as New York City Africanists are preparing to commemorate the 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association in New York. As we distribute this fact sheet we understand that the evacuation of the Instituteıs offices has taken place.

1. June 2006 Dean Lisa Anderson, SIPA notified the students and faculty that she is essentially dismantling the African Institute: "suspending" its operations, closing its office and reallocating the space to the Center on Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy. In its place they are
creating a new Program in "African Studies". This decision was made without consultation with a faculty that has been very active in trying to get the university to address the crippling problems confronting the Institute.

2.Dean Anderson, a Middle Eastern specialist, appointed herself the director
of this Program in African Studiesı.

3. Program staff will consist of SIPA's Assistant Director, Faculty Affairs and Curriculum, Natalie Tevethia and two student program assistants. However, the students will be "officially" attached to the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies. The "program" will be run out of a small single

4. Two faculty members will be displaced by the move: Dr. Ousmane Kane, political scientist of Islam in West Africa, who had an office in IAS will be moved to a much smaller office next to the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies and Ms. Mariame Sy, a lecturer in Wolof and Pulaar, and a doctoral candidate in linguistics, will lose her office and instructional space.

5. To view Andersonıs letter, faculty letters of petition from 2004 and 2006 and other documents see

This announcement comes after the administration of SIPA and GSAS failed to respond to initiatives by faculty and students of African studies to rebuild the Institute of African Studies.

6. Spring 2004: The Provostıs office decided not to fund a full time associate director after a search had been completed and a candidate selected. The director, Dr. Mahmood Mamdani resigned in protest and called for a university wide commission to address the fate of African studies at Columbia. In May 2004 African studies faculty wrote a ' letter of petition' to urge the university to restore the funding for the IAS staffing positions and to make a commitment to African studies. Additionally a section of the IAS office complex was used as a seminar room for African language classes, seminars, special events and sessions  of the University Seminar on Studies
in Contemporary Africa.

7.2004-2006: Confronted with university inaction, committed faculty agreed to serve as part time Acting Directors of the Institute: Dr. Gail Gerhart (2004-2005) and Dr. Linda Beck (2005-2006). Under each the Institute showed signs of resurgence in a key component of the program - African languages. Under Gerhart IAS won a 4-year Mellon Foundation grant for African languages (Pulaar, Swahili, Wolof and Zulu) and under Beck it secured graduate fellowships [$134,000] from the U.S. Dept. of Education FLAS (Foreign Language and Areas Studies) program. Under both acting directors, the Institute faculty worked together to obtain summer research travel grants
from the Leitner Family Foundation for both faculty and students. Additionally, in April 2006 Beck organized a major conference on immigrant Africans in New York City in collaboration with the Mayor's Office and Museum of African Art.

8. February 2006:  a group of prominent Columbia African studies faculty petitioned the Dean of SIPA, Lisa Anderson, VP Vice President, Arts and Sciences, Nicholas Dirks, and President Lee Bollinger and Provost Alan Brinkley, to develop a comprehensive plan/strategy to revitalize the African Institute and to give the institution a sufficient period to establish structures for sustainable development. They provided a detailed picture of the resources that would be necessary to create a strong competitive program. Only the Dean of SIPA responded and with a brief note of acknowledgement.

9. April 2006: SIPA students call for a town hall meeting to express their concerns about the decline of African studies at Columbia. They highlighted the discrepancies between publicized African curricular offerings and courses actually taught. It had become impossible for them to complete an African focus for their desired specializations.

The meeting was attended by interested faculty and SIPA  students, Vice President, Arts and Sciences, Nicholas Dirks, SIPA Dean, Lisa Anderson, and SIPA Associate Dean for Faculty and Curriculum Affairs, Rob Garris. V.P. Dirks noted that GSAS were beginning to address the lack of Africanist faculty and noted several hires. Garris and Anderson asserted that they were trying to identify a part time director or interim director. Additionally, SIPA was reviewing the relationship between regional Institutes and academic departments and was exploring the possibility of providing budgetary incentives for departments to hire regionally-focused faculty.

Why the Institute of African Studies needs your support:
* Both Deans Anderson and VP Dirks have led students and faculty to believe that the institution would make a 'good faith' effort to rebuild African studies

* However, the Anderson/Dirks plan does not reflect an effort to rebuild the
Institute rather to terminate it.

* The Anderson/Dirks plan claims to  begin a period of planning for a strengthened African studies presence at Columbia. However, this unilateral 'restructuring' and a past of extensive neglect raises serious questions about the future of African studies at Columbia.

* The absence of IAS even in the interim, threatens the FLAS fellowships that the faculty secured. This creates an irregular fellowship selection process and the absence of an African Language Coordinator and the Institute deprives the FLAS program of adequate supervision. We are concerned that this decision violates the U.S. Department of Educationıs Guidelines for the
FLAS grants.

* With the allocation of the IAS offices to the OSIPA's Center for Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy; African programs, will lose a meeting space for the University Seminar on Studies in Contemporary Africa, the numerous lunch-time seminars, as well as a space for special events and African language courses.

The legacy of 47 years  of African studies at Columbia should not be one of institutional neglect.

As alumni we need to express our dissatisfaction and assist in revitalizing
the Institute of African Studies.
Carolyn A. Brown, Ph.D. (SIPA, GSAS 1985) Judith A. Byfield, Ph.D. (GSAS
Dept. of History - 116 Seminary Place Dept. of History -6107 Carson Hall
Rutgers University Dartmouth College
New Brunswick. N.J. 08901 Hanover, MA 03755
Phone: 732 932-8030 Phone: 603-646-2545
Fax: 732-932-6763 Fax: 603 646-3353
Please send your letter to:

(1) President Lee Bollinger
Columbia University in the City of New  York
535 W. 116th Street
2002 Low Library
New York, N. Y. 10027

Mail Code: 4309
Phone: 212 854-9970
Fax: 212 854-9973

(2) Provost Alan Brinkley
Low Library, Room 205
Columbia University in the City of New York
2860 Broadway
New York, N. Y. 10027-6902

Mail Code: 4313
Phone: 212-854-2404
Fax: 212 ­ 932-0418

(3) Vice President Nicholas Dirks, Arts and Sciences
208 Low Library
Columbia University in the City of New York
2860 Broadway
New York, NY 10027-6902

Mail Code: 4315
Phone: 212 854-8296
Fax: 212 854-5401

(4) Dean Lisa Anderson, School of International and Public Affairs
1414 International Affairs Building
School of International and Public Affairs
420 W. 118th Street
New York, N. Y. 10027

Mail Code: 3328
Phone: 212- 854-4604
Fax: 212-854-4647

NASS: DEBATE BARRETT! campaign launched

Wisconsin Representative Steve Nass and gubernatorial candidate Mark Green have repeatedly stated that University of Wisconsin instructor Kevin Barrett should be fired because his views on 9/11 are "academically dishonest" and because he has "no evidence" to back them up.

Yet both have thus far refused Barrett's call to examine and debate the evidence. "That would be like debating whether the bogeyman exists," a Nass spokesman said Thursday on WORT radio.

Barrett has cited dozens of books, hundreds of articles, and abundant audio and video footage, and is the editor of an academic book on 9/11, and the author of an academic article on 9/11 to be published this September: He is a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, and cites evidence published in its website and journal: He is also a member of the Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven (SPINE) and cites articles published at its website:

Barrett and his supporters are calling for every 9/11 skeptic on the planet -- and we number into the billions, and include at least 42% of the US population according to Zogby -- to call, write, fax and email Steve Nass, Mark Green, Provost Patrick Farrell, Madison's Capital Times, Wisconsin State Journal, and Isthmus, and the Milwaukee Journal with the simple message:


That's all you have to say.

Steve Nass:

Room 12 West
State Capitol
P.O. Box 8953
Madison 53708

(608) 266-5715 or
(888) 529-0031

(608) 282-3631

Mark Green:

1314 Longworth Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-5665
(202) 225-5729 fax

Green Bay Office
700 East Walnut Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
(920) 437-1954
(920) 437-1978 fax
(800) 773-8579 toll free

Appleton Office
609 A West College Ave
Appleton, WI 54911
(920) 380-0061
(920) 380-0051 fax

Patrick Farrell, U.W. Provost:
150 Bascom Hall
500 Lincoln Drive
Madison, WI 53706

The Capital Times:
Mailing address: P.O. Box 8060, Madison, WI 53708
Main number: (608) 252-6400
Fax: (608) 252-6445
Sound Off comment phone number: (608) 252-6434

Wisconsin State Journal:
Letters to the Editor, POBox 8058, Madison, WI 53708
Call: 283 3123 in Madison; 888-696-8675 elsewhere.

Isthmus (just ran a hit piece smearing Barrett and 9/11 truth movement)
Business Office (608) 251-5627
Marc Eisen, Editor
Michana Buchman, Associate Editor
Bill Leuders, Columnist:
Nathan Comp, author of smear piece:

Milwaukee JournalSentinel:
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
P.O. Box 371
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0371

general number, (414) 224-2000
toll-free at (800) 456-5943.
Editorial Page: (414) 224-2143
Local news (414) 224-2318