YEMEN REPORTS US air raids kill 63 civilians in SE Yemen Fri, 18 Dec 2009 Yemen's Houthi fighters say scores of civilians,
including many children, have been killed in US air-raids
in the southeast of the war-stricken Arab country. The
Shia fighters on Friday reported the deaths of 63 people,
including some 28 children, in the southeastern province
of Abyan. Almost 90 people were also injured in the
attacks by US warplanes in the village of Bakazam, they
added. Yemen rebels say air raid kills 120, accuse U.S.Yesterday, 09:26 pm Yemeni Shi'ite rebels accused the U.S. air force Tuesday of joining attacks against them, and killing at least 120 people in a raid in the north of the poor Arab state. "The savage crime committed by the U.S. air force shows the real face of the United States," said the northern rebels, who often report attacks by the Yemeni and Saudi fighter planes, on their website. There was no immediate report of U.S. comment on the alleged incident. The rebels, who are fighting the Yemeni army and forces of neighbouring Saudi Arabia, posted videos on the Internet that appeared to show people trying to clear rubble covering human bodies. Sunday, the rebels said at least 70 people had been killed in a Saudi air raid on a market in the northern town of Razeh. The reports could not be verified as aid workers and media have limited access to the conflict zones. U.S.-allied Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, fears the growing instability in neighbouring Yemen could turn into a major security threat for the kingdom by allowing al Qaeda to gain a stronger foothold there. In Geneva, a U.N. official said U.N. agencies had appealed for $177 million (108.7 million pounds) to help people affected by the conflict. "The humanitarian situation is deteriorating, notably for 200,000 people displaced by successive conflicts since 2004," Elisabeth Byrs of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told reporters in Geneva. "We demand full and unlimited access to these displaced populations as well as a halt to attacks on humanitarian convoys," Byrs said. U.S.-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused Yemeni security forces of widespread abuses and the killing of at least 11 protesters in response to calls for secession in southern Yemen. "Yemeni authorities are violating basic rights in the name of maintaining national unity," said Joe Stork, deputy director at Human Rights Watch's Middle East division. "Southern Yemenis should have the right to peacefully assemble and express their opinions, even on critical issues like secession," he said. "On six occasions during 2008 and 2009 ... security forces opened fire on unarmed protesters, often without warning and aiming at them from short range. At least 11 people were killed and dozens were wounded," HRW said in a report on Yemen. Activists, some of whom belong to the Southern Movement, have stepped up demonstrations in the past year, complaining that the government and northerners exploit and discriminate against the south, which holds most of Yemen's oil facilities. Yemen's state news agency Saba said Information Minister Hasan al-Lawzi met an HRW delegation Tuesday in Sanaa and said, "Yemen is a democratic country which supports press freedom and respects human rights." (Reporting by Mohammed Ghobari, additional reporting
by Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva; writing by
Firouz Sedarat) ****************************************************** Morocco and Jordan send elite troops One would think that the Houthis are a superpower, not just a small group of Yemeni citizens defending themselves against three mighty armies: their own tyrannic government, reinforced by Jordan, and now Morocco special forces. According to the Houthi web site, reliable sources confirm that a Jordanian detachment of special forces arrived in Saudi Arabia on Nov 22 2009, to reinforce the beleagered and humiliated Saudi ground forces in their invasion of N. Yemen which began Nov 3 2009. Saudis additionally requested pilots and operations officers. This Jordanian contingent has been confirmed by the press elsewhere, for example here. Yemeni Government forces ended the latest of five ceasefires with the Houthis in August when they launched Operation Scorched Earth, a name suggestive of the kinds of tactics that have been used, against the Houthis, seriously aggravating a humanitarian crisis that has seen over 175,000 displaced from their homes since 2004. Houthis defeated government forces and captured considerable troops and weapons. Humiliated Yemen sought and obtained support from Saudi Arabia, but Saudi forces too have been defeated. Now Saudi forces are bombing indiscriminately North Yemen towns and villages using F15s and phosphorous and cluster bombs, just like Israel used on Gaza. Amnesty International has urged Saudi Arabian authorities to investigate reported indiscriminate killing of civilians in Yemen. Al Quds Al Arabi online newspaper reports, quoting Spanish news sources, that following their humiliation at the border by Houthi fighters, Saudi Arabia requested reinforcements from Moroccos special forces to join the Saudi-Jordanian forces in their aggression on the people of North Yemen. This is the Al Quds Al Arabi source: Marruecos y Jordania envían tropas de élite para ayudar a los saudíes en Yemen Morocco and Jordan sent elite troops to assist the Saudis in Yemen. The Spanish newspaper, exposes behind-the-war scenes. Yemeni Pres. Saleh is facing a ferocious losing battle without any support from the West, the newspaper said. The West has accused Saleh of complacency in the fight against al Qaeda terrorists who killed seven Spanish tourists in July 2007. This right-wing newspaper, known for its sources in the military, reported that Saleh, faced with this situation, was forced to request assistance of the Sunni Arab world, especially Saudi Arabia, Yemens Northern neighbor. According to the news report, Saudi Arabia fears Irans strategy to create hotbeds of tension and armed pro-Iran movements such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Palestinian Hamas movement. As for Iran, no one has come up with concrete evidence that the Houthis are fighting with Iranian arms and ammunition. In fact, the Houthis are fighting with Saudi captured weapons as Houthi videos show, including captured Saudi tanks and artillery. The Saudis find it imperative to call this war a regional war, the Houthis being smeared as proxies to Iran. This of course is a failed Zionist plot to divide the Moslem world into Shia and Sunni, a myth that the Spanish newspaper perpetuates in the Western press. The quoted Spanish gazette El Imparcial, which means The Impartial, states that Saudi Arabia has the best modern military machine in the Arab world but lacks adequate training for its soldiers to combat the guerrilla warfare waged by the Houthis. To address this deficiency, Saudi Arabia resorted to asking for military assistance from some Sunni Arab countries including Jordan and Morocco. The paper affirms that Moroccan King Mohammed VI met the request of his counterpart King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and dispatched commando paratroopers to conduct operations behind the enemy lines. This information was attributed to Western intelligence sources. This report has been iterated here. and here. The Moroccan army is experienced by virtue of the Moroccan desert war, and is trained in guerrilla warfare, adds the Gazette, which also noted the existing tension in relations between Tehran and Rabat. Morocco cut ties with Iran, and launched a campaign against followers of the Shiite sect in Moroccan cities over the past months. So now in the Saada war we have the Yemeni army and air force supported (if not led) by Saudi troops and air strikes, plus Jordanian and Moroccan special forces on the side of the Yemeni government. And, contrary to what the Spanish Imparcial says: all these military forces, Yemeni, Jordanian, and Moroccan, have previously received much US aid and training. And again, contrary to the Spanish Imparcial report, everyone knows about Western support for Yemeni Pres. Saleh, that irrational, brutal, anti-democratic dictator who utilizes al Qaeda when convenient. Salehs primary goal does not seem to be a healthy economically sound Yemen, as seems clear, but instead unbridled power at all costs. Hes been in power for thirty years. Saleh has been fighting a war against his people in Southern Yemen as well. And to make things simple for the reader, al Qaeda in Yemen are in fact Officers in the Yemeni Security Forces.
One Response to jordan & morocco aid saudis against houthis'Saudi jets pour
toxic materials on Yemeni civilians' Houthi fighters say Saudi forces have intensified
their attacks on northern Yemen, using unconventional
weapons against civilians in residential areas.
December 9, 2009 at 12:07 am
President Saleh is a talented chess player he knows that the Houthis are practically unbeatable in their native terrain (mountains not desert). The house of Saud fomented the civil strife in Yemen in the early part of the last century in order to keep Yemeni progressive forces at bay. It was President Saleh who cunningly manoeuvred the Houthis into conflict with the Saudis. At the same time President Assad has made diplomatic moves to convince Saudi Arabia of the positive benefits of allowing Yemen to join the Gulf Council something Saudis have rejected until now.