Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
 by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Ph.D.

with commentary and additional quoted material
  by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

  Lobaczewski, he gives us the most important clues as to how and why a truly global conspiracy can and does exist on our planet though it certainly isn’t a conspiracy in the normally accepted sense of the word. You could even say that such conspiracies arise simply as a natural result of the un-bridgeable divide between normal people and deviants. In a certain sense, understanding the view the psychopath has of “normal people,” that they are “other” and even “foreign,” helps us to realize how such conspiracies can be so “secret” - though that is not the precise word we would like to use. Even if different ponerological groups are opposed to each other, they will still exclude "normal people" from their confidences. It is only the "normal" people who have been induced into their webs that provide the "leaks." Lobaczewski describes it in the following way:

  In any society in this world, psychopathic individuals and some of the other deviants create a
ponerogenically active network of common collusions, partially estranged from the community of normal people. Some inspirational role of the essential psychopathy in this network also appears to be a common phenomenon.
>  They are aware of being different as they obtain their life experience and become familiar with
> different ways of fighting for their goals. Their world is forever divided into “us and them” - their
> world with its own laws and customs and that other foreign world full of presumptuous ideas and customs in light of which they are condemned morally.
>  Their “sense of honor” bids them cheat and revile that other human world and its values. In
> contradiction to the customs of normal people, they feel non-fulfillment of their promises or obligations is customary behavior.
>  They also learn how their personalities can have traumatizing effects on the personalities of those normal people, and how to take advantage of this root of terror for purposes of reaching their goals.
>  This dichotomy of worlds is permanent and does not disappear even if they succeed in realizing their dreams of gaining power over the society of normal people. This proves that the separation is
> biologically conditioned. The American way of life has optimized the survival of psychopathy and in a world of psychopaths, those who are not genetic psychopaths, are induced to behave like psychopaths simply to survive. When the rules are set up to make a society “adaptive” to psychopathy, it makes sociopaths of everyone. As a consequence, a very large number of Americans are effective sociopaths. (Here we use “sociopath” as a designation of those individuals who are not genetic psychopaths.)
> And so, we have George Bush and the Fourth Reich calculating how much they can get away with by looking at the history of the reactions of the American people to cheating.
> There aren’t any because the system is adaptive to psychopathy. In other words, Americans support Bush and his agenda because most of them are effectively like him. But that is not because they are all born that way. It is because psychopathy is required to survive in the competitive, capitalist U.S. Society.
> As a society gets larger and more competitive, individuals become more anonymous and more
> Machiavellian. Social stratification and segregation leads to feelings of inferiority, pessimism and
> depression among the have-nots, promoting the use of “cheating strategies” in life that then make the environment more adaptive for psychopathy in general because those who are suffering will respond positively to any sign of change, even if they don’t realize that the change is being proposed by those who will actually make their lives worse.
> Psychopathic behavior among non-genetic psychopaths could be viewed as a functional method of obtaining desirable resources, increasing an individual’s status in a local group, and even a means of providing stimulation that socially and financially successful people find in acceptable physical and intellectual challenges. In America, a great many households are affected by the fact that work, divorce, or both, have removed one or both parents from interaction with their children for much of the day. This is a consequence of Capitalistic economics.
> When the parents are absent, or even when one is present but not in possession of sufficient knowledge or information, children are left to the mercies of their peers, a culture shaped by the media. Armed with joysticks and TV remotes, children are guided from South Park and Jerry Springer to Mortal Kombat on Nintendo. Normal kids become desensitized to violence. More-susceptible kids - children with a genetic inheritance of psychopathy - are pushed toward a
> dangerous mental precipice. Meanwhile, the government is regularly passing laws, on the demand of parents and the psychological community, designed to avoid imposing consequences on junior’s violent behavior.
> As for media violence, few researchers continue to try to dispute that bloodshed on TV and in the movies has an effect on the kids who witness it. Added to the mix now are video games structured around models of hunting and killing. Engaged by graphics, children learn to associate spurts of “blood” with the primal gratification of scoring a “win”.
> Again, economics - capitalism disguised as “democracy” - controls the reality.
> The fact is, it is almost a mechanical system that operates based on the psychological nature of human beings, most of whom like to live in denial or need to live in denial to please their parents, their peers, their religious leaders, and their political leaders. All they want to do is have some relaxation to enjoy the “American Dream.” After all, “if ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise”. This is most especially true when we consider the survival instinct of the ego. If the official culture - created by psychopaths - says that there is no "man behind the curtain", working through the inculcated belief systems, there is little possibility that most people will be able to see the source of the ponerological phenomena in our world. Consider all of the foregoing information now in relation to the 9/11 attacks and the fact that so many Americans find it almost impossible to believe that
> their government officials would wantonly sacrifice the lives of its citizens to further their personal agendas. More importantly, consider the fact that your government knows how you think only too well. In fact, they have CREATED your thinking processes!
> Charles Stegiel
November 28, 2005
> >
Andrew M. Lobczewski's book will be available from Red> Pill Press in the Spring of 2006.
"Citizens’ Guide to Applying the Stockholm Convention.”
By Talli Nauman
Book explains why waste incinerators will not work for environment

September 05, 2005
This year, on the fourth Global Day of Action Against Waste Incineration, the world has a device it never before had to clean up the mess being made by persistent organic pollutants, or POPs. The tool is a new book, written by Fernando Bejarano González of Tetepilco, Mexico, entitled “Citizens’ Guide to Applying the Stockholm Convention.”

Waste incinerators are proliferating unnecessarily around the planet. The purpose of the global action day, being observed on Sept. 7, 2005, is to help convince policy makers that the technology is neither the environmental solution to disposal of toxics nor the clean energy source that governments of developing countries from Turkey to Mexico are making it out to be.

Bejarano’s book is indispensable in this endeavor, providing an understanding of POPs, how they got here, and the procedures to follow in order to rid ourselves of them.

Among persistent organic pollutants, dioxins and furans unintentionally created and released in the otherwise controlled burning of toxic waste, continually concentrate in the food chain, causing deaths, cancers, reproductive problems, immune system alterations, hormonal disruptions, and mental deficiencies.

Bejarano, the coordinator of the Action Networks on Pesticides and Their Alternatives in Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America (Rapam-Rapal), has worked with the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) since its founding at the 1998 U.N. Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting in Montreal for the Stockholm Convention. He has dedicated his career to the cause of public participation in the decisions that have led to the convention and that will lead to its effective implementation.

The convention entered into force on May 17, 2004, and the first conference of signatory parties, including Mexico, took place May 2-6, this year in Punta del Este, Uruguay. The implementation process places priority on banning the so-called "Dirty Dozen" chemicals on IPEN’s list, among them the dioxins and furans in ash and gases from incinerators.

The citizens’ guide outlines steps governments have agreed they must take to meet the convention’s goals. Among them are replacing incinerators with state-of-the-art, best available technologies, or BATs, which are discussed in Bejarano’s guidebook.

Unfortunately many policymakers have yet to learn about these.

As a result, Turkey’s Ministry of the Environment recently announced support for waste management by incineration. Environmentalists from Greenpeace and Bumerang reacted with a July 1 news conference in Istanbul, calling for sustainable development options.

In Mexico, the Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat (Semarnat) has an agreement with the Mexican National Cement Chamber to burn discarded vehicle tires accumulating near the U.S. border in cement kilns. Groups on both sides of the border have mounted opposition with a letter-writing campaign to Mexican President Vicente Fox noting that many alternatives for recycling are more desirable than burning.

The same can be said of the burning of other wastes, such as those from hospital and medical facilities, for which some 50 specific economically viable disinfectant alternatives are available.

Strong community opposition in Navarra, La Rioja y Aragón, Spain, to a tire incinerator for producing energy convinced the Terna company to abandon its plan in Tudela. The decision turned a 3,000-person protest demonstration into a celebration on July 2. In the United States, 280 proposed waste incinerator proposals were dropped, in the face of public opposition from 1985 to 1994.

Australia has set an example worldwide by banningc cineration and developing its alternatives for POP treatment. The city council of Kamikatsu, Japan, has adopted a zero-waste declaration that aims to avoid incinerators by promoting appropriate technoloy.

GAIA, the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, which organizes the action day, recommends governments decrease the need for incinerators by motivating reduction and removal of toxic inputs in production, producer accountability for toxic wastes, responsible consumer choices, reuse and recycling.

Blocking incinerators is an extreme position. Its end objective of zero waste is the opposite extreme. But sometimes an extreme position is a point of departure for reversing a harmful trend.

Bejarano’s book, sponsored by IPEN and the U.N., clarifies the reasons for the extremes by thoroughly explaining the area in between. It is available from Rapam in the Spanish Guía Ciudadana para la aplicación del Convenio de Estocolmo. Cecilia Allen, GAIA’s Spanish language coordinator, contributed to its sections on incinerators.

Reading the book is a good way to start taking part in the global day of action.

Talli Nauman is a founder and co-director of Journalism to Raise Environmental Awareness, a project initiated with support from the MacArthur Foundation. She is the Americas Program Associate at the International Relations Center. (


I found a Stephen King book. Stephen King, I thought, was alright.....


I do not read books very often, reading is gay. However, it is raining, and Al Jazeera TV is pure shite, and I liked that film "The Shining", it was absolutely terrifying, and people always say "The book is better than the film". I have not heard of a film called"The dark Tower, the gunslinger", but there might be one, and if there were, I would not watch it, because I can read the book,: "The dark tower, the gunslinger", which will be a better and more entertaining use of my time.

Now that I have read the thing, I will give you some advice: If there is a film of "The dark Tower, the gunslinger", then for christ's sake, please, do not watch it. The book was just fucking awful and not only because the story itself was dull, it was the way the book was organised.

Many authors start their oeuvres with a self indulgent and whimsy page or two, introducing both the book and themselves, two pages which nobody reads. Two page introdiuctions are fine. Authors are great big queens and divas and imagine that other people want to know stuff about them, even though we do not, so they fill the two pages up with shite like:"The author lives in total disorganisation in Berkshire with his wife June and eleven cats", a little piece of information which is supposed to make you like the author and forgive them if their book is rubbish. I don't forgive them at all, if their books are shite, in fact, it is then that I make a point of reading the introduction, so I can go and check out messy, rambling vicarages in the english countryside and firebomb them.

Normal introductions in books are tedious self-indulgent yawny-yawn, but Stephen King has reached new heights in the extremely long introduction to the expanded version of the "The dark tower: The Gun Slinger". It is called the "expanded version" because the first version of the book was so bad, he had to rewrite it and put more words in to make it longer. Fair enough, if only he had used the extra words to make the story more interesting rather than writing a fifty page rambling introduction which was like going on a tour of his arsehole, all dark and bleak and boring as fuck. The introduction was a terribly smug and self-aware description of himself, and like, how crazy and mad he was when he first wrote the tedious tome: "When I was nineteen I was so arrogant". Well fuck me! leopards do not change their spots do they? He may well have been an arrogant article at nineteen, but he hasn't learnt from his mistakes, has he, the cunt? All that has happened with the years going by, is, the man has got so arrogant, instead of just writing boring books, he has to go on and on and on and on and on about why he writes the books. I do not care why you write books, Stephen King, I just wish you would shut up, fuck off and write about loonies creeping about and people getting posessed, that is all.