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![]() New Unabridged Israeli DictionaryBy Edna Yaghi
General terminology1. art of the possible - Israeli politics based on the
ideology that Palestinians must at all costs 2. centre - midway between advocating the genocide of Palestinians or only killing a portion of them. 3. centrist - an Israeli who believes in killing some but not necessarily all Palestinians. 4. checkpoints - places where Palestinians are stopped
on their own land. And humiliated and
"inspected" by Israeli soldiers. 5. civil rights - fundamental protections and individual freedoms enjoyed by all citizens under the Israeli constitution EXCEPT and UNLESS they are Palestinian. 6. closures and blockades - the act of sealing off one Palestinian area from another and the prevention of supplies being distributed. 7. collective punishment - Israeli mass punishment meted out to ALL Palestinians because they dare to resist the Israeli occupation. 8. diplomacy - the skill in managing negotiations, a skill Israelis manage best at gunpoint. 9. domestic - relating to political affairs carried on
within Eretz Israel and includes the belief that 10. establishment - Israeli ruling class and institutions by which Israel maintains its existing disorder in its own society exclusive of Palestinians. 11. franchise - the right to vote on how to liquidate Palestinians; reserved for Israeli Jews only. 12. freedom of speech - reserved for Israeli Jews
only. Any Palestinian daring to say what he/she 13. free enterprise - Israeli freedom to crush Palestinian economy and lives. 14. free thought - reserved for Israeli Jews only. Palestinians guilty of engaging in this activity will be severely punished. 15. geopolitics - how to exterminate or drive out the indigenous population of Palestine. 16. hard line - brute force, excessive punishment,
shoot-to-kill and then complain to the world that 17. ideology - Israeli socio-political theories and programmes bent on the liquidation of Palestinians and the best means of achieving it. 18. independence - freedom from political control or domination by othersa taboo word for Palestinians. 19. iron hand - how Israelis deal with Palestinian
babies who dare to play in the street. 20. laissez-faire - the idea that all Israelis should be free to shoot and kill as many Palestinians as they wish to. 21. liberalism - belief in personal liberty and autonomy, progress and government aid to Israeli Jews only, and never to Palestinians. 22. liberation - to free Israel from Palestinians. 23. liberty - freedom to exercise various rights,
especially the choice of one's government and individual
freedoms, but not meant for Palestinians. 24. national socialism - neo-Nazis, Israelis.(note images on tank, reverse and place back to back) 25. neo-Fascism - the Israeli platform. 26. New Left - movement advocating radical political and social change or, in other words, getting rid of the Palestinians. 27. New Right - movement advocating conservative social values and nationalistic foreign policy or, in other words, it is OK to kill some but not all Palestinians. 28. non-partisan - holding views to liquidate
Palestinians without regard to a party or party platform 29. oppression - unfair, harsh exercise of authority and highly recommended by Israeli government in treatment of Palestinians. 30. patriotism - love of one's country and loyalty to its government -- reserved for Israeli Jews only. Palestinians found guilty of patriotism will be executed. 31. political science - the study of how to lie about
Palestinian history and convince the world that Palestine
was always Israeli. 32. power elite - Israelis wielding inordinate political power over the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine. 33. proportional representation - system in which each
party is represented in legislature in proportion to its
percentage of its electorate with the exception of the
Palestinians. 34. reactionary - holding ultra-conservative views (increase settlements, decrease Palestinian population) that firmly support the status quo and advocate suppression of those favouring change (Palestinians). Criminal terminology1. aggravated assault - when a child throws a stone at
a heavily armed Israeli soldier. 2. battery - the lawful beating or physical violence against Palestinians. 3. breaking and entering - what Israeli soldiers do in the wee hours of the night in Palestinian homes. 4. brutality - the more meted out against the
Palestinians the better. 5. capital crime - when a Palestinian child throws a stone at an armoured tank. Not a capital crime - when an Israeli soldier murders a Palestinian infant. 6. concealment - how to cover up Israeli atrocities. 7. condemned - the sentence of all Palestinians by the Israeli government. 8. connivance - when Americans and other Western countries aid in Israeli illegal acts, thereby consenting to them. 9. crime - throwing a stone. 10. delict - encouraged acts by Israelis against
Palestinians such as the Palestinian Holocaust and the
confiscation of Palestinian towns, homes and land. 11. disorderly conduct - when a Palestinian breathes. 12. extortion - act of taking away Palestinian property by trickery or fraud but considered honourable in the eyes of Israeli governments. 13. graft - bribery, especially of a public official, a practice rampant in Israel where most of the leaders are known killers of Palestinians. 14. involuntary manslaughter - wilful killing of
Palestinians but judged as criminal negligence. 15. lawbreaker - a Palestinian child wielding a stone. 16. lawless - all Israeli soldiers. 17. malfeasance - act of which all Israeli leaders are guilty. 18. misdemeanour - when an Israeli kills Palestinians. 19. offence - when Palestinians are guilty of living. Military terminology1. act of war - when a child dares to confront an Israeli tank. 2. aggression - normal routine of suppressing Palestinians. 3. air raid - often done by Israelis when Palestinians
are asleep. 4. ally - all the world with Israelis against Palestinians. 5. barricade - obstacles across roadways to prevent Palestinians moving from one place to another. 6. bloodbath - how considerate Israelis bathe Palestinians. 7. containment - policy and actions to prevent Palestinians from venturing outside their homes. 8. deployment - positioning of Israeli troops on Palestinian hilltops in readiness to shoot and kill. 9. enemy - Palestinian babies. 10. laws of war - universal ethical guidelines
governing basic conduct of forces towards enemies in 11. massacre - what the Israeli army does every day to Palestinians. 12. sabre rattling - show or threat of Israeli military force used to intimidate Palestinians. 13. show of force - intentional display of Israeli
military strength to deter babies from playing in the 14. security - Israeli excuses to massacre Palestinians. 15. spasm warfare - brief, cataclysmic conflict that uses all forces and resources without regard to consequences to civilian Palestinian population. 16. trench warfare - when Israelis dig trenches in order to further isolate and strangulate Palestinian cities and villages from one another. 17. unconventional warfare - what Israelis do that
defies logic. 18. war crimes - unethical, criminal behaviour and
actions contrary to laws of war. All Israeli leaders are
rewarded for their war crimes.