water reports

ireland waste water
- Ireland Waste Water
is a privately owned Irish company
founded in Cork by Mary & Niall
Mulcahy over twelve years ago.
- Our in-house Engineers
and Service Team are
on hand to assist you with every
query you may have.
- Ireland Waste Water
offers everything from planning to
delivery. We design and manufacture
pre-cast concrete tanks. We install
and maintain all of our treatment
- Due to our continued growth
and success in recent years Ireland
Waste Water has established a
national framework of agents
throughout the country.
- This enables Ireland Waste
Water to provide their customers with
an efficient after sales service
anywhere in Ireland at competitive
Water Saving for Gardens
There are several easy ways of recycling
water that the average consumer can do at
home. These methods involve minimal cost and
effort and can be implemented without a major
disruption to the daily routine. If you are
searching for ways of recycling water in your
own home, here are some things that you can
If you rinse the dishes in your sink under
running water, use a large plastic bowl or
bucket to catch the rinse water. Though there
may be small amounts of detergent in the
water, this will not harm plants or the soil
and the water can then be used to water
plants or even for other cleaning tasks
around the house.
When waiting for the water to warm in the
shower, use a bucket to catch the cold water
that is usually wasted down the drain. The
water can be left in the bucket until needed
for cleaning or gardening or can be pour into
a large barrel outdoors to be used for tasks
such as washing the car.
Leftover pot water from boiling pasta,
vegetables and other food items can also be
used to water plants. Be sure to give the
water ample time to cool before pouring it
onto your plants. Extremely hot water can
damage more delicate plants and flowers.
When you clean out the fish tank or
aquarium, use that water on your plants or
garden. Though to you, the water might seem
dirty, the waste from the fish is actually
nutrient rich and can help plants to grow and
Consider redirecting the drain of your
washing machine and catching the rinse water
in buckets or barrels for reuse on your lawn
or outdoor plants. This takes a bit more
effort than the other ways of recycling water,
but for those with a large lawn that needs
regular watering, this can save a lot of
water usage and waste.
There are other ways of recycling water,
as well. Simply think about where water is
wasted in your home and find a creative way
to catch and reuse that water for other
purposes. Though it will take many people
joining in the cause to make a real
difference in the state of the environment,
by finding your own ways of recycling water,
you can feel good about doing your part.
brac grey water cycle
Brac systems can help you
save 35% to 40% on your annual water
bill, and while saving money, you
will also help save
the environment and provide a better
future for our children and their
children to come. With this amount of
savings, your
Brac Grey Water Recycling System pays
itself."UNESCO has predicted
that by 2020 water shortage will be a
serious worldwide problem."
Brac Grey Water Recycling System is a
must for anyone who cares about the
Systems holds an international patent.
Brac Video Presentation
Israel recycles waste water on grand scale (but
not for the regions citizens?..."Competition
over shared water resources is a sensitive
issue in Israel's relations with the
Palestinians and other Arab neighbors.")
Due to water scarcity in the region,
Israel has become a global leader in water
reuse technologies; more than 80 percent of
household waste water is recycled.
By Reuters
Thirty years ago, Israeli farmers faced a
daunting choice - find a new water source or
go under. Their solution was waste water
recycling. Now climate change is presenting
other nations with a similar choice. With
increased interest worldwide, Israel is
marketing its waste water reuse technologies
and has developed a billion-dollar industry
by sharing systems and expertise. Israel
began confronting water scarcity when its
main sources, the Sea of Galilee and two
aquifers, became overtaxed and the population
was growing. There was simply not enough
water for agriculture.
"We had to adapt, and found what at
the time was an unlikely solution," said
farmer Yaron Rot, who manages irrigation at
Kibbutz Magen, an agricultural community in
southern Israel. They began irrigating their
fields with recycled waste water from the
drains of Tel Aviv. At the time it was not
discussed openly. Water treatment technology
was not well-known and authorities feared the
public would reject the idea ."Today,
nearly half our irrigation comes from
recycled waste water," Rot said, making
clear it was no easy achievement.
By the turn of the century, Israel was
still the only country to recycle waste water
extensively. Global warming means its
neighbors will increasingly need to do the
same. Competition over shared water
resources is a sensitive issue in Israel's
relations with the Palestinians and other
Arab neighbors. The United Nations, in
its Human Development Report, classified the
Middle East as the world's most water-stressed
region. Its climate modelling projects hotter
temperatures and less rainfall in the future.
A separate UN report said the regulated use
of treated water could reduce pressures.
"Israel demonstrates the potential,"
it said, adding other nations were following
the lead of a country that has also pioneered
water-saving techniques such as drip
Israel has made water recycling an
integral part of daily life - even if many
residents are not aware of it. More than 80
percent of household waste water is recycled,
amounting to 400 million cubic metres a year,
the Environment Ministry says.
Treatment facilities remove contaminants
to a level set by the Health Ministry and the
water is then sent to farmers. Businesses
have thrived by developing the most efficient
solutions, including an ultra-violet light
purifier and a recycling system that uses
millions of small plastic rings to breed
bacteria and break down organic waste.
Exports of water-saving technologies total $1.5
billion a year, said Oded Distell, head of
the government's water technology programme.
A government study also recommended the
creation of wetlands to help treat waste
water naturally. Such systems have been
described as the "earth's kidneys"
as they filter pollutants. Israel has built a
few dozen manmade wetlands that treat sewage
from cowsheds, vineyards and army bases, but
this remains an area where it lags behind
Western countries, said Michal Green, an
engineer at the Technion Institute of
Technology. Companies are showing more
interest in constructed wetlands as an
alternative to treatment plants, she said.
"They are non-energy intensive, they
have lower maintenance costs and they are a
more aesthetic option. I have no doubt they
will catch on."
1. Tap and well water
The cost of tap water is
constantly increasing. One pays now on
average 1 - 1,50 EURO per cubic meter (1000
liters). This is a 20 % increase from 1990.
Upon that, when extracting groundwater, a
levy of EURO 0,15 - 0,20 must be paid. In the
Netherlands e.g., due to a drop in the ground
water level, concessions are rarely granted
for the extraction of ground water anymore.
This has resulted in more and more drinking
water companies having to use surface water
for the preparation of drinking
water and companies changing to water
recycling. It is therefore expected that
drinking water will soon double in price. In
the countries neighboring the Netherlands,
high water tariffs are already in use. (Germany:
EURO 2, - per m3, Denmark: EURO 2,50 per m3)
2. Energy savings with
the water recycling
Many industrial processes
require the process water to be heated or
cooled. Well water and tap water have an
average temperature of 10 °C and 13 °C
respectively. On average, every degree rise
in temperature costs around EURO 0,05 per m3.
Every degree lowered in temperature costs
around EURO 0,07per m3. By
re-using process water, the energy
requirement demands are lowered and therefore
savings can be made on your energy expenses.
3. Further cost savings
when re-using process water
When preparing process water,
certain elements are removed to increase the
performance of the system (e.g. the
removal of iron from well water and the
softening of water by the removal of carbonates).
Apart from the removal of unwanted elements,
other substances are usually added to improve
the water quality and promote the
effectiveness of the process (e.g. nutrients
for plants in a horticultural nursery). When
this water is re-used, it is free of unwanted
elements and already contains those elements
that are needed by the process, therefore
lowering costs.
4. Stricter demands on
water usage
Stricter demands are being
made on the quality of the water flowing
through processes. Disinfection
by means of environmentally friendly products
is highly recommended. Lenntech does not use
chemicals (like chlorine or hypochlorite) for
disinfecting purposes. Instead, Lenntech
ultraviolet light and ozone
which is very effective, yet harmless for the
5. The costs of
The cost of draining off
wastewater has risen by 20% in the past 5
years. This cost is expected to rise even
more. Some companies have therefore already
placed pre-treatment
units for treating wastewater. In many
cases, post treatment of the water is also
possible, therefore making it suitable for
water recycling in the process. The effluent
water can also undergo a less effective
treatment and be used as cooling or cleaning
water. When none of the reuse options are
chosen, Lenntech provides alternative methods
of treating the effluent before draining. In
this way the drainage tariffs are lowered.
The reuse of water concerning
the above five points can save your company a
lot of expenses.
Lenntech, having specialized
in the research and design of effective and
viable water treatment systems, offers you
the solution to your water recirculation
Read more: http://www.lenntech.com/water-recycling.htm#ixzz15I316sll