To all my Arab sisters and brothers.

On August 24th, the National Alliance (NA)--one of the largest and most dangerous neo-Nazi groups in America--is planning a "Rock against Israel" demonstration in Washington DC. This is a white supremacist group that is claiming to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people against the Jews and the American government.
They plan to rally at the Capitol Building from 11am to 1pm and then meet for dinner and a 'white power' concert in the evening. The NA is calling for what they claim will be "the largest gathering of white nationalists at the US capitol in history". On August 24th they will probably have the largest gathering of white supremacists since the mass Ku Klux Klan marches of the 20s.

Over the past year the NA has held 3 rallies at the Israeli embassy and two at the German embassy.
Their last rally at the Israeli embassy, where 200 neo-Nazi skinheads were doing the Hitler salute in formation while holding the Palestinian flag, had little organized opposition. We have to stop this racist scum from polluting the Palestinian cause.

This is a call to all Arabs and especially Palestinians to come out on August 24th to stop the Nazis from hijacking our cause in order to use it to justify ethnic cleansing. We have a special responsibility to say that we have nothing in common with these Nazis. There can be nothing more effective, to stop this devious strategic manoeuvre, than letting them hear it from the horse's mouth: "We are Arabs, We are Palestinians and our struggle for liberation is diametrically opposed to your program of ethniccleansing.

We stand against Zionism but we stand against anti-Semitism and Fascism.We make the distinction between the political movement to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians and the religion of Judaism. We know that if your rhetoric ever gains legitimacy we'll be the first on the chopping block.

This contingent will be gathered behind a banner and around chants that express this message and will pass out fliers to the public and the press.
If we don't do this, our Nazi enemies will claim our noble cause and our Zionist enemies will try to present them as our face

Writing this message up on Aug.24th for the Sept Handstand, I am wondering what will be the outcome of this Protest.
Meantime follows a short internet discussion by Israel Shamir, a journalist, and two friends Miguel and Susanne, both of whom are in Europe, Italy and Germany respectively.

...Israel Shamir:

. The event is organised by some right-wing Americans, loosely connected to a small group called National Alliance (NA). Whatever one thinks about NA, one would expect a satisfied shrug, at least, if not outright support coming from Palestinians and their friends in the US.

Instead, in the emails there is this hysterical letter, addressed to "all my Arab sisters and brothers", calling to violently confront the event in a military manner (!) "in several different contingents with various risk levels". The letter is extremely violent and is written in intemperate language of hate, the like of it we have not seen before: "We have to stop this racist scum from polluting the Palestinian cause", no less. The organisers of the event are described as "neo-Nazis", "fascists", "Nazi enemies" and "anti-Semites". It is composed by a mysterious East Coast Anti-Fascist Network, and has some Arab names attached to it, though for sure it isn't written by an Arab.

It is a mistake to describe anybody as "scum". We should promote more tolerant discourse, accepting or arguing, not fighting somebody else's war. The letter of this "anti-fascist Network" looks like an attempt of the Jewish lobby to make its adversaries to fight each other.

I do not intend even to enter discussion, whether the organisers of the event are good guys or bad guys. They can't be more racist than the present Israeli government and the American Jewish community leadership. They can't be more racist than Pat Roberson and his bunch of (anti-)Christian Zionists. Let this anti-fascist (and surely crypto-Jewish) network go out and fight
them first. I would bless whoever supports the cause of Palestine without checking their ideological credentials. I bless all supporters of Palestine full stop.

However, navigating to the home page of the NA, one finds a cartoon to
sympathise with. It is rather crude depiction of a Neo-Con, looking like a cross between Kissinger and Perle, asking America to kill his enemies: Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and so forth. Yes, these guys are short of finesse, some of their ideas are weird, but they came to correct conclusion: America should not fight the WWIII for the Zionists' sake.

In our Togethernet, "the freest discussion group in the known Universe" , we have some people who will attend the concert. One of them wrote: "I don't know of ANY white 'supremacists' outside of a couple of fantasizing juvenile delinquents in the World Church of the Creator and some Hollywood Nazis. And a section of the Republican Party personified by George Bush. 'Supremacist' is a label created by the Zionists of the ADL and kindred spirits. It was used for the same purpose as calling all Palestinian opposition to Zionist occupation and invasion, 'terrorism'. Methinks the Zionists engage in a lot of projectionism when they cast their epithets".

. If indeed these men are not supremacists, but cultural separatists, as they claim, we certainly can do things together with them, and with another group of cultural separatists, the Black Muslims, too.

"If we don't do this, our Nazi enemies will claim our noble cause and our Zionist enemies will try to present them as our face".

Let him rest assured. In Israel, and in Jewish communities overseas, Palestinians are presented as Nazis on daily basis. Menachem Begin called Arafat, "Hitler" years ago. If there is a nasty thing that the Jewish-owned media could say and print about Palestinians, they already did it. When Palestinian children are shot, Palestinians are blamed that they let their children out. The Palestinians are already smeared so much that they can not be smeared more: they are already described as Jew-haters and baby-killers. How come we Jews do not become "discredited" because of Kahane terrorists or Sharon's assassins? Because people understand: not every Jew is a Judeo-Nazi. In the same way, Americans can distinguish between different opponents of the Israeli apartheid.

Let us suppose for the sake of argument, that these 'white supremacists' are real Nazis. In the US, the "pro-white" people are not courted by the Jewish community, but it still could happen, if we do not watch out.The Jewish supremacists are a million times stronger than all White supremacists put together. Elementary strategy calls us to avoid giving any support to the Jewish cause, until the apartheid in Palestine is dismantled.

  As for the concert, probably some Palestinians and their friends will get there, and the rest would stay away. The organisers did not ask for anybody's endorsement. Let the anti-fascists keep their strength for more worthy cause. And whoever will go to fight for the American Jewish community, let him be prepared for disappointment. His chivalry will not be reciprocated.


The "National Alliance" is not representative in any way of ordinary Americans of European origin, perplexed and confused by globalization. It is also quite different from "right-wing" organizations in Europe.

It is a tiny organization - a few hundred people would be a very generous figure - stemming from the milieu of crackpots, FBI infiltrators, psychotics and honest adolescent dreamers which have for decades made up the "neo-Nazi right" in the USA. A beautiful book - "Neo-nazis, Klansmen,
Communists and Others on the Fringe" - came out about ten years ago, describing this world. These people are basically the "white" equivalent of the street gangs of the blacks, though far smaller in number. They have done a few nasty deeds, most of which however fall into the category of common crime rather than real politics. Politically, they are nothing.

These minute organizations however have a symbiotic and perverse relationship with the Zionists. The ADL and similar organizations employ hundreds of people full time to track down groups like the NA, in order to prove to ordinary people of Jewish origin in the USA that they need Israel
to protect them (and that the ADL needs more money).

At the same time, these "neo-Nazi" groups have learned how to come out with exactly the provocative kind of exhibitions which the ADL wants. The unwritten agreement is that the "neo-Nazis" will get publicity like no other little group of adolescents could ever dream of, in exchange for providing the ADL with exactly the photos they want.

In this case, photos that show that the "real" force behind the Palestinians is not the thirst for justice, but an eternal anti-Semitic plot to exterminate anybody who happens to have had a Jewish
great-grandmother. Hitler reborn, Amalek, the kids from Brazil and all the

This is the point that the "anti-Fascist" protestors, alas, fail to understand. They take these "neo-Nazis" at their face value, as a real threat.

However I am also a little worried that Israel Shamir too seems to take the NA folk for what they claim to be: people who may have the wrong ideas, but at least are genuinely on the side of the Palestinians. They are not. They are people who are perfectly aware of the damage they will do to the Palestinians by holding this demonstration, but think the publicity their tiny group will get is well worth it. And that is their real crime



You are talking about the people who organize this rock-concert as if they were an authentic political movement of far-right orientation. Have you ever taken into account the hypothesis that this might not be the case ? Have you - facts at hand - ever thought about the possibility that their performances are being staged and funded by branches of the government in order to discredit the known organizations and grassroot-movements which oppose the Middle East policy of the United States ? We in Europe have a long experience with these folks and it is no wonder at all that they are showing up in this moment with these slogans. Have you ever investigated into their biographies, into their links to the secret services ?
Well, when the zealous Minister for the Interior, Otto Schilly, wanted to get the German neo-Nazi party of Horst Mahler suppressed on the grounds of it's unconstitutional political goals, he got an ugly surprise: at the beginning of this year, the Supreme Court in Germany rejected the request of the Government to hold trial against the neo-Nazi-party NPD, after the investigations ordered by the Court had brought to light that all, but virtually all of the party's leading representatives where themselves on the payroll of the German secret services, hence they had acted within the responsibility of the Minister of Interiors !

The German right-wing extremist's head, Horst Mahler, has himself a thirty-year record of the murkiest imaginable cooperation with the secret services. He has always acted under the eyes of the police, even when he was still the legal counselor of Bader-Meinhof-group some thirty years ago. People officially wanted by the police went in and out of his lawyer's office, the contract signed to hire motorscooter with which the General Attorney of the Federal Republic of Germany was killed in 1977, had been handed out by Mahler's office.
It is important to bear in mind the strong international cooperation between these movements: whenever the German judicial authorities draw up an arrest-warrant against one of these neo-Nazi thugs (I am referring to homicide-cases, not to simple rioting), the guy quickly and quietly disappears to the United States. There is more than one good reason why the USA are opposing any idea of an International Penal Court: they want to retain the possibility of giving safe harbour to the agents provocateurs of their own international network of destabilizers. Horst Mahler showing up, as he did in 2000, as a historian ready to lead a team of "researchers" against the Holocaust-paradigm, is a downright joke. None of the renowned German historians who are indeed dismantling the Zionist version of the Holocaust-paradigm by the work they are doing - like Goetz Aley, the Mommsen brothers, Lutz Klinkhammer, Christian Gerlach, Wolfgang Sofsky - would ever have shown up at Horst Mahlers ralley. But these are the names that anybody truly interested in holding a conference against the Holocaust-industry should keep in mind and I cannot interpret the Mahler-initiative in any other terms than as an attempt, surely coordinated with the secret services of the USA, to discredit the dismantling of the Zionist myths being done by the real historians. The problem is, that the neo-Nazi extremists are not authentic. They are a tool at the service of others.