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As New Orleans Sinks Might a Texas Star Be Rising? By Genevieve Cora Fraser At the risk of sounding
paranoid, I have a few thoughts on the US
government's response to Hurricane Katrina. Might
the so-called delays in the evacuation have been
deliberate? I am not referring to the extent of the
natural disaster itself but the public planning and
subsequent government response. Some believe there
is a possibility that 9/11 was either created or
that it was used to justify the wars
in Afghanistan (for access to the Caspian oil reserves
and to destroy the Taliban to allow the return to the
heroin trade) and Iraq (oil and on behalf of Israel) and
used to justify moving towards fascist control with the
Patriot Acts I and II. Might there have been a
method to the government/administrations madness in
allowing the destruction of the city of New Orleans? (Didn't you just love the
way the troops and supplies finally arrived when Bush was
good and ready for his Rescue Operation Photo-Ops five
days late(r).) Scientific predictions of
severe hurricanes due to increased warming of Gulf waters
and changes in global weather patterns from global
warming were well known by emergency management
agencies. And hundreds of FEMA/Homeland
Security plus other first responders had assembled last
year to create a "virtual disaster
game" focused on New Orleans that was
"hit" with a fictitious Hurricane Pam.
Every aspect of the catastrophe as well as the social
structure of the city was meticulously
examined including the numbers of individuals who
would not be able to be evacuated without
assistance - the poor, inner city families, the
frail and elderly. If not evacuated, with the
population abandoned without food and water to the
ravages of the drug-addicted and criminally-minded
underbelly of the city horror and havoc would be
sure to reign. (Note: I do not mean to imply that
New Orleans is unique in this regard. There is a
drug-addicted and criminal element in nearly every city
and town throughout America with the possible
exception of the Amish or other like-minded communities.)
According to certain
participants from Louisiana who helped FEMA organize the
virtual hurricane disaster, more than 40 federal, state,
local and volunteer organizations practiced scenarios in
the five-day simulation. However these Louisiana
participants were annoyed by members of the Army Corps of
Engineers who laughed and carried on during the exercises
or acted bored. But despite the disinterest of
certain participants, as a result of this exercise those
in charge knew what would happen and what needed to
be done to operate a well
organized evacuation/rescue. They knew the
levees would break or be flooded over. They also
knew the city would be inundated with water which soon
would become a toxic stew with snake and alligator
predators and if those in need were not evacuated there
would be few places to seek shelter except the sports and
civic centers. As first responders, they also knew
that the job of a first responder is to respond! (Special
thanks for those who did try.) As for the real situation
that presented itself in New Orleans, as I sat
clicking from channel to channel in the past week, I
happened upon an interview with an Army Corp of Engineer
top brass where he said the "cost-benefit
ratio" did not work out in regard to upgrading the
levee system. He claimed the decision was NOT to
raise the levees to protect New Orleans from a Category 4
or 5 hurricane despite predictions that it was a matter
of time before such a catastrophic event would
occur. Basically the decision at the top level was
to allow New Orleans to suffer its predicted fate -
which was total destruction without recourse to
intervention, in effect to pull the plug on
the city and its citizens. Evidence of this decision
can be found in the significant decrease in funding
levels over the past several years for Army Corp of
Engineer projects for New Orleans spearheaded by the
administration. Isn't it odd that though
there was plenty of advance warning about the storm as a
Category 4/5 headed toward New Orleans, as Ted Kople on
Nightline pointed out, no one ordered trucks, buses
whatever was need to evacuate the poor in the low-lying
areas of the city - the area that was known would be the
most severely flooded? And as another reporter
pointed out, the conference center where 10s of thousands
were told to go is on the Mississippi. Why
not send a barge down with the food and water - it's been
done for several hundred years - it would not be an
original concept. So what's up? Why did it
take nearly one whole week for food and water to arrive,
which created indescribable levels of deprivation, death
and pandemonium? According to one report,
former Vice President and Presidential candidate Al Gore
charted two private jetliners to evacuate patients from a
New Orleans hospital at the request of a friend, a
surgeon at a local hospital. But Homeland security
blocked it. According to another report, the mayor
of Chicago wanted to send a convoy and was stopped by
FEMA and told to send only one vehicle... And the list
goes on - including 60 nations and the UN who offered
immediate assistance. Locally, the official
Massachusetts response has been tepid at best - with
great fanfare over sending one cargo plane if
there was more than one sent I missed it. On the
government/administration level, something stinks to high
heaven as the old expression goes, though I am equally
sure that incompetence, cowardice, and the magnitude of
the destruction played a role. In talking with
friends and associates, two theories emerged which
pointed to a possible unsavory strategy; and though I
dismissed their suggests at first, later I began to
wonder. #1. A relative of
one of my friends lives in Nashville, Tenn. where
when we spoke there was NO gas to be had at service
stations (funny its not in the news) - and race
tensions are growing very high. Some there believe Bush
is trying to trigger a race war. The blacks across
the country are livid because of the treatment in New
Orleans, they point out. And where there is local
deprivation, racial tensions are mounting. Of
course, any acting out would provide ample opportunity to
send in the troops - with orders to shoot to kill - as we
have recently witnessed in New Orleans. Marshall
law might also be viewed as a legitimate response. #2. The
Houston/Galveston, Texas region is beefing up its
transportation infrastructure, hoping to take over
as the transport hub of the South. Though New
Orleans is at the mouth of the Mississippi, Houston and
Galveston are not too far west of the river. The
population of workers has now been evacuated from the New
Orleans/Gulf area which means that the New
Orleans role as the major transport hub is
effectively over for the foreseeable future. Many
of the evacuees swear they NEVER want to return after
what they were forced to endure, thus making way
for the Texan star to rise. Perhaps the
Texas generosity in receiving the so-called
refugee population is not quite as generous
as we are led to believe. (Note: the term refugee
refers to immigrant or migrant dispossessed people and
should not be applied to citizens within their own
country. Unless, perhaps there is a hidden agenda
in the new-found category within the racial
divide.) Obviously, those in
power didn't cause Katrina, but might some have been
waiting for the event that would trigger the need for
troops to govern over "those" people because
workers are needed elsewhere. And might others
be positioned to take over the commercial undertakings
that once were the mainstay of the New Orleans
region? Perhaps Mother Nature may have fashioned
its own revenge for our cavalier dismissal of global
warming and the destruction of the wetlands that should
have served as a natural buffer. That revenge
may be that the Gulf area has been so thoroughly ravaged
and the transport infrastructure so completely destroyed
- with nary a worker in sight - even if it were to be
quickly rebuilt the national economy may be severely
crippled at least in the short term - unless Texas takes
over the New Orleans role sooner than expected. Keep your eyes on
the proposed Trans-Texas Corridor that will extend
across the State of Texas, north to south and east to
west. According to the Center for Transportation
Research, Texas Department of Transportation, 2003 to
2005, "This project, of unparalleled scope, will be
located in new locations, providing access to a wealth of
land not previously well connected to a high-speed
network. The multiple modes comprising this
corridor are likely to attract development and industry
of all types, including freight hub and distribution
facilities, inter-modal transfer and pipeline pump
stations, traveler services and hotels, residences for
workers associated with these industries, schools for
their children, stores for their purchases, and myriad
other uses. Dont get me wrong,
as long as sound environmental planning is the backbone
of a project, I am not against development. But I
do not like dirty-pool, especially when hundreds of
thousands of innocent people have been horrifically
victimized, and additional millions across the region
suffer. What I propose is that a truly independent,
bi-partisan, federal investigative committee be set-up to
examine possible mismanagement and misbehavior of
government officials in response to the tragedy.
And though Texans Karl Rove and Tom DeLay and other
Texans-in-power as well as corporations stand to benefit,
just because they have their fingerprints all over the
Trans-Texas Corridor project and do not always pass the
smell test, they may have had nothing to do with the Army
Corps of Engineers decision to effectively
sink New Orleans and its people. But if
politics was in back of this decision, it must to be
publicly exposed. If laws were broken, the
offending individuals must be charged and brought to
trial. What is particularly
strange about the Army Corps of Engineers cost-benefit
analysis of New Orleans is that it flies in the face of
history. Some historians claim that Hitler's dream
was to strike America at its most vulnerable location -
the New Orleans based Gulf Region which he believed if
crippled would shut the country down. Today, the
national impact from Hurricane Katrina may not be as
dramatic as it might have been during the World War II
era, because of the vast fleets of cargo planes and
transport infrastructure located at various points across
the nation. And in the 21st century,
plans can change on a dime due to internet, wireless and
telecommunications capabilities. But the Gulf
Region with its vast Mississippi corridor from Minnesota
to New Orleans has enriched a country that is still
hugely dependent on this mode of transport of goods in
and out of the country. It is imperative that as a
nation we not abandon this region, in favor of another,
but rather rebuild with a renewed vision sensitive to
environmental as well as commercial and social
needs. As a postscript Once the long delayed evacuation got underway, New Orleans (mostly black) families were forced by federal and state authorities to separate - men were not allowed to accompany their spouses, loved ones, and children also became separated. This was particularly horrifying after suffering the double trauma of a catastrophic natural disaster and the natural as well as man-made nightmare which followed. In spite of the rescue, was this not reminiscent of Americas unsavory history, the African slave trade - where mates were forced to separate from one another and their children? If these were white families clutching hands, awaiting evacuation, would authorities have forced their separation too? This scheme back in the heyday of slavery was used to break spirits and further stamp its victims as slaves. Americas Apartheid, broken only by the Civil Rights movement, once was visible to the world as its de-facto counterpart of abandonment and victimization of our black communities sadly is today. We can do better and must do better. If we dont, we who are Americans will sow the seeds of our disgrace and ruin.