july 2005


By Jerry Vilhotti


The bus terminal in San Luis Potosi was huge with several stores still opened which made them very happy - for here they would eat a hearty supper - not having eaten since thirty hours before due to being sidetracked waiting for the Mexican President' s train going to the USA to negotiate sending more of his people to work for the elite at very very cheap wages ....
     The very first place they walked into was a large cafeteria that had its food displayed somewhat like USA style.
     "Don't get pastry, Linda Ann.  We'll get that later at the train station," Johnny said eyeing the succulent foods. Would he have the sausages sprawled serenely among potato halves encompassed by what looked like broccoli or the chunks of chicken heaped on top of big mounds of yellow rice being invaded by little red peppers? he wondered as his mouth watered.
     "Don't you think maybe you'd better ask if they take traveler's checks before we take their food?" Linda Ann said interrupting his decision making.
     "Blessed Bahaism, Jesus Christ and Buddha - this is a city of about three mill-"
     "OK.  OK.  I just thought I'd ask."
     He hated that!  He hated when she left a hint he might be wrong. He put his empty tray down and walked up to a burly man who could have played a villainous Pancho Villa when the great nation was trying to reduce Mexicans as being less than human.
     "Por favor.  You the manager?"
     "Do you take these?  We're going to eat and-"
     "What is those?"
     "It's money.  They're trav-"
     "No sorry."
     "Come on Linda!  There's other damn places we can eat!"
     After three more eateries, two grocery stores and a semi-opened bank - all saying they never saw such things - making Johnny believe that they were all taking revenge on him for those nasty Texacans and Mexicans helping the gringos steal a part of Mexico just for the money of it all!
     Johnny told Linda Ann they would eat at the train station for there they would have seen "these things" - what with tourists traveling the national trains and all.  He was wrong again as the station was fully deserted but for a worker who let them come inside to wait for the midnight train.     Johnny decided to step outside to see if others were finally coming but instead, he saw four uniformed Kent state-like national guard uniformed guys carrying NRA guns walking toward him and when they came within fifty feet, they stopped to cock their guns - sending the sound surging through his stomach prior to reaching his brain making his heart begin pounding wildly.
    He retreated to wake up Linda Ann saying: "Don't panic!  We got to look like fucking tourists!  Nazi soldiers with guns are coming our way!"     This meant as much to Linda Ann as when twenty years before he told her to look like a motorcycle as they were to scooter onto the West Side Drive that didn't allow Lambrettas to get from south to north and she did in fact hunch up her shoulders like he and they did successfully reach the West End Avenue where Johnny's four time married brother Tommy Tom Tom's first wife was living where their little packet on the back seat would be stolen within five minutes after they left the scooter parked where no car could fit.  He told Linda Ann that no one would bother it ....     Repeating himself he said the word "guns" to register fully by widening his eyes while nodding his head vehemently several times.     Johnny took off his Mexican hat he had bought in the old Indian market in San Miguel Allende so they could see his curly head of hair.  No matter how hard they tried, they could not stop staring at the front entrance waiting for the charge to begin as Johnny tried to shake away the image that was going through his mind of Bonnie and Clyde being shot up by terrified law enforcement agents pounding out a million bullets into the bodies that had died all ready seven times.     Johnny casually placed his shoulder bag under their bench; fearing the guys with guns might think he was packing a gun in it and then he pretended a conversation with Linda Ann though Each was not listening to the Other.  He suggested she open her big blue-green wider and shake her strawberry blond hair so they would understand they were tourists.     After ten very tense moments he said, in a quavering voice that he tried hard to control, he was going take a peek out of the large entrance; still not able to shake the image of himself going down in a hail of bullets like Dellinger had before the Chicago cops planted the gun they said he was carrying to kill them all dead with his big bullets.  Allowing one eye to look out, he could see a soldier standing ten feet away at full attention with his rifle against his chest.     Johnny shouted loud enough for the soldier to hear - putting on an Italian tourist accent - not wanting to be identified with those Yankee people to the north that were outdoing the nazis in arrogance: "Cara Mia, the train is coming!  I can hear the whistle blowing in the night.  The train is coming!  The train is coming!  Soon we'll be back home with the Pope!"     The train arrived right on Mussolini time thirty seconds before midnight.  Trying to look good, he even helped Linda Ann with the luggage as he tripped on three of the four steps trying to look at ease.     Linda Ann helped him reach the top.  He had lost his hunger.  He wouldn't think of food until they reached Nuova Laredo where he would tell his pretty wife he was not afraid in the least as he wolfed down three shredded barbecue pork sandwiches with a couple of bottles of Mexican beer.       She smiled that certain smile.     END  5-17-05 


Mamasu kept calling Leny One N a thief who had inherited his father's gene never forgetting how he and my polio afflicted brother Tom had stolen her sewing machine ... minding the boys the day after the stealing and finding her sewing machine hidden under an old coat in the corner of the fire escape - she would make sure no more robbing would occur again on her watch while her daughter went to work at the glove factory making gloves for five fingers; having to do so because our father was away frolicking on the sands of Orchard Beach; stealing the hearts of pretty women and then falling into their smiles. Mamasu tied Leny and Tom to the bedposts; tying the ropes so tightly, they left large burnt marks on their arms and legs.
"Why did you do this?" their mother asked - trying to keep her voice under control as her fingers trembled over the wounds; afraid such a sight would break her mind again as it did the night she saw her husband deep inside a naked woman in their parlor and not only had that sight smashed her mind but her body began hemorrhaging Tom whom she was carrying deep inside.
Tom began to cry but Leny remained stoically silent; to show he hadn't been afraid. It was Leny with his mighty hugs all the three months of her Bellevue Hospital stay that had helped put all the broken pieces of her mind back together again.
"Because Mussolini told parents who are supposed to protect and love their children to give him their sons and he would make all the trains run on time going back to Roman Times!" Mamasu said.
"Mamasu, here comes the big fucking jerk!" six year old Leny said tormenting the sixty-five year old.
She scowled as she ran after him; attempting to get his hair and pull every strand out. "You thief, come here and I'll teach you to swim in sand!"
Leny escaped and went to steal candy at the Arthur Avenue candy store while the owner was busy in the back room with a woman the syndicate had sent him for the afternoon as a reward for collecting bets from poor people who would contribute their children to die in meaningless insane wars after losing ....