by any other means
Iran vs the Empire
by Eric Walberg
The West's attempts to destroy the Iranian economy
through heightened sanctionsincluding most imports,
oil exports and use of banks for trade operationsis
having its affect. According to Johns Hopkins University
Professor Steve Hanke, Iran is facing hyperinflation,
with a monthly inflation rate of nearly 70% per month and
its national currency, the rial, plummeting in value
against western currencies. Iran is the latest casualty
to be placed on his Hanke-Krus Hyperinflation Index,
which includes France (1795), Germany (1922), Chile (1973),
Nicaragua (1986), Argentina (1990), Russia (1992),
Ecuador (1999) and Zimbabwe (2007), countries which
experienced price-level increases of at least 50% per

Hanke, relishing his role as the world's expert on this
nightmarish phenomenon, has "played a significant
role in stopping more hyperinflations than any living
economist, including 10 of the 57 episodes" on his
Index. He writes that Iran has three options: spontaneous
dollarization (people unloading rials on the blackmarket
for dollars, as happened in Zimbabwe), official
dollarization (the government withdrawing the currency in
favor of dollars, as in Ecuador), or a currency board
issuing a new domestic currency backed 100% byyou
guessed itdollars. Hanke insists that the foreign
currency doesn't have to be US dollars. Pitcairn Island,
for instance, uses New Zealand dollars.
The inflation doctor admits vaguely that there are "foreign
factors", without a hint of criticism of not only
the sanctions, but the active subversion of Iran through
everything from support of Iranian terrorists,
assassinations of leading scientists, right up to war (the
US encouraged Iraq to invade Iran in 1980). He emphasizes
"Iran's complex system of subsidies, capital
controls, and multiple exchange rates", but most of
all "massive overprinting of money", though he
complains that "the Central Bank of The Islamic
Republic of Iran has not reported any such statistics for
some time". As if a country living through a state
of emergency is likely to divulge such sensitive
He coolly dismisses consumers' expectations influencing
prices, since "fear surrounding military tensions is
nothing new for Iranians". Indeed, the US has been
targeting Iran for destruction ever since it threw off
its colonial chains in 1979a dangerous example for
other, especially Muslim countries. It is miraculous that
Iran has done so well economically since the revolution,
given the unremitting victimization it has experienced.
One can only marvel at the stubborn courage it has shown
to build an Islamic society in the teeth of opposition by
the world empire and even by other Muslim nations allied
to the empire.
We indeed may ask why Iran's inflation rate has jumped so
dramatically precisely in recent times. Of course, it is
because of the sanctions. And why the sanctions? Is it
really fears that Iran will develop a nuclear bomb,
despite professions to the contrary and membership in the
IAEA? No. Besides Iran's role in inspiring the current 'Islamic
Reawakening' in the Middle East, there is another very
important reason, one which flies in the face of Hanke's
'three options' for Iran.
Those `options' all amount to one: accept US-dollar
dictatorship. Iran has been trying to trade oil in non-US
dollar currencies since 2008, when it opened its Oil
Bourse. Iraq did this in 2000, and the US reaction was
invasiondollarization at gunpoint. The point of the
sanctions today is a last-ditch attempt by the US to
force Iran to comply with the US world order, as
epitomized by continued acceptance of the US dollar as
the world's reserve currency.
Hanke insists it is not necessary for Iran to use US
dollars as its substitute currency, which in any case
would be ridiculous under the circumstances. However, the
alternative of using, say, New Zealand dollars finesses
the reality that all currencies are tied to the US dollar,
as the de facto international reserve currency. This has
been the case in reality since the 1930s, when the world
abandoned the gold standard. Acknolwedging this fact,
over 20 countries call their legal tender 'dollars'.
Whether the government moves quickly to raise the white
flag, as in Ecuador, or belatedly, as in Zimbabwe, or
insists on printing pretty new paper scrip tied 100% to
the US dollar through an exchange board, as did Argentina,
merely confirms the obvious. In past cases, such as Chile,
Nicaragua and Zimbabwe, the message was: your socialist
policies are unacceptable. In Iran's case, the message is:
take dollars for your oil.
Hanke's monetarist credoprinting money causes
inflationignores the underlying causes of inflation.
As he admits, Iranians have faced war fears for over
three decades. The exchange controls and subsidies,
"government monopolies, price controls, and Soviet-style
economic planning", which Hanke calls "wrong-headed",
are not the cause of inflation, but a way for the
government to keep it under control. However, at a
certain point, the "foreign factors" become so
egregious that even such measures fail. That is what has
happened now, as sanctions have created extreme pain for
the average Iranian. Bare shelves and panic in the face
of invasion threats means that the currency will devalue,
however many rials the government prints.
This is what happened in Germany in 1922, when it was
forced to export everything to buy the gold to pay the
extortionate reparations. It ended by resorting to Hanke's
currency board and marks issued against gold, but the
underlying causethe extortion practiced by Britain
and Franceonly ended when Hitler took power and
canceled the reparations. The devastation cause by "foreign
factors" led in that instance to the rise of fascism.
University of Missouri Professor Michael Hudson maintains
that "every hyperinflation in history stems from the
foreign exchange markets. It stems from governments
trying to throw enough of their currency on the market to
pay their foreign debts." Canadian commentator
Stephen Gowans calls it "warfare by other means".
Devaluing the enemy's currency was used as a war tactic
by Napoleon against the Russians and by the British
against the American colonists.
A consideration of all the countries on Hanke's
Hyperinflation Index can trace similar real causes and
real ways to end the underlying problem that led to
hyperinflation in each case. Ecuador finally took control
of its economy and reduced its foreign debt in defiance
of the IMF under President Rafael Correa, and is today
the most popular political leader in all of the Americas.
That is what created political stability and ended the
ever-present threat of inflation there. The same goes for
Argentina under President Nestor Kirschner and Russia
under President Vladimir Putin.
Hanke is like the doctor telling the patient who was shot
that he must have his leg amputated immediately. He
refuses to condemn the sanctions as a violation of human
rights, targeting the Iranian people without cause. He
wants to cut off the patient's leg to save him, which he
can do in a matter of hours. The Iranian government is
trying to remove the bullet and use a strict regime of
rehabilitation, something that requires patience and grit.
There is no magic cure to solve inflation under these
The possibility looms that the US will undertake yet
another criminal invasion of a Muslim country,
recapitulating its war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The real analogy for Iran is wartime. During war, all
countries ration scarce goods, and people unite and
accept sacrifice in the face of the enemy. This is the
only solution for Iran today unless it agrees to join the
US-dollar denominated empire as a junior member. Hanke's
patient could well die under the 'anesthesia' of US-Israeli
bombs, but the Iranian people are proud and will fight
for their dignity till their dying breath. The worries
about hyperinflation will then pale in comparison to the
real "foreign factors", and the US will face
the revenge of history for its criminal actions.
Most countries are too afraid of the US wolf to stand up
to it. There are exceptions. China, Russia, India and
South Korea have not abandoned 'the patient'. Egypt is
establishing diplomatic and economic relations with Iran
in defiance of the US. Hopefully other 'Arab Spring'
countries will join Iran in pursuing a policy of justice
for the Middle East, working together to undo the
horrendous legacy of US imperialism in the region.
Someday, `dollarization' will be a shibboleth, consigned
to the `ash heap of history'.
Eric Walberg writes for Al-Ahram
Weekly http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/ and is
author of Postmodern Imperialism: Geopolitics and the
Great Games
You can reach him at http://ericwalberg.com/