Elite Intrigues:
Its Not About Sex, Stupid! Introduction
The headline stories claim that CIA Director General
David Petraeus resigned as head of the CIA because of an
adulterous relation with his young biographer and that
General John Allen, Supreme Commander of US troops in
Afghanistan, was under investigation and his promotion to
top commander of US troops in Europe was on hold, because,
we are told, of his inappropriate comments in
the exchange of e-mails with a civilian female friend.
We are told that a hard-charging local FBI
agent, Frederick Humphries, Jr., had uncovered amorous e-mails
sent by General Petraeus to his girlfriend-biographer in
the course of investigating a complaint of cyber-stalking.
Out of concern that the Generals adulterous
behavior posed a risk to US national security,
Florida-based FBI Agent Humphries handed the evidence
over to one of Washington, DCs most powerful
Republican, Congressman Eric Cantor, who in turn passed
them on to the Director of the FBI
leading to
Petraeus resignation.
In other words, we are asked to believe that a single,
low-ranking, zealous FBI agent has toppled the careers of
two top US Generals: one in charge of the principle
global intelligence agency, the CIA, and the other in
command of the US and allied combat forces in the
principle theater of military engagement on the
basis of infidelity and flirtatious banter!
Nothing could be more far-fetched simply on prima facie
In the sphere of tight hierarchical organizations, like
the military or the CIA, where the activity and behavior
of subordinate functionaries is centrally directed and
any investigation is subject to authorization by senior
officials (most especially regarding prying into the
private correspondences of the heads of the CIA and of
strategic military operations), the idea that a lone
agent might operate free-lance is preposterous. A
cowboy agent could not simply initiate
investigation into such sensitive targets as
the head of the CIA and a General in an active combat
zone without the highest level authorization or a
network of political operatives with a much bigger agenda.
This has much deeper political implications than
uncovering a banal sexual affair between two consenting
security-cleared adults despite the agents claim
that fornication constitutes a threat to the
Clearly we are in deep waters here: This involves political
intrigue at the highest level and has profound
national security implications, involving the
directorship of the CIA and clandestine operations,
intelligence reports, multi-billion dollar expenditures
and US efforts to stabilize client regimes and
destabilize target regimes. CIA intelligence
reports identifying allies and enemies are critical to
shaping global
The outing of General Allen, the military
commander in charge of Afghanistan, the US main zone of
military operations occurs at a crucial time, with
the scheduled forced withdrawal of US combat troops and
when the Afghan sepoys, the soldiers and
officers of the puppet Karzai regime, are showing major
signs of disaffection, is clearly a political move of
the highest order.
What are the political issues behind the beheading
of these two generals? Who benefits and who loses?
At the global level, both Generals have been unflinching
supporters of the US Empire, most especially the military-driven
components of empire building. Both continue to
carry out and support the serial wars launched by
Presidents Bush and Obama against
CIA Director, General Petraeus has been a major supporter
of the proxy wars in
As soon as General Petraeus report naming General
Petraeus, faced with mounting pressure from all sides:
from the ZPC over his criticism of
The key political operative behind the high-level
FBI operation against Petraeus has been House Majority
leader Eric Cantor, who cynically claims that the
Generals romantic epistles represent a national
security threat. We are told that Congressman
Cantor gravely passed the e-mails and reports he had
received from the Lone Ranger FBI agent
Humphries to FBI Director Mueller ordering Mueller to act
on the investigation or else face his own Congressional
inquiry. Washington-based
Representative Cantor is a zealous lifetime Israel-firster
and has been hostile to the Petraeus report and the
Generals assessment of the Despite
their clear differences in station and location, there
are ideological affinities between House Majority Whip
Cantor and Agent Humphries and possibly a common
dislike of General Petraeus. Concerns over his
Islamophobic and ideological zealotry may explain why the
FBI quickly yanked Agent Humphries out from his mission
of obsessive prying into CIA Director
Petraeus and General Allans e-mails.
Undeterred by orders from his superiors in the FBI, Agent
Humphries went directly to fellow zealot Congressman
Who would have benefited from Petraeus ouster? One
of the top three candidates to replace him as head of the
CIA is Jane Harmon, former California Congresswomen and
Zionist uber-zealot. In another twist of justice,
in 2005 the Congresswoman had been captured on tape by
the National Security Agency telling Israeli Embassy
personnel that she would use her influence to aid two
AIPAC officials who had confessed to handing classified
US documents to the Israeli Mossad, if the AIPAC could
round up enough Congressional votes to make her Chairwoman
of the US House Committee on Intelligence, an act
bordering on treason, for which she was never held to
account. If she were to take his position, the
ousting of CIA Director Petraeus could represent to the
greatest constitutional coup in
The innuendos, smears and leaked investigation into the
private e-mails of General Allen revolve around his
raising questions over the
Civilian militarists and neo-conservatives in the
Executive and Congress refuse to acknowledge their
shameful defeat with a full
When, in this charged political context, the rabidly
Islamaphobic FBI agent Humphries stumbled
upon the affectionate personal correspondences
between General Allen and socialite femme
fatale Jill Kelly, the Neocons and civilian militarists
whipped up a smear campaign through the yellow
journalists at the Washington Post, New York
Times and Wall Street Journal implying another
sex scandal this time involving
General Allen. The neo-con militarist-mass media
clamor forced the spineless President Obama and the
military high command to announce an investigation of
General Allen and postpone Congressional hearings on his
appointment to head the Key
Unanswered Questions Surrounding Elite Intrigues and
Military Purges
Given that the public version of a lone-wolf, low ranking,
zealously Islamophobic and incompetent FBI agent who just
happened to discover a sex scandal leading to
the discrediting or resignation of two of the US highest
military and intelligence officials is absurd to any
thinking American, several key political questions with
profound implications for the US political system need to
be addressed. These include: 1. What political officials, if any, authorized the FBI, a domestic security agency to investigate and force the resignation of the Director of the CIA? 2. Have the current police state structures, with their procedures for widespread and arbitrary spying led to our spy agencies spying on each other in order to purge each others top personnel? Is this like the sow devouring her own offspring? 3. What were the real priorities of the political power-brokers who protected the insubordinate FBI agent Humphries after he defied top FBI officials orders to stop meddling in the investigation of the CIA Director? 4. What were FBI Agent Humphries ties, if any, to the neo-con, Zionist or Islamophobic politicians and other intelligence operatives, including the Israeli Mossad? 5. Despite Obamas effusive praise of his brilliant warrior-scholar General Petraeus in the past, why did he immediately accept (aka force) the CIA Directors resignation after the revelation of something as banal in civilian life as adultery? What are the deeper political issues that led to the pre-emptive purge? 6. Why are critical political issues and policy disputes resolved under the guise of blackmail, smears and character assassination, rather than through open debates and discussions, especially on matters pertaining to the nations choice of strategic and tactical allies and the conduct of overseas wars? 7. Has the purge and public humiliation of top US military officers become an acceptable form of punishment by example, a signal from civilian militarists that when it comes to dealing with politics toward the Middle East, the role of the military is not to question but to follow their (and Israels) directives? 8. How could a proven collaborator with the Israeli-Mossad and Zionist zealot like Jane Harmon emerge as a leading candidate to replace General Petraeus, as Director of the CIA, within days of his resignation? What are the political links, past and present between Congressman Eric Cantor, (the fanatical leader of the pro-Israel power bloc in the US Congress, who handed Agent Humphries unauthorized files on Petraeus over to the FBI Director Muellar) and Zionist power broker Jane Harmon, a prominent candidate to replace Petraeus? 9.
How will the ouster of Director Petraeus and Jane
Harmans possible appointment to head the CIA deepen
Israeli influence and control of US Middle East policy
and the 10.
How will the humiliation of General Allen affect the Conclusion
The purge of top-level generals and officials from
The purge of General Petraeus and humiliation of General
Allen is a victory for the civilian militarists who are
unconditional supporters of
The real precipitating factor for this ugly fight
at the top is the crumbling of the
The disrepute of the US Congress is almost universal
over 87% of US citizen condemn the House and
Senate as harmful to public welfare, servants of
their own self-enrichment and slaves of corruption.
The economic elites are repeatedly involved in massive
swindles of retail investors, mortgage holders and each
other. Multi-national corporations and the
fabulously wealthy engage in capital flight, fattening
their overseas accounts. The Executive himself (the
ever-smiling President Obama) sends clandestine death
squads and mercenary-terrorists to assassinate
adversaries in an effort to compensate for his incapacity
to defend the empire with diplomacy or traditional
military ground forces or to prop-up new client-states.
Cronyism is rife: there is a revolving door between Wall
Street and US Treasury and Pentagon officials.
Public apathy and cynicism is rife; nearly 50% of the
electorate doesnt even vote in Presidential
elections and, among those who do vote, over 80%
dont expect their elected officials to honor
their promises. Aggressive civilian militarists
have gained control of key posts and are increasingly
free of any constitutional constraints. Meanwhile
the costs of military failures and burgeoning spy,
security and military budgets soar while the fiscal and
trade deficit grows. Faction fights among rival
imperial cliques intensify; purges, blackmail, sex
scandals and immorality in high places have become the
norm. Democratic discourses are hollowed out:
democratic state ideology has lost credibility. No
sensible American believes in it anymore.
Is there a broom large enough to clean this filthy Augean
stable? Will a collective Hercules
emerge from all this intrigue and corruption with the
strength of character and commitment to lead the
revolutionary charge? Surely the sell-out and crude
humiliation of American military officials on behalf of
the chicken-hawk civilian militarists and
their foreign interests should make many an officer re-think
his own career, loyalty and commitment to the
Constitution. |