Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign

First goal is to frighten with prosecution anyone calling for or fomenting war or military attack on an other nation in violation of International/National Law Nuremberg Principle # 6 regarding Crimes Against Peace, thus inhibiting and preventing, new wars from being created. This would include media war mongering, by serious discussions of pros and cons of a US military attack or unlawful sanctions. Simultaneously, arrest and indictment for present/past Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes

"The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today is My Government"

"The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today is My Government"
Rev. Dr. Marin Luther King jr.

Brothers/Sisters seconding the statement of conscience below, please encourage others!

I am in agreement that the full force of common, statutory and international law through arrest, arraignment, grand jury indictment, trial, indemnification, and imprisonment until no longer a threat to society be immediately applied to perpetrators, conspirators, financiers, accessories, instigators, accomplices and promoters of Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes and Crimes Against Peace as defined in the Nuremberg Principles. I further recognize my responsibility as a citizen, for all criminal actions of my government and fellow Americans that bring harm and distress to the citizens of other nations.

"The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign policy." Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark
"America must prosecute its own war criminals" Noam Chomsky

"US Wars Meant to Maintain Unjust Predatory Overseas Investments! Look across the seas and see individual capitalists of the West investing huge sums of money in Asia, Africa, and South America, only to take the profits out with no concern for the social betterment of the country. This is a role our nation has taken, … refusing to give up the privileges and the pleasures that comes from the immense profits of overseas investments. This is not just. "   Martin Luther King Jr.

The General Treaty for the Renunciation of War,  The World Peace Act, previously The Kellogg-Briand Pact, became part of the US Constitution  (as did Article 6 and 7 of the Nuremberg Principles twenty-two years later), upon being approved by the US Senate 85-1 and reads:

"The High Contracting Parties solemnly declare in the names of their respective peoples that they condemn recourse to war for the solution of international controversies, and renounce it, as an instrument of national policy in their relations with one another.

The High Contracting Parties agree that the settlement or solution of all disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them, shall never be sought except by pacific means."
After negotiations, the pact was signed in Paris at the French Foreign Ministry by the representatives from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, India, the Irish Free State, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. It was proclaimed to go into effect on July 24, 1929. By that date, the following nations had deposited instruments of definitive adherence to the pact: Afghanistan, Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Romania, the Soviet Union, the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, Siam, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. Eight further states joined after that date: Persia, Greece, Honduras, Chile, Luxembourg, Danzig, Costa Rica and Venezuela.

The 1928 World Peace Act was concluded outside the League of Nations, and remains a binding treaty under international law. In the United States, it remains in force as federal law (see U.S. Const. art. VI). One month following its conclusion, a similar agreement, General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, was concluded in Geneva, which obliged its signatory parties to establish conciliation commissions and an arbitration tribunal in any case of dispute, and the opportunity to take failed disputes to the Permanent Court of International Justice.
Article VI Clause 2 of the US Constitution states that "[A]ll Treaties made, under the Authority of the United State, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." 

A recent week-end national conference of antiwar organizations saw the introduction of the following prescient resolution by a Korean war veteran, long a member of Veterans For Peace:
"whereas Martin Luther King Jr. finding no court willing to prosecute racist crimes, successfully led their prosecution in the court of public opinion;

- whereas Mahatma Gandhi finding no court would prosecute the crimes of the British Empire, successfully led their prosecution in the court of public opinion;

- and whereas the people of Iran finding their courts unwilling to prosecute the crimes of the Shah, successfully led their peoples prosecution in the court of public opinion;

- be it resolved that law-abiding Americans, finding that US courts will not bring the force of common law, statutory law, Constitutional law and Nuremberg Principles law down upon perpetrators of illegal wars on poor people in colonially impoverished nations, that we citizens of all walks of life will seek to lead prosecution of these illegal and homicidal wars in the court of public opinion to punish these crimes against humanity and prevent them from further happening until our courts can do so."

Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the
Nürnberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal
1950 -Copyright © United Nations 2005

Principle VI states,
"The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:
    (a) Crimes against peace:
        (i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
        (ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).
    (b) War crimes:
    Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation of slave labor or for any other purpose of the civilian population of or in occupied territory; murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the Seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.
    (c) Crimes against humanity:
    Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime."

Principle VII
Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against
humanity as set forth in Principle VI is a crime under international law.
THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhoood.
Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
^ To

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(to the left) Quote From Rev. King's sermon "BEYOND VIETNAM a TIME to BREAK SILENCE"

(to the left) Quote From Rev. King's sermon "BEYOND VIETNAM a TIME to BREAK SILENCE"
Rev, Dr, Martin Luther King Jr.

King Would Have Demanded Nuremberg Style Indictment of US Leaders - and We Will!

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Instant electronic information technology will end a financial elite criminal control of our courts

Today, the courts, judges both national and international, Congress, President, Media, Military, CIA are owned by a homicidal criminally insane financial elite. However, the racing forward technology of instant personal worldwide communication with the computer capability now at one trillion operations per nano-second, will soon make this elite's murderous dictatorship of society unsustainable.
Therefore this site is devoted to US war crimes education, which, with the rise of citizen responsibility, will make prosecution inevitable.

Scroll down for a color coded brief country-by-country history of US crimes against humanity.
(Footnotes are kept to a minimum for space available, however, anyone wishing corroborating or additional information is encouraged to email the campaign's archival research peoples historian activist coordinator and site originator at the email address above the page:
"The common sense of mankind demands that law shall not stop with the punishment of petty crimes by little people. It must also reach men who possess themselves of great power and make deliberative and concerted use of it to set in motion evils which leave no home in the world untouched." Justice Robert Jackson - Nuremberg address


My Photo

Manhattan, New York City, NY
Noam Chomsky-"America must prosecute its own war criminals"; Former US Att. Gen. Ramsey Clark, author of "US War Crimes in the Gulf; Ed Herman, 1999-"A strict application of international law would,( I believe,) have given every U.S. president of the past 50 years Nuremberg treatment"; Elliot Adams, former President, Veterans For Peace, author of "The indictment of President Obama and all who follow his criminal orders"-read at the US Air Force Drone Base, Hancock, NY; Rev. Jeremiah Wright-"God Damn America for her crimes against humanity"; Cindy Sheehan; Cornel West, "Drones (Bombings) are War Crimes!"; Bill Blum of the AntiEmpire Report; Tom Feeley, publisher of Information Clearing House; Angela Keaton, editor of and publisher of Come Home America’"; Ron Fisher, Chair,VFP Workshop Prosecute War Criminals and We the; peoples historian jay janson, coordinator, King Condemned US Wars International Awareness and writing the documented history of US crimes in nineteen and counting nation that follows this list. Full list at very bottom of site.Suggestions welcome at



US Crimes FROM 1945 THROUGH 2012

1Afghanistan2Korea3Vietnam4Laos5Cambodia6Iraq7Libya8Dominican Republic9Iran10Syria11Somalia12Yemen13Pakistan114Lebanon

15Rwanda16Sudan17Panama18Grenada19Yugoslavia20Cuba21El Salvador22Nicaragua23Guatemala24Chile25Indonesia26Greece



Pres. Jimmy Carter Had CIA Armed Fundamentalist Terrorists War Against Afghan Women's Liberation & Education

A CIA covert cruel attack on the people of Afghanistan as a pawn in the Cold War gave birth to US backed civil war, 8 yrs of Soviet military intervention,11 yrs of terrorist war lord devastation; 5 of Taliban restoration of peace, 10 yrs of US invasion/occupation war. Who can stop the gunning down of Taliban as if they, and not David Rockefeller's wealthy America, had 9/11 guilt for creating al-Qaida? Jimmy Carter could! (CLICK ON the ABOVE TITLE NEXT TO CARTER'S PHOTO FOR INITIAL US CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY IN AFGHANISTAN UNDER CARTER & REAGAN)

Under Reagan, Brzezinski arranged the call, arming, training, paying of Muslims, especially Saudi Wahabi Arabs invited into CIA controlled Persian speaking Afghanistan. Bush Sr. continued funding the feuding warlords, mostly non-Pashtun, while a decade of blasting cities and towns with rocket-fire, as law and order disintegrated, women raped, home vandalized.

Under Clinton

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The crimes America has perpetrated on Korea started when Wall Street interests convinced President Teddy Roosevelt to close off all diplomatic relations with Korea and deal with the Japaneses occupying military. Woodrow Wilson signed the document that recognized Korea as Japanese territory making the US complicit in a brutal 40 year Japanese occupation of Korea.

During WW II, US Armed Forces did not liberate Korea, having defeated the Japanese elsewhere. By an arrangement in which Korean had no say, American and Russian armies entered a Korea, which had already had a nascent political system in place. Korea was divided in two new occupying armies.

Singman Rhee was brought in from Washington and by American overseen instigated foul play became the President of the American zone government. In the next three years his police and special services massacred around 200,000 unionist, socialists and communists along with many of their wives and children. Now fully documented by a South Korean government created reconciliation commission. UN low estimate of the 1948 massacres on Cheju Island off the southernmost coast at minimum 30,000.

The Bodo League massacre (Hangul: ???? ??; Hanja: ??????) was a massacre and war crime against communists and suspected sympathizers that occurred in the summer of 1950 during the Korean War. Estimates of the death toll vary. According to Prof. Kim Dong-Choon, Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, at least 100,000 people were executed on suspicion of supporting communism;[2][dead link] others estimate 200,000 killings.[1] The massacre was wrongly blamed on the communists for decades.[3]

In 1950, the army of the Northern government invaded and swept over all of South Korea except for Pusan, where Americans were in force and established a perimeter. The army of the Southern government mostly defected or just went home. Korea was again united. The US and its allies even under UN approbation and flag during the next few years bombed every city and town in North and South Korea and 3 million Koreans perished, along with a half million Chinese who in the end came to the North Korean aid and pushed the US forces back out of the North.

Korea was again divided. Singman Rhee was so despised, after the American war was over, he had to flee for his life. After three decades of military dictatorships a civilian government was elected.

Any Korean will tell you there is only one Korean nation.The US divided it after supporting Japanese conquerors for 40 years. When Korean united their nation again what was called the 'Free World,' previously the Colonial Powers, and now 'The International Community of Nation led by US-NATO, saw fit to bring death destruction to the whole peninsula in a 'good war' against communism with hails of flying metal flattening almost every city and town North and South causing the violent death of three million souls.

After having been threatened with the Atom bomb, the continuing sixty years of strangling tight international economic sanctions and anti-communist propaganda by the Free World's media, North Korea has become the most militarily prepared population on Earth, while the superpower regularly practices war exercises in the ocean within ear shot of its inland capital.

President Truman, US officials that prosecuted the war on Korea, the UN Security Council, and heads of states collaborating in the killings and destruction led by the American armed forces shall be tried posthumously for the good of all concerned.
NY Phil Plays in a Korea Once Destroyed by U.S. Invasion, Flattened by U.S. Bombers, OpEdNews, Feb. 27, 2008

[Correction: Picasso's famous painting "Korean Massacre" depicting US troops firing point blank at Korean civilians during the Sinchon Massacre, an alleged mass murder of civilians, communist sympathizers and North Korean loyalists in the autumn of 1950, in or near the town of Sinchon, in which there is a Massacre Museum. A few years ago, the US official apologized for a few strafing massacres of civilians, the most famous of which was at No Gun Ri, South Korea.

Media psyop has the average American who knows nothing of Korea having go on thinking of themselves as the good guys done good bring total destruction and death to 3 million Koreans, most in their own home towns and villages.
On the Need for Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in America by jay janson, OpEdNews 4,
17, 2009
In 2005, in keeping with its maturation as a constitutional democracy, the South Korean National Assembly established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to seek to "reveal the truth behind civilian massacres during the Korean War and human rights abuses during the [South Korean] authoritarian period and recent evidence of U.S. and South Korean responsibility for the massacre of civilians

CLICK ON ARTICLE: U.S. Threat to Atom Bomb North Korea Never Forgotten by jay janson, OpEdNews, 5/27/2009
On Nov. 30, 1950, President Truman at a press conference, remarked that the use of the atomic bomb was under active consideration. Koreans heard this as menacingly foreboding apocalypse, for U.S. forces were in retreat, and had suffered losses when China send 'volunteer' forces to N. Korea 45 days earlier. North Korea going to great expense to acquire nuclear capability. Is memory of that U.S. threat to Nuke fueling paranoia?

Click On Article:
Obama Calls on U.N. to Punish North Korea Over Rocket, but WHO PUNISHES THE U.S.? by jay janson, 4/7/2009
Commercial media feeding frenzy on the space missile launch by North Korea at the same time whipping up fear of Iran. Obama has harsh words for North Korea, as earlier for Afghanistan, Pakistan, Venezuela and Iran, which received a kind invite to talk mixed in with such severe public criticism as to make the invitation unacceptable. So far, Obama, both as president and as commander-in-chief belies change to serious diplomacy.

CLICK ON ARTICLE: N. Korean Torpedo Accusation Fizzles - Strong Probability of US Mine Strike Investigated by jay janson 6/9/2010 OEN
The self-righteous scowling countenance of Mrs. Clinton reminded us of a serious Colin Powell pointing to photos of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction trucks, of Adelai Stevenson's photo evidence that planes that bombed Cuba were not U.S. planes, of Robert McNamara on the Gulf of Tonkin attack on innocent U.S. warships, of the John Foster Dulles proving that communists, not capitalists, were out to conquer the world.

NY Times, AP Consistently Leaving Out Debunking Info on "N. Korean Torpedo' Claim by jay janson, 6/16/2010
Even capitalist South Korea's major newspapers have carried the friendly-US-fire suppositions re its blown up warship by both a Russian Navy investigation and Japanese investigative reporters. It is difficult to even find having been reported in U.S. media the simple and diplomatic Chinese answer to the U.S. asking help to punish North Korea on the basis of a U.S. 'international investigation' finding. "Not creditable."

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
US Live Fire off N. Korean Coast Celebrates US War 10 Facts of History Condemn US
(1 comments) "U.S. troops participated in the live-fire training exercise, June 22, three days prior to the 62nd anniversary of the start of Korean War." This is an appropriate occasion to review the horrible truth about Wall Street's key investment program for Korea reaching back to 1905 at a time when the Yankee trader was breaching the monopoly of European Colonial Powers in Asia, butchering in the Philippines and looting Beijing.


Martin Luther King Jr, "The Vietnamese people proclaimed their own independence in 1945 after a combined French and Japanese occupation which they fought as American allies. This proclamation of independence came before the communist revolution in China. They were led by Ho Chi Min [who had been decorated by the US]. Even though they quoted the American Declaration of Independence in their own document of freedom, we refused to recognize them. Instead, we decided to support France in its reconquest of her former colony. Our government felt then that the Vietnamese people were not ready for independence, and we again fell victim to the deadly Western arrogance that has poisoned the international atmosphere for so long. With that tragic decision we rejected a revolutionary government seeking self-determination and a government that had been established not by China -- for whom the Vietnamese have no great love -- but by clearly indigenous forces that included some communists. For the peasants this new government meant real land reform, one of the most important needs in their lives.

For nine years following 1945 we denied the people of Vietnam the right of independence. For nine years we vigorously supported the French in their abortive effort to recolonize Vietnam. Before the end of the war we were meeting eighty percent of the French war costs. Even before the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu, they began to despair of their reckless action, but we did not. We encouraged them with our huge financial and military supplies to continue the war even after they had lost the will. Soon we would be paying almost the full costs of this tragic attempt at recolonization.

After the French were defeated, it looked as if independence and land reform would come again through the Geneva Agreement. But instead there came the United States, determined that Ho should not unify the temporarily divided nation, and the peasants watched again as we supported one of the most vicious modern dictators, our chosen man, Premier Diem. The peasants watched and cringed as Diem ruthlessly rooted out all opposition, supported their extortionist landlords, and refused even to discuss reunification with the North. The peasants watched as all this was presided over by United States' influence and then by increasing numbers of United States troops who came to help quell the insurgency that Diem's methods had aroused. When Diem was overthrown they may have been happy, but the long line of military dictators seemed to offer no real change, especially in terms of their need for land and peace.

The only change came from America, as we increased our troop commitments in support of governments which were singularly corrupt, inept, and without popular support. All the while the people read our leaflets and received the regular promises of peace and democracy and land reform. Now they languish under our bombs and consider us, not their fellow Vietnamese, the real enemy. They move sadly and apathetically as we herd them off the land of their fathers into concentration camps where minimal social needs are rarely met. They know they must move on or be destroyed by our bombs.

So they go, primarily women and children and the aged. They watch as we poison their water, as we kill a million acres of their crops. They must weep as the bulldozers roar through their areas preparing to destroy the precious trees. They wander into the hospitals with at least twenty casualties from American firepower for one Vietcong-inflicted injury. So far we may have killed a million of them, mostly children. They wander into the towns and see thousands of the children, homeless, without clothes, running in packs on the streets like animals. They see the children degraded by our soldiers as they beg for food. They see the children selling their sisters to our soldiers, soliciting for their mothers.

What do the peasants think as we ally ourselves with the landlords and as we refuse to put any action into our many words concerning land reform? What do they think as we test out our latest weapons on them, just as the Germans tested out new medicine and new tortures in the concentration camps of Europe? Where are the roots of the independent Vietnam we claim to be building? Is it among these voiceless ones?

We have destroyed their two most cherished institutions: the family and the village. We have destroyed their land and their crops. We have cooperated in the crushing -- in the crushing of the nation's only non-Communist revolutionary political force, the unified Buddhist Church. We have supported the enemies of the peasants of Saigon. We have corrupted their women and children and killed their men.

Who are we supporting in Vietnam? It's a man by the name of general Ky who fought with the French against his own people, who said the greatest hero of his life is Hitler. Oh, our government and the press generally won't tell us these things, but God told me to tell you "

[Years later, your author (unknowingly, being introduced afterward), played tennis doubles against Air Vice Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky, dead this week at 81. Peace leader King was silenced at age 39 in 1968. The last Quisling premire of American created 'South Vietnam' was living well in Hong Kong in 1984, I can report, and is still alive today at 81.]
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[Rev. King was assassinated in spring of 1968. Therefore this site's coordinator, archival research peoples historian jay janson, picks up the story of US Crimes in Vietnam here:]

After a faked story of N. Vietnamese little torpedo boats threatening US destroyers off the coast, Congress had passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution authorizing the bombing of North Vietnam. This brutal bombing took thousands of lives of ordinary villagers and civilians in cities and went on with off and on ferocity until the US withdrawal. Between March 1965 and November 1968, "Rolling Thunder" deluged the north with a million tons of missiles, rockets and bombs. At one point former Chief Prosecutor of the Nuremberg Trials in Nazi Germany stated he would have been glad to prosecute the captured shot down American flyer as war criminals, but the interview was hushed up by CBS. The US calling for the free world to protect itself from communism dropped in all more twice as much tonnage of bombs on this tiny rice-growing independence seeking French colony as was dropped during all of WW II in Europe and Asia.

Meanwhile the southern freedom fighters attacking the occupying American armed forces as guerrillas secretly supported by the population had grown from 5,000 in the 1959 rebellion against the American dictator Diem to well over around 150,000 at the time King was murdered. Pressured by Washington, its SEATO allies Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines contributed troops. A couple of months before King was shot came a huge surprise offensive in 100 cities and towns across South Vietnam, the capture for a time of the imperial city of Hu?, Command Headquarters and the American Embassy in Saigon. Pres. Johnson halted the bombing of the North and after the largest demonstrations in D.C. announced he would not run for reelection.

Nixon alternately pursued negotiations and heavier bombings than before. Nixon began to pursue détente with the Soviet Union and rapprochement with the People's Republic of China. But Nixon was disappointed that the PRC and the Soviet Union continued to supply the North Vietnamese with aid. In September 1969, Ho Chi Minh died at age seventy-nine.

The anti-war movement was gaining strength in the United States. Nixon appealed to the "silent majority" of Americans to support the war. But revelations of the My Lai Massacre, in which a U.S. Army platoon raped and killed civilians, and the 1969 "Green Beret Affair" where eight Special Forces soldiers, including the 5th Special Forces Group Commander were arrested for the murder[189] of a suspected double agent[190] provoked national and international outrage.
The civilian cost of the war was again questioned when U.S. forces concluded Operation Speedy Express with a claimed bodycount of 10,889 Communist guerrillas with only 40 U.S. losses; Kevin Buckley writing in Newsweek estimated that perhaps 5,000 of the Vietnamese dead were civilians.

[When the US War criminals involved are posthumously prosecuted the list will be enormous and include hundreds of media celebrities, even thousands of others, some high clergy like Cardinal Spellman of New York and officials of the executive branch of US satellite governments who order their nationals into Vietnam to kill and destroy.]
Martin Luther King Jr. taught the peoples history of Vietnam from 1945 through 1967 in his sermon Beyond Vietnam - a Time to Break Silence that shook up the world for his having called his government "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." Click on Kings sermon above. you may begin reading at the 16th paragraph: "And as I ponder the madness of Vietnam and search within myself for ways to understand and respond in compassion, my mind goes constantly to the people of that peninsula...." and continue through:"

"And so, such thoughts take us beyond Vietnam, but not beyond our calling as sons of the living God.

During the past ten years, we have seen emerge a pattern of suppression which has now justified the presence of U.S. military advisors in Venezuela. This need to maintain social stability for our investments accounts for the counterrevolutionary action of American forces in Guatemala. It tells why American helicopters are being used against guerrillas in Cambodia and why American napalm and Green Beret forces have already been active against rebels in Peru."



The Guardian, UK reported that Laos was hit by an average of one B-52 bombload every eight minutes, 24 hours a day, between 1964 and 1973. US bombers dropped more ordnance on Laos in this period than was dropped during the whole of the Second World War. Of the 260 million bombs that rained down, particularly on Xiangkhouang Province on the Plain of Jars, some 80 million failed to explode, leaving a deadly legacy.[16] Laos is the most heavily-bombed country, per capita, in the world. Because it was particularly heavily affected by cluster bombs during this war, Laos was a strong advocate of the Convention on Cluster Munitions to ban the weapons and assist victims, and hosted the First Meeting of States Parties to the convention in November 2010.(The US has consistently opposed the ban.)

In 1975, with the withdrawal of the massive US Army, Navy and Air Force form Vietnam and Cambodia and Laos as well, the Pathet Lao, a intellectual Marxist nationalist independence movement born to fight against the US backed French restoration of brutal colonialism in 1949 that had bravely withstood all the inexpressively horrific US bombings, became the government of all Laos.

Following a brief Japanese occupation during World War II, the country had declared its independence in 1945, but the French under Charles de Gaulle had re-asserted control. In 1950 Laos was granted semi-autonomy as an "associated state" within the French Union. France remained in de facto control until 22 October 1953, when Laos gained full independence as a constitutional monarchy.]
Under a special exemption to the Geneva Convention, a French military training mission continued to support the French organized Royal Lao Army. In 1955, the U.S. Department of Defense created a special Programs Evaluation Office to replace French support of the Royal Lao Army against the communist Pathet Lao as part of the U.S. containment policy. America's military leader during the WW II, looked upon as fair-minded ordered the beginning of this historic crime against humanity of bombing a tiny agricultural colonial population mercilessly, commenting that retaining control of Laos was the key to retaining control of all South-east Asia. Once Presidents Kennedy and Johnson began introducing massive amount of US Armed Forces into Vietnam, Laos had already been experiencing Holocaust America put on the basically rural population of French Indochina peninsula.



Carpet bombing is a large aerial bombing done in a progressive manner to inflict damage in every part of a selected area of land.[1][2][3] The phrase evokes the image of explosions completely covering an area, in the same way that a carpet covers a floor. Carpet bombing is usually achieved by dropping many unguided bombs.

[Frontline, PBS] Henry Kissinger Peace Maker or War Criminal

On March 18, 1969, American B-52s began carpet-bombing eastern Cambodia. "Operation Breakfast" was the first course in a four-year bombing campaign that drew Cambodia headlong into the Vietnam War. The Nixon Administration kept the bombings secret from Congress for several months, insisting they were directed against legitimate Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge targets. However, the raids exacted an enormous cost from the Cambodian people: the US dropped 540,000 tons of bombs , killing anywhere from 150,000 to 500,000 civilians.

“Extensive Air Force data on all American bombings of Indochina between 1964 and 1975 regarding Cambodia in particular a follows:

From October 4, 1965, to August 15, 1973, the United States dropped far more ordnance on Cambodia than was previously believed: 2,756,941 tons' worth, dropped in 230,516 sorties on 113,716 sites. Over 10 percent of this bombing was indiscriminate, with 3,580 of the sites listed as having "unknown" targets and another 8,238 sites having no target listed at all the total payload dropped during these years to be nearly five times greater than the generally accepted figure. To put the revised total of 2,756,941 tons into perspective, the Allies dropped just over 2 million tons of bombs during all of World War II, [Cambodia vies with Laos as the most heavily bombed country in history.] The bombing drove ordinary Cambodians into the arms of the Khmer Rouge, a group that seemed initially to have slim prospects of revolutionary success.[*]

Nixon had commanded that, "They [the USAF] have got to go in there and I mean really go in . . . I want everything that can fly to go in there and crack the hell out of them. There is no limitation on mileage and there is no limitation on budget. Is that clear?"[*] Taylor Owen and Yale's Ben Kiernan claim that, "Previously, it was estimated that between 50,000 and 150,000 Cambodian civilians were killed by the bombing, bur the database revealed fivefold increase in tonnage,” which would bring the number of casualties to have been between 250,000 and 750,000. [*]

As the Vietnam War ended, a draft USAID report observed that the country faced famine in 1975, with 75% of its draft animals destroyed, and that rice planting for the next harvest would have to be done "by the hard labour of seriously malnourished people". The report predicted that

"Without large-scale external food and equipment assistance there will be widespread starvation between now and next February ... Slave labour and starvation rations for half the nation's people (probably heaviest among those who supported the republic) will be a cruel necessity for this year, and general deprivation and suffering will stretch over the next two or three years before Cambodia can get back to rice self-sufficiency" [ Shawcross, William (1987). Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the destruction of Cambodia,: Touchstone. Overview:

Although there are many books and films dealing with the Vietnam War, Sideshow tells the truth about America's secret and illegal war with Cambodia from 1969 to 1973. William Shawcross interviewed hundreds of people of all nationalities, including cabinet ministers, military men, and civil servants, and extensively researched U.S. Government documents. This full-scale investigation—with material new to this edition—exposes how Kissinger and Nixon treated Cambodia as a sideshow. Although the president and his assistant claimed that a secret bombing campaign in Cambodia was necessary to eliminate North Vietnamese soldiers who were attacking American troops across the border, Shawcross maintains that the bombings only spread the conflict ]

[*] Bombs Over Cambodia by Taylor Owen and Ben Kiernan by Taylor Owen and Ben Kiernan,Yale University, University - New information reveals that the bombing began

not under Richard Nixon, but under Lyndon Johnson.

[Looking back], as the Vietnam War had progressed, Sihanouk had adopted an official policy of neutrality in the Cold War, although he was widely considered to be sympathetic to the cause of the Ho Chi Minh led Vietnamese fighting US and French imperialism. Sihanouk allowed the Western labeled

Vietcong to use Cambodia as a sanctuary and a supply route for their arms and other aid to their armed forces fighting in South Vietnam. Possible for this policy being perceived a humiliating by many Cambodians remembering earlier Viet/Thai domination of Cambodia, in December 1967 Washington Post journalist Stanley Karnow had been told by Sihanouk that if the US wanted to bomb the Vietnamese communist sanctuaries, he would not object, unless Cambodians were killed.[30] The same message was conveyed to US President Johnson's emissary Chester Bowles in January 1968.[31] So his balancing act, the US had had no real motivation to overthrow Sihanouk yet. However members of the government and army, who resented Sihanouk's ruling style as well as his tilt away from the United States, did have such a motivation. But when it became convenient for the CIA, while visiting Beijing in 1970 Sihanouk was ousted by a military coup led by Prime Minister General Lon Nol and Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak. There is no evidence of any US role in the coup. However once the coup was completed the new regime, which immediately demanded that the Vietnamese communists leave Cambodia, gained the political support of the United States. The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces, desperate to retain their sanctuaries and supply lines from North Vietnam, immediately came under armed attacks on the new government. The king urged his followers to help in overthrowing this government, hastening the onset of civil war, that lasted from 1970 until early 1972, with the Khmer Rouge rebels having the ousted king's support. However from 1970 until early 1972 the Cambodian conflict was largely one between the government and army of Cambodia, and the armed forces of North Vietnam. As they gained control of Cambodian territory the Vietnamese communists imposed a new political infrastructure, which was eventually dominated by the Cambodian communists we now refer to as the Khmer Rouge.[33] So the Vietnamese communists played a vital role in the rise of the Khmer Rouge.

Norodom Sihanouk and Mao Tse-Tung in 1956

Between 1969 and 1973, the armed forces of the US installed, protected and funded dictatorial regime of the Republic of South Vietnam and U.S. forces bombed and briefly invaded Cambodia in an effort to disrupt the Viet Cong and Khmer Rouge.[34] Some two million Cambodians were made refugees



[US Special Envoy Donald Rumsfeld meeting Saddam Hussein 1981 during Iraqi US backed and aided 8 yr. invasion of Iran, shortly after time of gas attack using US chemical sales. CIA had promoted Hussein into murderous dictatorial power a few years earlier.]

(click here for the beginning US crimes against humanity as they flowed seamlessly out of those of the British colonial empire

["'Frankly, that's a number that doesn't interest me very much," Gen. Colin Powell, Chief of Desert Storm US military attack upon being asked how many Iraqi soldiers perished (estimated 100,000) shot in the back from the air as they retreated from Kuwait across the desert.]

[Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's quote, calmly asserting that U.S. policy objectives were worth the sacrifice of half a million Arab children, has been much quoted in the Arabic press. It's also been cited in the United States in alternative commentary on the September 11 attacks (e.g., Alexander Cockburn, New York Press, 9/26/01)]


There Was No Libyan Peaceful Protest,
Just Murderous Gangs and Nic Robertson

By Jay Janson

16 June, 2011

Nic Robertson and Anderson Cooper are surely aware of their achievement in promoting the human carnage of civil war and the destruction of a beautifully well-kept and prosperous nation, the 53rd highest developed country in the world with free health care and education. A standard of living that was higher than nine European nations, including Russia, is no more, thanks to their having daily led our entertainment with their war mongering of purposely distorted reporting, misreporting, disinformation, and blacking out of information that would have made this massive loss of human life impossible. They'll not be able to wash this off their conscience.

1. There were no peaceful protests!

2. CNN, covering the Danish Cartoons anniversary demonstration that was cooped with an announcement from London to make it into a "day of rage against Libyan leader Gaddafi,' showed us camera panning of a modest size crowd (mostly men) jumping up and down shouting against Gaddafi (not against Libya's high standard of living).

3. There were armed attacks on police stations (even traffic police) and vicious attacks on Chinese and Korea construction workers already two days before, and during the anniversary of the Danish Cartoons or "day of rage,' executions of 50 captured Libyan soldiers, one beheaded, some hung along with police officers. And who knows how many ordinary Libyan civilians harmed by tough guys brought in to Benghazi and other Cyrenaican towns. This was reported by Reuters and BBC, but not CNN.

4. CNN showed a video of a small amount of people scattering, running at twilight, cell phone camera jerking around in confusion with the sound of shooting from completely unidentified sources. There was Anderson Cooper and Nic Robertson crying out that "Gaddafi', was "targeting, shooting, bombing his own people who only want democracy. At the same time a flood of anti Gaddafi reports were coming in from well funded Libyan exile backers in various countries.

5. Imagine! On Feb. 21 a bare four days after the overseas calls for "day of rage' U.S. media's UK counterpart, the Telegraph reported that " the International Federation for Human Rights said Libya's second city along with Sirte, Tobruk, Misrata, Khoms, Tarhounah, Zenten, Al-Zawiya and Zouara had all been taken by protesters. "Protesters?" We were given to see these tough hombre heavily armed "freedom fighters' in their fleets of pickup trucks looking nothing at all like protesters.

6. While, very quickly, heavily armed insurgent gangs, always described as "ordinary citizens who had dropped their office jobs a few days before to fight for freedom,' were efficiently overrunning towns and airports, Cooper and Robertson kept excitedly exclaiming cities were being bombed from the air - civilians targeted - showing viewers the same single bomb crater in a field outside of a town for five days running as proof, though oddly admitting no one had been injured.

7. CNN and NY Times have never reported that Libya, as opposed to desperately poor Egypt and Yemen enjoys a higher standard of living than nine European nations including Russia. Rather, they continue emphasizing Western media condemnation of Gaddafi over his entire four decades of leadership of Libya and the movement for African Union.

8. In less than 2 weeks came Obama's executive orders freezing Libyan accounts or confiscating Libyan accounts of billions of dollars for eventual use by insurgents. Even earlier began the threats from international institutions beholden to U.S. and NATO, and open speculation by the same coalition of former colonial powers that had once conquered and ruled the entire non-white world for centuries, of military action against "Gaddafi' (that would add a sixth Muslim nation to its bombing list of Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan.

9. Then came the successful pressuring of China and Russia not to veto a U.S. NATO attack on Libya in favor of the insurgent army (almost openly led and funded by CIA, M16, Mossad and the French Secret Service) under the pretext of protecting the Libyan population from its own government (never referred to a an independent nation, but as "Gaddafi" or "the Gaddafi regime). A UN "Security Council' resolution was passed, but never meant to protect Libyans from a brutal foreign funded insurgent army calling for warplanes of the former European occupiers of North Africa to bomb their own countrymen and nation. During all the months following, CNN would have us believe the attacking insurgents never killed anyone, while hammering in the Gaddafi monster theme.

10. All this deception was prepared over decades of rabid media attacks on Gaddafi, the anti-imperialist, the "mad dog' of Reagan and Secretary Clinton, and then with claims that Libya was having just another revolution like those against the many U.S. supported dictators of Arab nations. War on Libyan was accepted by the American public in the same way the public had accepted covert violence and war to protect Guatemalans, Congolese, Dominicans, Cubans, Panamanians, Nicaraguans, Chileans and Hondurans from their presidents, wars to protect Koreans from other Koreans, Vietnamese from Vietnamese, Laotians from Laotians, Cambodians from Cambodians, Lebanese from Lebanese, Afghans from Afghans, Iraqis from Iraqis, Somalis from Somalis, Yemeni from Yemeni, Grenadians from Grenadians, Salvadorians from Salvadorians, Yugoslavs from Yugoslavs, Iranians from Iranians, Haitians from Haitians, and Pakistanis from Pakistanis. By this time everyone should have known of the U.S. protection racket, but count on innovation by CIA, CNN and the NY Times to make a seemingly ironclad case in favor of each new U.S. EU Canadian Australian war coalition.

Obama, whose words, accepted as the almighty himself speaking when it comes to protecting the U.S. from the outside world, keeps announcing Gaddafi must go unconditionally. Obama's reason for bombing a sixth Muslim nation? Not to protect Americans from terrorism, but to prevent Gaddafi from massacring his own people. So suspiciously caring of a Nobel Peace Prize President nonchalantly ordering the taking of thousands of lives in a half dozen other Muslim nations in order to protect invading American soldiers and Americans at home.

This latest war would seem far fetched, but for CNN boldly leading enough of the rest of corporate owned Western media in public deception with repeating war-justifying sound-bites colored by almost obvious psyops of "now you see it, now you don't' film shots.

No one, in reaction, is allowed to flinch, as the augustly at home with himself self-righteous President feels somehow necessary to top off his charge of Gaddafi the mad massacrer of his own people, by dramatically throwing in mention of a woman claiming to Western reporters in Tripoli that she was raped by Libyan soldiers. (The black worker who told Reuters of his wife being raped before him by rebels is a non-happening for Cooper and Robertson who with great show of compassion promoted the Tripoli woman's fascinating charge for a whole week of prime time sex entertainment while those British and French paragons of virtue were bombing to clear the way for an insurgent army advance.

When it came the turn of the U.S. NATO controlled International Criminal Court to condemn Gaddafi for crimes against humanity (something no ex-colonial power has ever been indicted for), "Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo said there was evidence that the Libyan authorities bought "Viagra-type' medicines and gave them to troops as part of the official rape policy. "They were buying containers to enhance the possibility to rape women', he said. 'We had doubts at the beginning but now we are more convinced that he decided to punish using rapes', the prosecutor said. He told reporters at the UN in New York that he had collected evidence suggesting the Libyan leader had decided to punish women by using rape as a weapon in the hope that it would instill fear and curb dissent. In March, a Libyan woman, Eman al-Obeidi, made headlines around the world after she burst into a Tripoli hotel and said she had been raped by Gaddafi's troops.

Imagine! Obama and the ICC, to justify taking Libyan lives to protect other Libyans from a mass murderer, see the necessity to include freaky unsubstantiated sex accusations. Do they take us all for absolute fools? - while they play civil war on a whole nation out of the goodness of their hearts? Is it that rich and powerful white folks plan to rule the the rest of the world for another couple of centuries? This ICC has only opened six investigations, all six on African nations. The Libyan government dismissed the complaint of the ICC, "a baby of the EU designed for prosecuting African leaders."

11. U.S. Treasury estimated there are 44 tones of gold in the 100% state owned bank of Libya currently minting gold dinars to replace trading in dollars and euros. This must have been the reason to hurry an invasion of Libya (apart from its largest oil reserves in Africa that were then exporting mostly to China). We might ask ourselves: What happens when a "rogue" country threatens to bring the banking system that benefits the corporatocracy to its knees? (See article by Reagan economist Paul Craig Roberts quoted further on).

13. Documented here below are reports of insurgent acts of horror - mostly by non-U.S media. The reader is encouraged to check for himself or herself what exactly was reported by all the world's major print news outlets from Feb. 15th onward in terms of number of casualties for both sides, and to view whatever videos are offered as proof that Libyan police, security, soldiers targeted civilians peacefully protesting. The internet, Google and YouTube have of course a great deal of material emphasizing mainstream anti-Gaddafi accusations and praise for the rebel attacks on the government, but much can be learned from one's failing to find verified that which CNN, the other five U.S. networks, and U.S. print media have put out, especially to justify big power military intervention against the government of Libya, always referred to as "Gaddafi" or "the Gaddafi regime"

On TV, we didn't see planes and tanks "unleashed" until truck loads of heavily armed rebels were well on the road toward Tripoli. One does remember two planes defecting to Malta, two others falling out of the sky, one shot down over the ocean. But no pictures of planes bombing protesters; no proof that orders were given to do so. Gaddafi, has throughout been calling for an international investigation of happenings everywhere in Libya, by the UN or any other Western power to ascertain exactly who has been shooting who while Western media accuses only him and his government? Though obviously, caught unawares during the first days of the power grab, he has repeatedly offered to meet with the rebel leadership, and did not try to retake the rebel captured cities until rebel armies were well down the road toward Tripoli.

On the first day, Feb. 15, Reuters reported groups of protesters attacking police stations, no deaths, 60 injured.

The next day, Feb. 16, Reuters reported, along with immediately created rebel media, 6 dead when mobs of more than a hundred each attacked more police stations in various towns.

Feb. 17th, during what was to be an anniversary demonstration for the international bloody protests against the Danish Cartoons that insulted the Prophet, which upon declarations from London exiles people were to make it into "A Day of Rage' against Libyan leader Gaddafi, The Evening Standard and Al Jazeera English estimated that fourteen people were killed. Reuters, BBC and opposition media reported 14 or 15 dead.

But after overnight protests, the following day,

18 February 2011, , Ian Black and Owen Bowcott reported: "Amer Saad, a political activist from Derna, told al-Jazeera: "The protesters in al-Bayda have been able to seize control of the military airbase in the city and have executed 50 African "mercenaries' and two Libyan conspirators. Even in Derna today, a number of conspirators [loyal citizens] were executed. They were locked up in the holding cells of a police station because they resisted, and some died burning inside the building."

Reuters 7:03 pm reported that " Human Rights Watch [based on Fifth Avenue< New York] said that according to its sources inside Libya, security forces killed at least 24 people in crackdowns on protests". IOL News of South Africa , reported dozens killed by security forces. [So at this point in our research loyalists deaths outnumber all civilian death on both sides by 2 to 1.]

"Human Rights Watch shortly after sent someone to the east of Libya, and there he found out that all the 156 captured people, which the rebels described as "African mercenaries", were in fact not foreign mercenaries, but Libyans with black skin color, and that they served as regular soldiers in the Army of Libya. Human Rights Watch found no indication that the Libyan government, as claimed by the rebels, used mercenaries at all to quell the uprising in eastern Libya.

The actually existing strong support for Muammar Gaddafi by black-skinned Libyans Human Rights Watch explained with the fact that Muammar Gaddafi did a lot in the past to end the discrimination against black people in Libya. So it's understandable that the rebels hunted black-skinned people and, regardless whether they were Libyan soldiers or foreign refugees of poverty, executed them as a precautionary measure if possible." The British Guardian reported from Benghazi

On February 24th, shortly after the beginning British Telegraph already reported some more details regarding the observance of human rights by the NATO-backed government opponents in the east of Libya:
"Ahmed Ahmed Ibrahim showed video footage he had captured on his mobile telephone of an African mercenary hanging from a meat-hook in an Al Bayda doorway. " Masquerading as pro-Gaddafi partisans, they duped the mercenaries, who were described as French-speaking Africans, captured them and then dragged them into the streets of Al Bayda " Mr. Ibrahim, who works in a cafe, said he believes most were executed although he only witnessed two slain foreigners."

The criterion "African" here does not refer -- of course, because all Libyans are Africans -- to an African origin, but to the color of the skin: "African" here means people with black skin. What The Telegraph described is applied to people with black skin, which the CIA-backed "rebels" had identified as "foreign mercenaries.

The War in Libya: Race, "Humanitarianism," and the Media Los Angeles Times 4/23/11 by Luis Sinco, "rebel held prisoners are asked to speak up. "A middle-aged African waited for a moment before loudly proclaiming his innocence to no one in particular. "I am a worker, not a fighter. They took me from my house and [raped] my wife," he said, gesturing with his hands.
Before he could say much more, a pair of guards told him to shut up and hustled him through the steel doors of a cell block, which quickly slammed behind them."

Libya: Seconds from a bullet in the head , "this alleged African mercenary was captured by furious Libyan opposition fighters yesterday and was about to be shot before a foreign reporter persuaded them not to execute him" , by Mohammed Abbas, 3/4/11, Scotsman

Tens of thousands of sub-Saharan Africans are employed in Libya's oil industry and in other sectors.

I n Libya, African Migrants Say They Face Hostility NPR, 2/25/11

QUIST-ARCTON: This Turkish oil worker, who's managed to escape from Libya, told the BBC he'd witnessed violence against his African colleagues.

Unidentified Man: (Through translator) We left behind our friends from Chad. We left behind their bodies. We had 70 or 80 people from Chad working for our company. They cut them dead with pruning shears and axes, attacking them, saying you're providing troops for Gadhafi. The Sudanese, the Chadians were massacred. We saw it ourselves"

Among the many cell phone videos on the fighting in Libya are these three. YouTube required the author to understand it is upsetting to watch and click if at least 18 years of age.
"pt 4 of 4 - Libyan soldier hanged and beheaded in the city of Benghazi"
Libya Rebels (pt4) Execute, Behead, Mutilate Gaddafi Army who Surrender! Where is CN?

"Apparently, Pro Gaddafi Soldiers who surrender have been Executed by Rebels in Cold Blood ! Blindfolded, hog-tied, beat, Executed, Hung, beheaded, put on fire, had their bodies mutilated. Anderson Cooper and PBS and Rachel Maddow have described opposition forces of being made up of ordinary citizens who just a short time ago were in their jobs as lawyers, office workers."

Mein Parteibuch Zweitblog , Germany
"Appendix: here is a short video showing how the Libyan "rebels" treat black people: Yes, we can. That's how Obama's new Libyan friends treat black people."

LIBYA: Rebels execute black immigrants while forces kidnap others
SomalilandPress , Somalia
ADDIS ABABA -- "human right groups say rebels are committing crimes against humanity."

In east Libya, African hunt began as towns and cities began fall under the control of Libyan rebels, mobs and gangs. They started to detain, insult, rape and even execute black immigrants, students and refugees.

According to Somali refugees in Libya, at least five Somalis from Somaliland and Somalia were executed in Tripoli and Benghazi by anti-Gaddafi mobs. Dozens of refugees and immigrants workers from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ghana, Nigeria, Chad, Mali and Niger have been killed, some of them were led into the desert and stabbed to death. Black Libyan men receiving medical care in hospitals in Benghazi were reportedly abducted by armed rebels. They are part of more than 200 African immigrants held in secret locations by the rebels.

In many disputes involving Libyan residents and black Africans, the Libyans are turning in the Africans as mercenaries.

Thousands more Africans caught up in this mercenary hysteria are terrified. Some barricaded themselves in their homes, while others hid in the desert. Insulted, threatened, beaten, chased and robbed. Their only crime was being black and therefore treated as "mercenaries" of Gaddafi.

While the airing of Gaddafi's so called "black mercenaries" by Western media has ignited the issue, some say an xenophobic attitude towards these refugees and labourers has existed for years.... In many situations, Gaddafi and his inner circle preferred black Africans and Libyans from the south over Libyans from the east. Now the angry mobs using the revolutionary movement across Arabia and North Africa are hunting down black people."

Reuters UK edition 4/3/11
Chad says citizens abused in rebel-held Libya

"Several Chadian nationals had been arrested, some were "paraded on television as mercenaries and sometimes executed" despite denials that Libya had recruited any mercenaries from its southern neighbour.
The government of Chad had said about 300,000 of its citizens resided in Libya before the crisis. "

Libyan protesters attack S. Korean & Chinese companies , Feb 22, 2011 Reuters Sri Lanka

"On February 17/18,about 200 Libyans in the eastern coastal town of Darnah invaded a South Korean-run construction site and set fire to a dormitory for Korean workers.

Chinese workers here said nearly all Chinese companies in the country were "attacked or looted."

" Our Man in Tripoli": US-NATO Sponsored Islamic Terrorists Integrate Libya's Pro-Democracy Opposition by Michel Chossudovsky, GlobalResearch, 4/3/11

Rarely acknowledged by the Western media, the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG -- Al-Jamaa al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi Libya), is an integral part of the Libyan Opposition. The LIGF, which is aligned with al-Qaeda, is in the frontline of the armed insurrection."

During its lifetime, "The LIFG was supported not only by the CIA and The British Secret Intelligence Service but also by factions within Libya's intelligence agency, led by former intelligence head and Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa, who defected to the United Kingdom in late March 2011."

Libya Rebels: Gaddafi Could be Right About al-Qaeda - The First Post
Mar 24, 2011 ... Gaddafi may have been right when he identified his opponents as al-Qaeda, says Alexander Cockburn.

The West Point analysts' statistical study of the al-Qaeda personnel records concludes that one country provided "far more" foreign fighters in per capita terms than any other: namely, Libya.
The records show that the "vast majority of Libyan fighters that included their home town in the Sinjar Records resided in the country's northeast". Benghazi provided many volunteers. So did Dernah, a town about 200 kms east of Benghazi, in which an Islamic emirate was declared when the rebellion against Gaddafi started.

The CIA's Libya Rebels: 2007 West Point Study Shows Benghazi - Darnah-Tobruk Area was a World Leader in Al Qaeda Suicide Bomber Recruitment, By Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D., Tarpley, Washington D.C., 3/24/11
" The rebels are clearly not civilians, but an armed force. What kind of an armed force?"

Libyan Rebel Commander Admits his Fighters Have Al-Qaeda Links - Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime. by Praveen Swami, Nick Squires and Duncan Gardham, The Telegraph 3/26/11

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya".

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya".

Libyan, Once a Detainee, Is Now a U.S. Ally of Sorts

DARNAH, Libya -- "For more than five years, Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu was a prisoner at the Guantánamo Bay prison, judged "a probable member of Al Qaeda" by the analysts there.

Today, Mr. Qumu, 51, is a notable figure in the Libyan rebels
" "He was known as one of the extremist commanders of the Afghan Arabs,' "

When that Guantánamo assessment was written, the United States was working closely with Colonel Qaddafi's intelligence service against terrorism. Now, the United States ... is backing with air power the rebels, including Mr. Qumu.

Libya: WikiLeaks Cables Warn of Extremist Beliefs By Heidi Blake

"Leaked diplomatic cables obtained by the WikiLeaks disclose fears that eastern Libya is being overrun by extremists intent on overthrowing Colonel Gaddafi's regime.
(For Benghazi being the closes African port to Italy, it has apparently become a crime center for the lucrative human traffic trade with a lot of thugs in town.)

The revolt started in Benghazi in eastern Libya. A very important point not mentioned anywhere in the international media is the fact that due to geographic location, being one of the closest point to Europe from the African continent, Benghazi has over the past 15 years or so become the epicenter of African migration to Europe. The human trafficking industry, grew into a billion dollar a year industry in Benghazi. When the first demonstrations took place in Benghazi the loose coalition of terrorist cells and human trafficking gangs immediately took advantage of the turmoil to attack the high security prisons outside of Benghazi where their comrades were locked up."

From past history of Western imperialism, one might assume that ever since a charismatic lowest rank officer Gadhafi led the overthrow of British installed King Idris (1969) and had Libya nationalize the "Free World's' oil, M16, CIA, and French secret service should have had a relatively easy time hatching plots for Gaddafi's assassination within the contentious tribal society of that half-Berber nation.

This just might perhaps explain the years of back and forth counter assassination episodes culminating, after decades, with President Reagan's bombing attempt to assassinate Gaddafi by missiles fired on his compound from planes off an aircraft carrier that killed a hundred Libyans, Gadhafi's daughter among them. The "community of nations' never has much of a problem with U.S. bombings - the media conglomerates of a savage investment community went on condemning Gadhafi as they did Fidel Castro.

Then came a bizarre arrangement under which years of Western nation embargoes and sanctions on Libya would be lifted upon Libya allowing two Libyans to stand trial in Scotland on circumstantial evidence and Libya paying a indemnity to families of victims of a PamAm flight bombed over Scotland by persons unknown. Strangely, after a trial ending in conviction that United Nations Special Rapporteur Michael Nowak among others in attendance called a "abominable miscarriage of justice," in which no hard evidence, was presented, Libya was admitted to the "community of nations' and able to trade once more.

When one who was convicted was recently released for being terminally ill (or by previous covert agreement), was welcomed home as a hero for his willingness to sacrifice himself for the nations restitution, mainstream media had its captive audience hit the ceiling. All very confusing, except to know that somehow Libya's oil was somehow playing a part from the time Gadhafi had Libya nationalize it.

Gaddafi, as most Arabs, has been outspoken in support for Palestinians in their struggle over their land being taken away from them by the colonial-powers-founded-and-controlled United Nations, which awarded more that 55% of the British Mandate (colony) of Palestine to the mainly European colonizing immigrant Jewish third of the then total population of the Mandate. Gaddafi holds the belief that this UN decision was meant to both assuage wealthy white capitalists' consciences for having invested in low wage German labor and built up poor Nazi Germany to world #1 military power in full awareness of Hitter's well announced plans to persecute Jews, and, to establish a colony of Europeans in the middle of the oil rich Arab world.

Pitilessly hateful remarks attributed to Gaddafi after the horribly indiscriminate massacre at Israel's Lod Airport by a Japanese terrorist group, can be understood, if not forgiven, as having been made by someone suffering the awareness that none of the massive number of Israeli massacres of Palestinians and Lebanese has ever been condemned by European or American governments or by the Israelis.

The same might be said for the double standard that rightfully condemns financial support for Arab terrorist organizations but not American and European covert funding of terrorist organizations in dozens of third world nations, e.g., Carter/CIA funding, arming and training of the very first fundamentalist terror to overthrow a women liberating Socialist Kabul government and draw the Soviets into a trap in coming to its defense.

With Africa ever dominated by competing European investments and competing nations for hegemony and profits funding terror and civil war to their investments advantage, Gaddafi inevitably has been drawn in to support which ever group judged to be for liberation from cruel European exploitation. Europeans in their corporate controlled media are able to accuse Gaddafi of supporting terror. But in the cruel Realpolitik of a neo-colonized Africa of shifting covert machinations, no one is able to stay clean.

On Gaddafi's watch there was protection from European exploitation. Libya had risen above the dirt poor poverty of the rest of an Africa still cruelly enslaved economically by European enterprise. Good hospitals, highest longevity, lowest infant mortality - most every family with a car. See Libya in its UN Human Development Index 2010 as the 53rd most developed nation.

Gadhafi like Nkruma before him, leads a movement for African unity against European economic exploitation.
Before that, Gaddafi worked for years to unify the Arab nation into one unified pan-Arab movement following the efforts of another young revolutionary officer, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, who was also reviled in the Arab world dominating industrialized nations.

Gaddafi is no "rambling speaking," inappropriately dressed "mad dog" for the undeserving poor, imperialism oppressed, majority of the nearly seven billion human beings that make up humanity, struggling to survive on a planet half owned and mostly controlled by private finance investment capital. For majority mankind Gaddafi is in a category with Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Patrice Lumumba, Nkruma, Nasser, and others who have fought to liberate the disenfranchised and exploited from lack of food, health care, education of decent income for their children.

The schlock of lies and absurd innuendo goes on with all kinds of obviously planted stories about American investors' designated enemies. Lies, which eventually will be found out and proven false when the issue is no longer topical and of interest. Who cares about the Gulf of Tonkin lies, the many Iraq WMD lies, that Iraqi soldiers didn't pull out the life sustaining tubes of babies in Kuwait hospitals, that the planes that bombed Cuba were indeed American, that the dug up North Korean torpedo could not have blown a South Korean warship in two? Books have been written exposing such intentional falsehoods, but eminent and esteemed liars pay them absolutely no attention. It is their world, not ours.

Lies have a long life in militarized, jingoistic, American Big Brother commercial network news. Americans are still the heroes of America's war in Vietnam.

In line with our synopsis that points to understanding private investment finance capital driving before it everything else is an article of economic interest out of Russia:
Bortovoi Journal, Russia, 3/26/11
"Bombing of Libya -- Punishment for Gaddafi for His Attempt to Refuse US Dollar' , "China had announced minting of golden yuan and the Eastern countries also discussed the possibility of golden standard. Mummar Ghaddafi became the main initiator of idea of refusing from dollar and euro and called on Arab and African nations to use a new currency instead, the Persian gold dinar. In 2002 Malaysian prime minister Muhammad together with Mummar Ghaddafi proposed initiative to launch golden dinar. At the beginning this idea was approved by Iraq, Sudan and Bruney, next, Indonesia
, United Arabian Emirates and other countries joined to it. They began work on this idea. there were some sessions of Ministers of Finance of these countries and the project about refusing from dollar and euro and using golden dinar began to be transferred to life. There was a pilot project where golden coins were already minted and it began to be used in Malaysia, Indonesia and Iran. They were even used in common shops and they are still can be used there as well as common banknote money. It means that if Muammar Ghaddafi will drop bank system and will start trade only in gold, he will trade only with countries that have gold. (China has almost cornered the gold market?) ... There must be chain reaction, because everyone is tired to be a slave for USA Federal Reserve Fond and its head Mr. Bernanke. Because Bernanke gives money in debt for USA (Federal Reserve Fond of USA gives money to central Bank of USA). If Muamman Ghaddafi found time to launch golden coins before the war started, not only muslim countries would follow him. There would be many countries, including maybe even Germany. Everyone in the world who doesn't want to be a slave of Bernanke wants to trade for gold.

Gaddafi suggested establishing a united African continent, with its 200 million people using this single currency. During the past year, the idea was approved by many Arab countries and most African countries.

If the Gaddafi government goes down, it will be interesting to watch whether the new central bank [created by the rebels in March] joins the BIS, whether the nationalized oil industry gets sold off to investors, and whether education and healthcare continue to be free."

Meanwhile, as the dying proceeds according to investment necessities
the great sharks are circling in. We get it from the horse's mouth:
World Bank's Zoellick: Hopes Bank Will Have Role In Libya by Jeffrey Sparshott DOW JONES NEWSWIRES , 4/14/11

WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- World Bank President Robert Zoellick Thursday said he hopes the institution will have a role rebuilding Libya as it emerges from current unrest.

US to Recoup Libyan Oil from China Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of US Treasury by Press TV / 4/20/11
"Libyan ruler Muammar Qaddafi has made two mistakes: It blocked the US Africa Command by not joining it and let China into Libya with major energy investments instead, says a former US official.

In my opinion, what this is about is to eliminate China from the Mediterranean. China has extensive energy investments and construction investments in Libya. They are looking to Africa as a future energy source.

China ... has 50 major investment projects in eastern Libya. So the question is why did Russia and China abstain rather than veto and block? We don't know the answer.

Possibly China and Russia are thinking let the Americans get further over extended or they may not have wanted to confront them with a military or diplomatic position and have an onslaught of Western propaganda against them. We don't know the reasons, but we know they did abstain because they did not agree with the policy and they continue to criticize it.

The CIA is the originator of this so-called revolt and protest and is fomenting it and controlling it in a way that excludes China from its own Libyan oil investments.

It's a CIA operation, not a legitimate protest of the Libyan people. It's an armed rebellion that has no support in the capital city. It's taking place in the east where the oil is and is directed at China.

We (the US) are trying to cripple our main rival, China by denying it energy. That's what this is really about; a reaction by the US."

For 7,540 years Cyrenaica (Benghazi) and Tripoli have been governed independent from each other during occupation by Rome, Vandals, Byzantium, the Ummayad of Damascus, Aghlabids, Egyptian Shiites, Spain, the Knights of Malta, Turks and Italians. In 1934 Italy tried to unite the two into one nation named Libya (ancient Greek word for N. Africa). Then came the British and French occupation until 1954.

Where there is rivalry, there is opportunity for covert funding of disorder and mayhem to whip up insurrection. With false flag operations, a lot can be done. With al Qaeda elements and other fundamentalists populating a large area to the South and East of Benghazi, there was no shortage of fanatical manpower for a well planned armed rebellion to be portrayed as peaceful demonstrations for democracy.

Leave the rest to CNN and the other five Networks, who for decades have been lecturing its cartel captive audience about "mad dog' Gadhafi to immediately have viewers agreeing that Gaddafi, most certainly, for sure, absolutely, without a doubt, was going to massacre his own people, as Obama affirmed in his speech to justify air strikes on Libya.

How will Nic and Amderson deal with their conscience? Probably as did the media personnel who propagated all the other U.S. wars on little countries. "It's a job.' "It they hadn't done it someone else would have.'

Former Reagan economist Paul Craig Rorberts says "America wants to rule Russia, China, Iran, and Africa, all of South America. They want hegemony over the world."

General Wesley Clark says he was told years years ago in a briefing that the plan was to take out seven countries in five years. After Afghanistan and Iraq would come Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia and then Iran.

CNN's job, as a patriotic corporation, is to see that America gets on well with its agenda. It just business.

Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer, who has lived and worked on all the continents and whose articles on media have been published in China, Italy, England, India and the US, and now resides in New York City. Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his. GlobalReserch, InformationClearingHouse, CounterCurrents, DissidentVoice, HistoryNewsNetwork, are among those who have republished his articles.

Friday, April 22, 2011
Capitalism's Warplanes: CIA & al Qaeda Destroy Socialist Libya's 53rd Highest Living Standard
An imperative more basic than keeping US backed dictators in power and eliminating non-capitalist regimes is at work in Libya and the Middle East. An imperative that has created all wars. It is imperative for private investment financial capital to accumulate, and to accumulate at an ever increasing rate, pushing the wealthy owners of capital into ever new variations of same ancient conspiracy of the rich against the poor

It's like when you watch a magician perform. You might have an idea how the slight of hand was done. But you don't really know for sure. You just know what you saw was a trick.

You have seen revolutionaries before, real and phony. These heavily armed excited hombres don't look and act the part of the aggrieved, and for the most part don't look like the noble people risking their lives in the streets of Cairo, Tunis, Sana'a and Manama.

Thirdly, the really bad guys, the big bad guys - the very powerful imperialist capitalists who revolutionaries must always fight, are incongruously on the side of "Libyan "revolutionaries.'

Fourthly, if they have it better than everyone else in Africa and the Arab world, why are they willing to kill and be killed to change the leader who has led them in producing an enviable level of social services democratically available to all citizens*(1 ), and side with Libya's former brutal exploiting European masters who now generously bomb Libya again?

Police and security personnel have been killing protestors throughout the Western dominated Arab world. One might be surprized that it happened in socialist Libya (1), but police everywhere are known to get carried away, and in Libya from the very first days, there were attacks on police and foreigners.

In Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and Tunisia the contiuning loss of life during massive demonstrations, that were, and are, still being shown to be basically peaceful by plenty of onsite media crowd-coverage, was heartbreaking. We saw for weeks, beautiful simpatico and charming faces of people heroically risking their lives, generous common people, driven to protest by bad living conditions, lack of jobs, health care and education.*(2) The huge amount of desperate poor, in dire straits, especially in Egypt and Yemen had, and continue to have, pressing reasons to get rid heartless U.S. backed dictators favoring the rich. They want to install economic fairness and well being for their children, not that kind of corrupt and phony Western parliamentary democracy that supports foreign investment capital and the Mubaraks, Ben Alis, Salehs, Suhartos, Duvaliers and other local rulers of the world's poor for the benefit of investors in the industrialized First World.

Compare the above peacefully massed humanity with the CNN videos of wild-eyed young men jumping up and down denouncing Gaddafi, the leader of the government providing the highest standard of living in Africa - free higher education, health care in good hospitals, highest longevity, lowest infant mortality - most every family with a car*(1).

Given the nine millenniums long history of rivalry between Greek founded Benghazi (Cyrenaica) and Phoenician founded Tripoli, the present climate of Arab anti-government protests and decades of virulent hate Gaddafi stories in the media*( 9) how easy it must have been for the big powers and their pro-democracy organizations. How easy for CIA, M16 and French Secret Services and the overseas based U.S. and British funded National Conference for the Libyan Opposition to coordinate and plan the armed uprising that began with a call for a day of rage on the anniversary of the huge riot over the Danish cartoons insulting the Prophet and a deadly attack on the Italian Consulate in Benghazi in 2006.

For 7,540 years Cyrenaica (Benghazi) and Tripoli have been governed independent from each other during Roman, Vandal, Byzantium, Ummayad of Damascus, Aghlabids, Egyptian Shiites, Spain, the Knights of Malta, Turks and Italians. In 1934 Italy tried to unite the two into one nation named Libya (ancient Greek word for N. Africa). Then came the British and French occupation until 1954.

With British backing, Idris as-Senussi proclaimed an independent Emirate of Cyrenaica in 1949. He was also invited to become Emir of Tripolitania, and ultimately became King Idris of Libya in 1951. Idris had close ties with the British and the United States (ergo the large U.S. Wheelus Air Base). Oil was discovered in Libya in 1959, but King ldris allowed most of the oil profits to be siphoned into the coffers of the oil companies.

In 1969, non-commissioned officer Muammar Gaddafi led coup by a group within the Libyan Army. A republic was proclaimed, the monarchy abolished. What was a predominantly rural and backward country when the king was deposed 42 years ago is today a country with a modern economy and high literacy. But Idris' home was in Benghazi, and Gaddafi resides in Tripoli. Decentralized Green Book Arab Socialism also favored the Tripoli - Cyrenaica rivalry to continue. Perhaps a bit of ""East is East, West is West, and never the twain shall meet."

Where there is rivalry, there is opportunity for covert funding of disorder and mayhem to whip up insurrection. With false flag operations a lot can be done. With al Qaeda elements and other fundamentalists populating a large area to the South and East of Benghazi, (7) there was no shortage of fanatical manpower for a well planned armed rebellion to be portrayed as peaceful demonstrations for democracy.

Leave the rest to CNN and the other five Networks, who for decades have been lecturing its cartel captive audience about "mad dog' Gadhafi*(9), to immediately have viewers agreeing that Gaddafi, most certainly, for sure absolutely, without a doubt, was going to massacre his own people, as Obama affirmed in his speech to justify air strikes on Libya.(9)

CNN, the unabashed voice of the Pentagon with a history of slandering enemies of imperialism, initially ran cell phone videos of people running with the sound of gun shots - shots from where and whom unknown except for the CNN newscasters excited voices passionately shouting, "Gaddafi!! Gaddafi is shooting, bombing, peaceful protesters asking for democracy."*(3)(4)

Not once, during these two months of high violence in Libya, has this writer heard CNN TV newscasters report any civilian death caused by rebels firing their heavy weapons. But from some European and African news reports we know of a lot, including brutal executions.*(4 )(6) Gaddafi charged early on that there was a massacre by rebels in Green Square, and called for a UN investigation team on the ground in Libya, while continually pleading for meetings and discussions with the rebels. "Gaddafi, must go!" has always been the rejection from the rebel leadership.

Conglomerate owned media, subservient to overseas investment needs, molds it's coverage according to developments. When U.S. planes bomb, Libyan government reports of the resulting civilian death are disparaged as an attempt to make America look bad. When Libyan loyalist forces show success, news anchors show distress and report that Gaddafi is targeting and murdering civilians, not defending the Libyan population and their government from insurgent attack.*(5)

At no time has it been indicated in commercial telecasts that a majority of Libyans support overthrowing their government, much less back a USNATO war to install a western-aligned government in Tripoli with the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG -- Al-Jamaa al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi Libya), formerly, if not still today, aligned with al-Qaeda, in the front-line of the armed insurrection.*(7) The programers of CNN war promotion high upstairs in the corporate hierarchy must be well aware that Libya is still tribal, and many of the larger tribes would be traditionally staunch supporters of Gaddafi. Der Spiegel Magazine , Germany, 3/30/11, has a feature article on what one would logically expect, namely, "Benghazi isn't a pure rebel stronghold, there are Gadhafi supporters here.",1518,752580,00.html
Libya's biggest tribe joins march of reconciliation to Benghazi
Guardian UK 3/23/11
"With more than a million members, Warfalla live all over Libya, including in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. The tribe's geographical distribution means it is well-placed to help heal bitter divisions by joining a peaceful "green march" to the eastern city to promote reconciliation and avoid the Korea-style partition of the country many fear"

"We will talk to them, not use guns, to discuss their demands," said Bani Walid doctor, Salman al-Dagil. ...

"All Libyans are related, especially the Warfalla," said Mbrak Ibrahim, a British-educated telecoms engineer. "It means that we have family everywhere. We will be happy if we can open our hearts and stop this bloodshed."

One notices that though CNN anchors are often reporting from Tripoli and other towns not taken or under attack by rebels, they have not been reporting from inside the rebel controlled cities like Benghazi, rather constantly showing themselves along side the pick-up trucks mounted with heavy weapons. The gun mounted pick-up truck has become the U.S. TV. logo of the crusade for democracy.

While U.S. drones blow away suspected al Qaeda in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, in Libya veterans of al Qaeda's war against U.S. troops in Iraq along with other fundamentalists shoulder to shoulder with CIA with America giving them air cover and front line support against the Armed Forces of the government of Libya.*(7). Not the first time CIA has used al Qaeda and other Islamic fundamentalists to its purposes.*(8)

Within a matter of days the whole imperial West swung into action - warnings from international courts, seizure of Libya's $billions of assets abroad, embargoes, sanctions, threats of military action then finally a UN Security Council go ahead. (Prophetically, just a year ago, Gadhafi, speaking before the UN General Assembly, had called the Security Council "The Council of Terror," for all the post-colonial wars on small nations it has approved and participated in.)

In Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain hundreds died, and are still dying in nonviolent protests. In each county all the deaths were attributed to police, security or government armed forces in daily accounts from the very first days of protests. Yet no armed rebellion took place. We have seen video shots of cadre of the protestors in action maintaining calm and keeping their people nonviolent. Even after terrible loss of life the continued to prevent violence against the government.

Two infamous U.S. backed dictators had already been ousted peacefully though many protestors were murdered. In Yemen snipers continued to kill protesters, the huge demonstrations causing worry in Washington. Mass protests in Bahrain were threatening the home of the U.S. Sixth Fleet.

Then in mid February, the empire struck back with clever vengence: armed insurgents in prosperous socialist Libya, a media campaign of disinformation. Coordinated gangs with heavy weapons occupied the centers of whole cities and US NATO began bombing to protect them from defeat. Bahrain, at the same time, was invaded by U.S. ally Saudi Arabia, its Armed Forces repressing the demonstrators and assisting in their persecution. Washington imported a leader for the rebellion in Libya who has spent the past 20 years living with no known source of income a couple of miles from the CIA's headquarters in Virginia; Gen. Khalifa Hifter was once a top military officer for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. McClatchy Newspapers , 3/26/11

U.S. empire watchers need not be so deeply versed in history and current affairs (made all the more difficult with TV watching and newspaper and tabloid reading) to know that the civil war conjured up in Libya is just one of more than sixty arranged since 1945, to divide, destroy and conquer for imperial neocolonialist control over vulnerable small nations. The underclasses of the U.S. population and the poor in the third world use their sense of smell to know that the same game is going on in Libya. Invasion experienced Fidel Castro, after the first two days of disturbance expected that NATO would use it as a pretext to invade.

Will history books credit all this bloodshed to Gadhafi having "targeted civilians peacefully demonstrating for democracy?" Or will a plot be uncovered to stage a pretext for civil war with a lot of orchestrated shooting, killing and false flag operations led by a CIA famous for a covert provoking of confusion and violence while heavily armed elements stood ready to be activated (as in past CIA overthows)?

The very first day, 2/15 saw police stations attacked -no deaths. The second day more stations attacked and 6 deaths. On the fourth day, various trustworthy sources report the rebels executed at least fifty-two - twice the total deaths agreed upon for the third day. There are some horrifically gruesome cell phone videos on the Internet of grisly hangings, beheadings, bloody beatings of blacks and others loyal to their government. (Libya has a black population, mostly in South Libya, of half a million. Libya under Gaddafi has eliminated a good deal of race discrimination, so black Libyans are especially loyal to the government.) South Koreans and most all Chinese construction sites have reported attacks by armed anti-government gangs.*( 6)

Obama, with help from European empires of yesteryear, proclaims he is protecting [erstwhile colonially occupied] Libyans. Protecting them from a successful government led by their revolutionary socialist leader Colonel Gaddafi at the same time he protects, for a second time, Afghanis from having an Afghan government, and is protecting Iraqis, Somalis, Yemeni and Pakistanis from their own chosen government, just as the U.S. once protected Lebanese from their government, and protected Iranians from their democracy.

In the same way, America has protected Haitians , Congolese, Chileans, Dominicans and Guatemalans from their elected presidents, the Vietnamese from their popular hero Ho Chi Minh, protected the government of El Salvador from Salvadorians, protected Grenadians, Laotians, Greeks and Koreans from their own people, protected Indonesians from overpopulation, and tried to protect Cubans from their revolution and Fidel Castro, all with either U.S. navy shelling from the sea, bombs, missiles and napalm from the air, WMD in their country, U.S. troops in their cities, a deadly CIA, predatory investment banks, or all of the above at the same time, with commercial mass media TV promoting war and a puppet UN Secretary General colluding.

There is an imperative involved today in Libya and the rest of the Middle East that is more basic than keeping U.S. backed dictators in power or eliminating non-capitalist regimes.The same imperative has driven war upon planet Earth for centuries. It is imperative for private investment financial capital to accumulate, and accumulate at an ever increasing rate. This is a complex modern auto-functioning financial investment imperative pushing the wealthiest owners of capital into ever new variations of the same ancient conspiracy of the rich against the rest of us.

While a lovely and well kept Libya is being destroyed before our very eyes and readied for highly profitable investments, up and coming wars are being planned very seriously.

Even China and Russia can not impede the imperative of the accumulating private capital aggregate. Though Gaddhafi had favored Russia and China in the export of Libyan oil and raw materials, the leaders of both of these emerging capitalist giants felt constrained to abstain on the UN attack resolution rather than use their veto in the name of sanity.*(10)

Too bad. The world's ecology might not be able to take the adjunct imperative of continuous war for maximum accumulation of private capital.*(11)

Stephen Lendman alerts us:
in April 3, AFP headlined, "Libya warns of disaster if 'Great Man-Made River' hit," saying:

If GMMR is bombed, it could cause a "human and environmental disaster." Libya has three underground pipeline systems, for oil, gas, and water. If one is hit, the others are affected, potentially disastrously.

If part of the infrastructure is damaged, the whole thing is affected and the massive escape of water could cause a catastrophe, depriving millions of Libyans of fresh water, 70% of 6.5 people for human consumption, irrigation, and other purposes, not to mention Gaddafi's dream to continue turning the desert green.*(12)

With all the strongest capitalist nations' firepower against what now remains of an Arab socialist society, of its blasted army and its heroic loyal citizen militias, it seems impossible that Gaddafi and his Libya will survive, let alone be able turn this blitzkrieg into a second Bay of Pigs defeat for weaponized private capital.

Seems the Boston Globe might have defected from the New York Times led U.S. corporate media cartel backing the overthrow of the government of Libya. Human Rights Watch is also distancing itself from outright pro-insurgency lies. click here
False pretense for war in Libya?
EVIDENCE IS now in that President Barack Obama grossly exaggerated the humanitarian threat to justify military action in Libya. The president claimed that intervention was necessary to prevent a "bloodbath'' in Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city and last rebel stronghold.

But Human Rights Watch has released data on Misurata, the next-biggest city in Libya and scene of protracted fighting, revealing that Moammar Khadafy is not deliberately massacring civilians but rather narrowly targeting the armed rebels who fight against his government.

"Misurata's population is roughly 400,000. In nearly two months of war, only 257 people -- including combatants -- have died there. Of the 949 wounded, only 22 -- less than 3 percent -- are women. If Khadafy were indiscriminately targeting civilians, women would comprise about half the casualties. "

[Your author would like to point out on the evening of the publication of this article, Diane Sawyer, on ABC's World Report, with a pained expression on her face showed a video of a young girl on camera in Misurata asking pathetically "Why is Gaddafi killing us?"

A truthful report from Human Rights Watch here quoted in this Boston Globe OpEd does little to address the complicity of New York based Human Rights Watch in having stoked the creation of the now firmly held widespread belief that in the third week of February of peaceful protesters were shot to pieces on Gaddafi's orders. The myth created now allows everyone one in business to run with it.]

"Obama insisted that prospects were grim without intervention. "If we waited one more day, Benghazi " could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world.'' Thus, the president concluded, "preventing genocide'' justified US military action.

But intervention did not prevent genocide, because no such bloodbath was in the offing. To the contrary, by emboldening rebellion, US interference has prolonged Libya's civil war and the resultant suffering of innocents.

The best evidence that Khadafy did not plan genocide in Benghazi is that he did not perpetrate it in the other cities he had recaptured either fully or partially -- including Zawiya, Misurata, and Ajdabiya, which together have a population greater than Benghazi.

Libyan forces did kill hundreds as they regained control of cities. Collateral damage is inevitable in counter-insurgency. ...

Despite ubiquitous cellphones equipped with cameras and video, there is no graphic evidence of deliberate massacre. Images abound of victims killed or wounded in crossfire -- each one a tragedy -- but that is urban warfare, not genocide.

Nor did Khadafy ever threaten civilian massacre in Benghazi, as Obama alleged . The "no mercy'' warning, of March 17, targeted rebels only, as reported by The New York Times, which noted that Libya's leader promised amnesty for those "who throw their weapons away.'' Khadafy even offered the rebels an escape route and open border to Egypt"
OP-ED April 14, 2011 by Alan J. Kuperman


In last year's 2010 United Nation Human Development Yearly Index of all Nations,
Libya is ranked 53rd in the world, well above nine European nations, for example, Russia, which is ranked 65th.

High human development: Libya 53rd in world (#1 in Africa) Neighbors Tunisia 81st, Algeria 84th

Medium human development (developing countries) Egypt 101, Morocco 114 , Gabon 93,

Low human development (developing countries)
Yemen 133, Sudan 154

(The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide

Life Expectancy Index
Education Index
Mean Years of Schooling Index ] Expected Years of Schooling
Income Index

Very high human development (developed countries)
Bahrain 39 having braced by Qatar 38 and Portugal 40
(Bahrain has a very unequal income and services range)
The Library of Congress Federal Research Division
Libya country profile of Libya, April 2005 reads, " Basic health care is provided to all citizens. Health, training, rehabilitation, education, housing, family issues, and disability and old-age benefits are all regulated by ... the Social Care Fund . The health care system is not purely state-run but rather a mixed system of public and private care. In comparison to other states in the Middle East, the health status of the population is relatively good. Childhood immunization is almost universal. The clean water supply has increased, and sanitation has been improved. The country's major hospitals are in Tripoli and Benghazi, and private health clinics and diagnostic centers, offering newer equipment and better service, compete with the public sector. The number of medical doctors and dentists reportedly increased sevenfold between 1970 and 1985, producing a ratio of one doctor per 673 citizens. In 1985 about one-third of the doctors in the Libya were native-born, with the remainder being primarily expatriate foreigners. The number of hospital beds tripled in this same time period. Malaria has been eradicated, and significant progress has been made against trachoma and leprosy. In 1985 the infant mortality rate was 84 per 1,000; by 2004, the U.S. Agency for International Development estimated that the infant mortality rate had dropped to 25.7 per 1,000. ... estimates report an infant mortality rate of less than 20 per 1,000.

Having control of their own oil wealth has enabled Libyans, along with neighboring Algerians to provide their citizens with a relatively high income. South Africa is higher but unevenly distributed between white and non-white.

* (2 ) Al Jazeera 12/28/11, "young Bou'azizi doused himself in petrol and set himself aflame on December 17, ... Lahseen Naji, a protester, responded to "hunger and joblessness" by electrocuting himself after climbing an electricity pole." A third, Ramzi Al-Abboudi, under the burden of business debt, ironically made possible by the country's micro-credit solidarity programme, killed himself. On 24 December, Mohamed Ammari was fatally shot in the chest by police in Bouziane. ... 1/14/2011, Tunisian President Ben Ali flees to Saudi Arabia following a month of demonstrations precipitated by high unemployment, food inflation, corruption that resulted in scores of deaths and injuries, most of which the result of action by police and security forces. The UN team leader, Bacre Waly Ndiaye, who investigated the Human Rights in Tunisia, stated that 219 people died as 30 January.

"Protests in Yemen followed the initial demonstrations Tunisia heightening during those in Egypt. The protests, initially against unemployment, economic conditions and corruption escalated to calls for President Ali Abdullah Saleh to resign" (Only 45 countries have a higher percentage of people living on less than $2 a day, World Bank)

Fifteen shot dead and hundreds wounded after pro-government forces of interim government open fire on demonstrators in Yemen Daily Mail, 4/4/11. 52 Dead in Yemen Protest Bloodbath, AAP 3/19/11, "Medics in Yemen raised the death toll from a sniper attack on protesters from to 52 as thousands rallied despite a state of emergency imposed by the autocratic regime. Witnesses said pro-regime "thugs" rained bullets from rooftops around a square at Sanaa University... The death toll mounts daily."

"In Egypt, grievances of the hundreds of thousands protesters in all major cities against U.S. supported dictator Mubarak[ included high unemployment, food price inflation, and low minimum wages." AFP 1/27/11. After eighteen days of hundreds of thousands to millions protesting, and 840 deaths, Mubarak resigned, even though advised by U.S. presidential envoy Weisner to hang in. The death toll continues to rise as the army under the provisional government attacks demonstrators still protesting injustice and inaction. Almasryalyoun , April, 2011.

How did Egypt become so corrupt under a U.S. and investment banks supported dictator? A picture is emerging of a state where wealth fuels political power and political power buys wealth. Inside Story , 08 Feb 2011

The reader is encouraged to check what exactly was reported by all the major print news outlets from Feb. 15th onward in terms of number of casualties for both sides, view whatever videos are offered as proof that Libyan police, security, soldiers targeted civilians peacefully protesting. The internet, Google and YouTube have of course a great deal of material emphasizing mainstream anti-Gaddafi accusations and praise for the rebel attacks on the government, but much can be learned with one's failing to find verified that which CNN, the other five U.S. networks, and printed media have put out, especially in justifying big power military intervention against the government of Libya, almost always referred to as "Gaddafi" or "the Gaddafi regime."

We really didn't see much of planes and tanks "unleashed" until truck loads of heavily armed rebels were well on the road toward Tripoli. One does remember two planes defecting to Malta, two others falling out of the sky, one shot down over the ocean. No pictures of planes bombing cities. No proof that orders were given to do so.

CNN repeated that Gadhafi planes were bombing cites, but showing for many days the same bomb crater outside of town and reporting no one killed.

Footnotes (4) (5) (6) (7) contain documented results of this peoples historian's web search.

On the first day, Feb. 15, Reuters reported hundreds of protesters attacking police stations, no deaths, 60 injured.

The next day, Feb. 16, Reuters reported, along with opposition media, 6 dead when more than a thousand protesters attacked more police stations.

Feb. 17th, internationally planned Day of Rage, The Evening Standard and Al Jazeera English estimated that fourteen people were killed. Reuters, BBC and opposition media reported 14 or 15 dead. After overnight protests, the following day,

18 February 2011, , Ian Black and Owen Bowcott, Article history:
"Amer Saad, a political activist from Derna, told al-Jazeera: "The protesters in al-Bayda have been able to seize control of the military airbase in the city and have executed 50 African ["]mercenaries['] and two Libyan conspirators. Even in Derna today, a number of conspirators were executed. They were locked up in the holding cells of a police station because they resisted, and some died burning inside the building."
Reuters 7:03 pm reported that " Human Rights Watch [based on Fifth Avenue< New York] said that according to its sources inside Libya, security forces killed at least 24 people in crackdowns on protests". IOL News of South Africa , reported dozens killed by security forces

"Human Rights Watch shortly after sent someone to the east of Libya, and there he found out that all the 156 captured people, which the rebels described as "African mercenaries", were in fact not foreign mercenaries, but Libyans with black skin color, and that they served as regular soldiers in the Army of Libya. Human Rights Watch found no indication that the Libyan government, as claimed by the rebels, used mercenaries at all to quell the uprising in eastern Libya.
The actually existing strong support for Muammar Gaddafi by black-skinned Libyans Human Rights Watch explained with the fact that Muammar Gaddafi did a lot in the past to end the discrimination against black people in Libya. So it's understandable that the rebels hunted black-skinned people and, regardless whether they were Libyan soldiers or foreign refugees of poverty, executed them as a precautionary measure if possible." The British
Guardian reported from Benghazi

On February 24th, shortly after the beginning British Telegraph already reported some more details regarding the observance of human rights by the NATO-backed government opponents in the east of Libya:
"Ahmed Ahmed Ibrahim showed video footage he had captured on his mobile telephone of an African mercenary hanging from a meat-hook in an Al Bayda doorway. " Masquerarding as pro-Gaddafi partisans, they duped the mercenaries, who were described as French-speaking Africans, captured them and then dragged them into the streets of Al Bayda " Mr. Ibrahim, who works in a cafe, said he believes most were executed although he only witnessed two slain foreigners."

The criterion "African" here does not refer -- of course, because all Libyans are Africans -- to an African origin, but to the color of the skin: "African" here means people with black skin. What The Telegrap h described is applied to people with black skin, which the CIA-backed "rebels" had identified as "foreign mercenaries.

The War in Libya: Race, "Humanitarianism," and the Media Los Angeles Times 4/23/11 by Luis Sinco, "rebel held prisoners are asked to speak up. "A middle-aged African waited for a moment before loudly proclaiming his innocence to no one in particular. "I am a worker, not a fighter. They took me from my house and [raped] my wife," he said, gesturing with his hands.
Before he could say much more, a pair of guards told him to shut up and hustled him through the steel doors of a cell block, which quickly slammed behind them."

Libya: Seconds from a bullet in the head , "this alleged African mercenary was captured by furious Libyan opposition fighters yesterday and was about to be shot before a foreign reporter persuaded them not to execute him" , by Mohammed Abbas, 3/4/11, Scotsman

Tens of thousands of sub-Saharan Africans are employed in Libya's oil industry and in other sectors.

click here
I n Libya, African Migrants Say They Face Hostility NPR, 2/25/11

Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, NPR News, Accra.

QUIST-ARCTON: This Turkish oil worker, who's managed to escape from Libya, told the BBC he'd witnessed violence against his African colleagues.

Unidentified Man: (Through translator) We left behind our friends from Chad. We left behind their bodies. We had 70 or 80 people from Chad working for our company. They cut them dead with pruning shears and axes, attacking them, saying you're providing troops for Gadhafi. The Sudanese, the Chadians were massacred. We saw it ourselves

The disinformation is led by the NY Times
NY Times Works Hard to Prove US Bombs Only Kill Bad Libyans , 4/12/11 OEN

click here
Libya as a new war, needs to be sanitized and justified as another 'clean' 'U.S. good guys conflict.

Though the New York Times, famous for backing every US war in history, has apparently long given up pretending that U.S. air strikes in the rest of the Muslim world do not intentionally include permissible collateral death of women and children (by simply not publishing most of AP wire service reports of U.S./NATO massacres), Libya as a new war, needs to be sanitized and justified as another 'clean' and 'U.S. good guys conflict. The Times has its reporter on Libya, Kirkpatrick make the #1 U.S. newspaper look ridiculous promoting the absurd idea that no one has
met death from American missiles and bombs.

CNN anchors, imbedded within the armed rebels and cheering them on explain to viewers, with irony in their voices, that the Libyan government in reporting deaths from American missile strikes might be doing so as propaganda against the United States.

There are millions of people in the world that don't believe CNN and company, because they remember the networks have promoted wars, every war, with tricky reporting, half truths out of context,
news selection with filters to mask what was really taking place in the dozens of countries the U.S. would bomb or invade.

Among the many cell phone videos on the fighting in Libya are these three. YouTube required the author to understand it is upsetting to watch and click if at least 18 years of age.
"pt 4 of 4 - Libyan soldier hanged and beheaded in the city of Benghazi"
Libya Rebels (pt4) Execute, Behead, Mutilate Gaddafi Army who Surrender! Where is CN

"Apparently, Pro Gaddafi Soldiers who surrender have been Executed by Rebels in Cold Blood ! Blindfolded, hog-tied, beat, Executed, Hung, beheaded, put on fire, had their bodies mutilated. Anderson Cooper and PBS and Rachel Maddow have described opposition forces of being made up of ordinary citizens who just a short time ago were in their jobs as lawyers, office workers."

Mein Parteibuch Zweitblog , Germany

"Appendix: here is a short video showing how the Libyan "rebels" treat black people: Yes, we can. That's how Obama's new Libyan friends treat black people."
click here

click here
LIBYA: Rebels execute black immigrants while forces kidnap others
SomalilandPress , Somalia
ADDIS ABABA -- While much of the world's attention is focusing on crude oil prices and the Libyan pipelines in the east of the country, human right groups say rebels are committing crimes against humanity.

In east Libya, African hunt began as towns and cities began fall under the control of Libyan rebels, mobs and gangs. They started to detain, insult, rape and even executing black immigrants, students and refugees.

According to Somali refugees in Libya, at least five Somalis from Somaliland and Somalia were executed in Tripoli and Benghazi by anti-Gaddafi mobs. Dozens of refugees and immigrants workers from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ghana, Nigeria, Chad, Mali and Niger have been killed, some of them were led into the desert and stabbed to death. Black Libyan men receiving medical care in hospitals in Benghazi were reportedly abducted by armed rebels. They are part of more than 200 African immigrants held in secret locations by the rebels.

In many disputes involving Libyan residents and black Africans, the Libyans are turning in the Africans as mercenaries.

Thousands more Africans caught up in this mercenary hysteria are terrified. Some barricaded themselves in their homes, while others hid in the desert. Insulted, threatened, beaten, chased and robbed. Their only crime was being black and therefore treated as "mercenaries" of Gaddafi.

While the airing of Gaddafi's so called "black mercenaries" by Western media has ignited the issue, some say an xenophobic attitude towards these refugees and labourers has existed for years.... In many situations, Gaddafi and his inner circle preferred black Africans and Libyans from the south over Libyans from the east. Now the angry mobs using the revolutionary movement across Arabia and North Africa are hunting down black people."

click here
Reuters UK edition 4/3/11
Chad says citizens abused in rebel-held Libya
"Since the beginning of the Libyan crisis, Chadians in Libya, especially those in areas controlled by the transitional national council, have been singled out," a statement from Chad's government spokesman Kalzeubet Pahimi Deubet said.
"Dozens of Chadians have known this sad fate," he said.
The statement said several Chadian nationals had been arrested, some were "paraded on television as mercenaries and sometimes executed" despite denials that Libya had recruited any mercenaries from its southern neighbour.
The government of Chad had said about 300,000 of its citizens resided in Libya before the crisis.
"The Chadian government is calling on international coalition forces involved in Libya and international human rights organisation to stop these abuses against Chadians and other migrant Africa workers," the statement said.

Libyan protesters attack S. Korean & Chinese companies , Feb 22, 2011 Reuters Sri Lanka
click here
"On February 17/18,about 200 Libyans in the eastern coastal town of Darnah invaded a South Korean-run construction site and set fire to a dormitory for Korean workers. According to the South Korean Foreign Ministry, the offices of some South Korean companies were looted on February 19. The Ministry said there are currently about 1,400 South Koreans in the country.

A construction site run by Huafeng Construction Co., Ltd. from China's Zhejiang Province was looted by a group of armed gangsters Sunday afternoon in the eastern city of Agedabia, and nearly 1,000 Chinese workers there were forced out of the site and became homeless. "Some Chinese workers here said nearly all Chinese companies in the country were "attacked or looted."

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" Our Man in Tripoli": US-NATO Sponsored Islamic Terrorists Integrate Libya's Pro-Democracy Opposition by Michel Chossudovsky, GlobalResearch, 4/3/11

"There are various factions within the Libyan opposition: Royalists, defectors from the Gaddafi regime including the Minister of Justice and more recently the Foreign Minister, Moussa Moussa, members of the Libyan Armed Forces, the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) and the National Conference for the Libyan Opposition (NCLO) which acts as an umbrella organization.

Rarely acknowledged by the Western media, the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG -- Al-Jamaa al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi Libya), is an integral part of the Libyan Opposition. The LIGF, which is aligned with al-Qaeda, is in the frontline of the armed insurrection."

Chossudovsky, an Emeritus Professor of Economics at Ottawa University, and director of Montreal's Centre for Research on Globalization, notes that the paramilitary LIFG was founded in Afghanistan by veteran Libyan Mujahedeens of the Soviet-Afghan war". There are contradictory reports as to whether the LIFG is part of Al Qaeda or is acting as an independent jihadist entity. One report suggests that in 2007 the LIFG became "a subsidiary of al Qaeda, later assuming the name of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).'"

During its lifetime, "The LIFG was supported not only by the CIA and The British Secret Intelligence Service but also by factions within Libya's intelligence agency, led by former intelligence head and Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa, who defected to the United Kingdom in late March 2011." ...
Michel Chossudovsky, GlobalResearch , 4/3/11

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Libya Rebels: Gaddafi Could be Right About al-Qaeda -

Two documents suggest northeast Libya, centre of rebellion, is an al-Qaeda hotspot. By Alexander Cockburn, First Post , 3/24/11
" a secret cable to the State Department from the US embassy in Tripoli in 2008, part of the WikiLeaks trove, entitled "Extremism in Eastern Libya", which revealed that this area is rife with anti-American, pro-jihad sentiment.

According to the 2008 cable, the most troubling aspect "... is the pride that many eastern Libyans, particularly those in and around Dernah, appear to take in the role their native sons have played in the insurgency in Iraq " [and the] ability of radical imams to propagate messages urging support for and participation in jihad."

The second document, or rather set of documents, are the so-called Sinjar Records, captured al-Qaeda documents that fell into American hands in 2007. They were duly analyzed by the Combating Terrorism Center at the US Military Academy at West Point. Al-Qaeda is a bureaucratic outfit and the records contain precise details on personnel, including those who came to Iraq to fight

American and coalition forces and, when necessary, commit suicide.

The West Point analysts' statistical study of the al-Qaeda personnel records concludes that one country provided "far more" foreign fighters in per capita terms than any other: namely, Libya.
The records show that the "vast majority of Libyan fighters that included their home town in the Sinjar Records resided in the country's northeast". Benghazi provided many volunteers. So did Dernah, a town about 200 kms east of Benghazi, in which an Islamic emirate was declared when the rebellion against Gaddafi started.
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The CIA's Libya Rebels: 2007 West Point Study Shows Benghazi - Darnah-Tobruk Area was a World Leader in Al Qaeda Suicide Bomber Recruitment, By Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D., Tarpley, Washington D.C., 3/24/11
" The rebels are clearly not civilians, but an armed force. What kind of an armed force?"
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Libyan Rebel Commander Admits his Fighters Have Al-Qaeda Links - Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime. by Praveen Swami, Nick Squires and Duncan Gardham, The Telegraph 3/26/11
In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya".
by Praveen Swami, Nick Squires and Duncan Gardham, The Telegraph 3/26/11
n an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya".

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Libyan, Once a Detainee, Is Now a U.S. Ally of Sorts

DARNAH, Libya -- "For more than five years, Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu was a prisoner at the Guantánamo Bay prison, judged "a probable member of Al Qaeda" by the analysts there.

based on a huge trove of secret documents leaked last year to the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks and made available to The New York Times

Today, Mr. Qumu, 51, is a notable figure in the Libyan rebels' fight to oust Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, reportedly a leader of a ragtag band of fighters known as the Darnah Brigade. The former enemy and prisoner of the United States is now an ally of sorts, a remarkable turnabout resulting from shifting American policies rather than any obvious change in Mr. Qumu.

He was a tank driver in the Libyan Army in the 1980s, when the Central Intelligence Agency was spending billions to support religious militants trying to drive Soviet troops out of Afghanistan. Mr. Qumu moved to Afghanistan in the early 1990s, just as Osama bin Laden and other former mujahedeen were violently turning against their former benefactor, the United States.

He was captured in Pakistan after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, accused of being a member of the militant Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and sent to Guantánamo -- in part because of information provided by Colonel Qaddafi's government.

" "He was known as one of the extremist commanders of the Afghan Arabs,' "

When that Guantánamo assessment was written, the United States was working closely with Colonel Qaddafi's intelligence service against terrorism. Now, the United States ... is backing with air power the rebels, including Mr. Qumu.

Libya: WikiLeaks Cables Warn of Extremist Beliefs By Heidi Blake

Leaked diplomatic cables obtained by the WikiLeaks disclose fears that eastern Libya is being overrun by extremists intent on overthrowing Colonel Gaddafi's regime.
click here (For Benghazi being the closes African port to Italy, it has apparently become a crime center for the lucrative human traffic trade with a lot of tough hombres in town.)

The revolt started in Benghazi in eastern Libya. A very important point not mentioned anywhere in the international media is the fact that due to geographic location, being one of the closest point to Europe from the African continent, Benghazi has over the past 15 years or so become the epicenter of African migration to Europe. The human trafficking industry, grew into a billion dollar a year industry in Benghazi. When the first demonstrations took place in Benghazi the loose coalition of terrorist cells and human trafficking gangs immediately took advantage of the turmoil to attack the high security prisons outside of Benghazi where their comrades were locked up.


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Ex-National Security Chief Brzezinski admits:
Afghan Islamism Was Made in Washington
Le Nouvel Observateur' (France), Jan 15-21, 1998, p. 76
"former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [" From the Shadows" ], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention."
President Jimmy Carter National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski convinced Carter to order the CIA to secretly fund, arm and train the fundamentalist hill tribes to overthrow the new (very popular according to Robert Fisk) socialist, women liberating government in Kabul. They were at the time already murdering government teachers who taught school to girls.

During the Reagan administration some U.S. funds went to bin Ladin's al Qaeda
and earlier to warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar , who had a reputation of assassinating local tribal leaders that might rival his power and is credited to have as the first to unleash the technique of throwing acid in the faces of unveiled women. War Lords of Afghanistan click here
Terrorism Monitor Volume: 4 Issue: 18
September 21, 2006, by Omid Marzban
"While at Kabul University, Hekmatyar's radicalism began to show its face: he was notorious for spraying acid on the university's female students"

In Iraq, during President Bush Jr., a policy that was called successful in defeating al Qaeda was to hire al Qaeda linked elements to disaffect away and help defeat Shiite militias. Seymour Hersh wrote of this in the New Yorker, and intimated that the CIA was behind heating up the sectarian violence in Iraq. Hersh explained there was such intentional confusion and factions within factions, that no one could possible tell where U.S. covert funds were winding up.

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San Diego Examiner April 14th, 2011
US payments to ... Afghan warlords threaten American/NATO troop s
According to separate Congressional and Senate reports, the American government pays more than $2 billion for Host Nation Trucking (HNT) or in layman's terms, private security firms that protect U.S. military convoys and materials in dangerous tribal areas.

A report titled "Warlord, Inc., Extortion and Corruption along the U.S. Supply Chain in Afghanistan" was published by Congressman John Tierney (D-MA) in June of last year. The report detailed the billions of dollars spent to protect U.S. military supply convoys in Afghanistan- the majority of the money is paid by the DOD through defense contractors and finds its way into the hands of Taliban leaders and warlords.
According to the comprehensive report, the principal private security subcontractors on the HNT contract are warlords, strongmen, commanders, and militia leaders who compete with the Afghan central government for power and authority in the region."
The CIA agent who shot two men in Pakistan city was discovered by Pakistani investigators to have telephone numbers of known al Qaeda linked insurgents.

"The expected additional information on the antecedents of CIA agent Raymond Davis, carrying a US diplomatic passport, has complicated the case of murder against him at a Lahore sessions court. His cell phone has revealed contacts with two ancillaries of al Qaeda in Pakistan, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and sectarian Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), which has led to the public conclusion that he was behind terrorism committed against Pakistan's security personnel and its people.
This revelation is strengthened by the admission appearing in the hitherto self-gagged American press that he was a CIA "contractor' working "under cover'. The complication introduced into the Raymond Davis affair is that high functionaries in Punjab are now suggesting that he be tried in a military court. This will strike people as America in cahoots with the Taliban and al Qaeda against the state of Pakistan targeting, as one official opined, Pakistan's nuclear installations.
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Raymond Davis: The plot thickens
Editorial, Tribune with International Hearld Tribune, 2/22/11

One presumably cannot correctly understand the events and character of someone else's life except in the context of events, conditions and circumstances in the world around him or her.

From past history of Western imperialism, one might assume that ever since a handsome lowest rank officer Gadhafi overthrew the British installed King Idris (1969) and had Libya nationalize the "Free World's" oil, M16, CIA, and French secret service should have had a relatively easy time hatching plots for Gaddafi's assassination within the contentious tribal society of that half-Berber nation.

This just might perhaps explain the years of back and forth counter assassination episodes culminating, after decades, with President Reagan's bombing attempt to assassinate Gaddafi by missiles fired on his compound from planes off an aircraft carrier that killed a hundred Libyans, Gadhafi's daughter among them. The "community of nations' never has much of a problem with U.S. bombings. Conglomerate media of Western savage capitalist civilization went on blaming Gadhafi, and never President Reagan.

Then came a bizarre arrangement under which years of Western nation embargoes and sanctions on Libya would be lifted upon Libya allowing two Libyans to stand trial in Scotland on circumstantial evidence and Libya paying a indemnity to families of victims of a PamAm flight bombed over Scotland by persons unknown. Strangely, after a trial ending in conviction that United Nations Special Rapporteur Michael Nowak among others in attendance called a "abominable miscarriage of justice," in which no hard evidence, was presented, Libya was admitted to the "community of nations' and able to trade once more.

When one who was convicted was recently released for being terminally ill, or by covert agreement, was welcomed home as a hero for his willingness to sacrifice himself for the nations restitution, mainstream media had its captive audience hit the ceiling. All very confusing, except to know that somehow Libya's oil was somehow playing a part from the time Gadhafi had Libya nationalize it. Self-righteous eminent Western hero politicians like John McCain, the twenty-four time bomber of Hanoi, (body count not available) figures on no one reading up on the trial in foreign and independent media, as he proclaims with taken for granted certainty that Gaddafi ordered the bombing of said Pan Am flight.

Gaddafi's, as an Arab has been outspoken in support for Palestinians in their struggle over their land being taken away from them firstly by the colonial-powers-founded-and-controlled United Nations, which awarded more that 55% of the British Mandate (colony) of Palestine to the mainly European colonizing immigrant Jewish third of the then total population of the Mandate. Gaddafi holds the belief that this UN decision was meant to both assuage wealthy white capitalists' conscience for having built up a poor Nazi Germany to world #1 military power, knowingly investing in Hitters well announced plans to persecute Jews, and secondly, to establish a colony of Europeans in the middle of the oil rich Arab world.

Pitilessly hateful remarks attributed to Gaddafi after the horribly indiscriminate massacre at Israel's Lod Airport by a Japanese terrorist group, can be understood, if not forgiven, as having been made by someone suffering the awareness that none of the massive number of Israeli massacres of Palestinians and Lebanese has ever been condemned by European and American governments or in their news media nor by the Israelis, Arabs are supposed to condemn their reciprocating atrocities, but except some earnest criticism from Scandinavia, Israeli massacres are of no interest in Washington, London and Paris.

The same might be said for the double standard that rightfully condemns financial support for Arab terrorist organizations but is not even interested in American and European covert funding of terrorist organizations in dozens of third world nations since the end World War Two and before, including the Carter/CIA funding, arming and training of the very first fundamentalist terror to overthrown a women liberating Socialist Kabul government and draw the Soviets into a trap.

This is the "holier than thou' racist attitude in a world still basically owned and manipulated by wealthy white capitalists with few exceptions.

With Africa ever dominated by competing Europen investments and competing nations for hegemony and profits funding terror and civil war to their investments advantage, Gaddafi inevitably has been drawn in to support which ever group judged to be for liberation from cruel European exploitation, Europeans in their corporate controlled media are able to accuse Gaddafi of supporting terror. But in the cruel Realpolitik of a neo-colonized Africa of shifting covert machinations, no one is able to stay clean.

A mixed bag of horror groups fighting in constantly paid off alliances have been funded and supported by quite a list of governments, corporations and secret services of Euopean and interwoven comprador Africa governments

But here we come to the end of the above listed attempts to dismiss Muammar Gaddafi as a "mad dog'

On Gaddafi's watch and protection from European exploitation, Libya as risen (along with Algeria and Tunisia), from from the dirt poor poverty of the rest of an Africa still cruelly enslaved economically, after two centuries of military occupation and the earlier forced export of millions to slave for fledgling capitalism in the white man's world at gunpoint. But Algeria has suffered horrific violence since free of French occupation, and Tunisia, three decades under Western investment capital supported dictator bin Ail, is ranked by the UN far below (Gaddafi's) Libya in its Human Development Index 2010. Libya 53rd highest / Tunisia 81st (Algeria 84th).

Gadhafi like Nkruma before him, leads a movement for African unity against European economic exploitation.
Before that, Gaddafi worked for years to unify the Arab nation into one unified pan-Arab movement following the efforts of another young revolutionary officer, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, who was also reviled in the Arab world dominating industrialized nations.

Gaddafi is no "rambling speaking," inappropriately dressed "mad dog" for the undeserving poor, and by imperialism oppressed, majority of the nearly seven billion human beings that make up humanity, struggling to survive on a planet half owned mostly controlled by private finance investment capital. For majority mankind Gaddafi is in a category with Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Patrice Lumumba and others who have fought to liberate the disenfranchised and exploited from lack of food, health care, education of decent income for their children.

Interestingly a man who has led Libya through an Arab socialism of having by UN ranking the highest living standard far above others in Africa in longevity, infant mortality, access to free education and health care to a degree much higher than nine European countries including Russia, and has been clever enough to survive so many assassination attempts, including the Reagan ordered air strike on his home that killed his daughter among a hundred others, be about massacring his own people according to CNN and other corporate owned disreputable news gathering media with a history of manufacturing consent for dozens of bloody U.S. wars in the third world?

And the schlock of lies and absurd innuendoe goes on with all kinds of obviously planted stories about America's enemies. Lies which though eventually will be found out and proven false when the issue is no longer topical and of interest. Who cares about the Gulf of Tonkin lies, the Iraq WMD lies, that Iraqi soldiers didn't pull out the life sustaining tubes of babies in Kuwait hospitals, that the planes that bombed Cuba were indeed American, that the dug up North Korean torpedo could not have blown a South Korean warship in two? Books have been filled up with such lies with absolutely no attention received from eminent and esteemed liars.

Lies have long become a way of life in military, jingoistic, Big Brother media approaching the level of described in George Orwell's novel, "1984." Only Gaddafi and we ourselves are living in 2011, a date twenty-seven years on, in a climate of corporate mind control through programed fear, disinformation and self-serving but dangerous righteous pride in ignorance more advanced than we think.

Author finds Gaddafi's short self-defense worth the read for his description of the inhumanity of capitalist governance.
"Recollections of my Life: Col. Mu'ummar Qaddafi, The Leader of the Revolution," , April 8, 2011]
click here

In line with our synopsis that points to understanding private investment finance capital driving before it everything else is an article of economic interest out of Russia:
Bortovoi Journal, Russia, 3/26/11
"Bombing of Libya -- Punishment for Gaddafi for His Attempt to Refuse US Dollar' , "China had announced minting of golden yuan and the Eastern countries also discussed the possibility of golden standard. Mummar Ghaddafi became the main initiator of idea of refusing from dollar and euro and called on Arab and African nations to use a new currency instead, the Persian gold dinar. In 2002 Malaysian prime minister Muhammad together with Mummar Ghaddafi proposed initiative to launch golden dinar. At the beginning this idea was approved by Iraq, Sudan and Bruney, next year Indonesia, United Arabian Emirates and other countries joined to it. They began work on this idea. there were some sessions of Ministers of Finance of these countries and the project about refusing from dollar and euro and using golden dinar began to be transfered to life. There was a pilot project where golden coins were already minted and it began to be used in Malaysia, Indonesia and Iran. They were even used in common shops and they are still can be used there as well as common banknote means that if Muammar Ghaddafi will drop bank system and will start trade only in gold, he will trade only with countries that have gold. (China has almost cornered the gold market?) ... There must be chain reaction, because everyone is tired to be a slave for USA Federal Reserve Fond and its head Mr. Bernanke. Because Bernanke gives money in debt for USA (Federal Reserve Fond of USA gives money to central Bank of USA). If Muamman Ghaddafi found time to launch golden coins before the war started, not only muslim countries would follow him. There would be many countries, including maybe even Germany. Everyone in the world who doesn't want to be a slave of Bernanke wants to trade for gold.

Gaddafi suggested establishing a united African continent, with its 200 million people using this single currency. During the past year, the idea was approved by many Arab countries and most African countries. The only opponents were the Republic of South Africa and the head of the League of Arab States. The initiative was viewed negatively by the US and the European Union, with French President Nicolas Sarkozy calling Libya a threat to the financial security of mankind; but Gaddafi was not swayed and continued his push for the creation of a united Africa.

If the Gaddafi government goes down, it will be interesting to watch whether the new central bank [created by the rebels in March] joins the BIS, whether the nationalised oil industry gets sold off to investors, and whether education and healthcare continue to be free."

Meanwhile, as the dying proceeds according to investment necessities
the great sharks are circling in. We get it from the horse's mouth:
World Bank's Zoellick: Hopes Bank Will Have Role In Libya by Jeffrey Sparshott DOW JONES NEWSWIRES , 4/14/11

WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- World Bank President Robert Zoellick Thursday said he hopes the institution will have a role rebuilding Libya as it emerges from current unrest. Zoellick at a panel discussion noted the bank's early role in the reconstruction of France, Japan and other nations after World War II.
"Reconstruction now means Ivory Coast, it means southern Sudan, it means Liberia, it means Sri Lanka, I hope it will mean Libya," Zoellick said.

John Perkins explain how Libya challenged world banking system that favors the corporatocracy i n It's Not About Oil, It's About Currency and Loans

"According to the IMF, Libya's Central Bank is 100% state owned. The IMF estimates that the bank has nearly 144 tons of gold in its vaults. It is significant that in the months running up to the UN resolution that allowed the US and its allies to send troops into Libya, Muammar al-Qaddafi was openly advocating the creation of a new currency that would rival the dollar and the euro. In fact, he called upon African and Muslim nations to join an alliance that would make this new currency, the gold dinar, their primary form of money and foreign exchange. They would sell oil and other resources to the US and the rest of the world only for gold dinars.

The US, the other G-8 countries, the World Bank, IMF, BIS, and multinational corporations do not look kindly on leaders who threaten their dominance over world currency markets or who appear to be moving away from the international banking system that favors the corporatocracy. Saddam Hussein had advocated policies similar to those expressed by Qaddafi shortly before the US sent troops into Iraq.

In my talks, I often find it necessary to remind audiences of a point that seems obvious to me but is misunderstood by so many: that the World Bank is not really a world bank at all; it is, rather a U. S. bank. Ditto, its closest sibling, the IMF. In fact, if one looks at the World Bank and IMF executive boards and the votes each member of the board has, one sees that the United States controls about 16 percent of the votes in the World Bank - (Compared with Japan at about 7%, the second largest member, China at 4.5%, Germany with 4.00%, and the United Kingdom and France with about 3.8% each), nearly 17% of the IMF votes (Compared with Japan and Germany at about 6% and UK and France at nearly 5%), and the US holds veto power over all major decisions. Furthermore, the United States President appoints the World Bank President.

So, we might ask ourselves: What happens when a "rogue" country threatens to bring the banking system that benefits the corporatocracy to its knees? "

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US to Recoup Libyan Oil from China

Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of US Treasury.

by Press TV / April 20th, 2011

"Libyan ruler Muammar Qaddafi has made two mistakes: It blocked the US Africa Command by not joining it and let China into Libya with major energy investments instead, says a former US official.

Press TV has interviewed Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of US Treasury from Panama City, who gives his insight on the revolution in Libya and why US President Barack Obama needs to overthrow Qaddafi when no other US presidents did.

Paul Craig Roberts: Yes they do. First of all, notice that the protests in Libya are different from the ones in Egypt or Yemen or Bahrain or Tunisia and the difference is that this is an armed rebellion.

There are more differences: another is that these protests originated in the eastern part of Libya where the oil is -- they did not originate in the capital cities. And we have heard from the beginning, credible reports that the CIA is involved in the protests and there have been a large number of press reports that the CIA has sent back to Libya its Libyan asset to head up the Libyan rebellion.

In my opinion, what this is about is to eliminate China from the Mediterranean. China has extensive energy investments and construction investments in Libya. They are looking to Africa as a future energy source.

The US is countering this by organizing the United States African Command (USAC), which Qaddafi refused to join. So that's the second reason for the Americans to want Qaddafi out.

And the third reason is that Libya controls part of the Mediterranean coast and it's not in American hands.

they are not supposed to be in there fighting together with the rebels.

But of course the CIA is. i the next target will be Syria because Syria has already been demonized.

Why are they targeting Syria? -- Because the Russians have a very large naval base in Syria. And it gives the Russian navy a presence in the Mediterranean; the US and NATO do not want that. If there is success in overthrowing Qaddafi, Syria is next.

Already, they are blaming Iran for Syria and Libya. Iran is a major target because it is an independent state that is not a puppet of the Western colonialists.

Press TV: With regards to the expansionist agenda of the West, when the UN mandate on Libya was debated in the UN Security Council, Russia did not veto it. Surely Russia must see this expansionist policy of the US, France and Britain.

PCR: Yes they must see that; and the same for China. It's a much greater threat to China because it has 50 major investment projects in eastern Libya. So the question is why did Russia and China abstain rather than veto and block? We don't know the answer.

Possibly the countries are thinking let the Americans get further over extended or they may not have wanted to confront them with a military or diplomatic position and have an onslaught of Western propaganda against them. We don't know the reasons, but we know they did abstain because they did not agree with the policy and they continue to criticize it.

the CIA is the originator of this so-called revolt and protest and is fomenting it and controlling it in a way that excludes China from its own Libyan oil investments.

In my opinion, what is going on is comparable to what the US and Britain did to Japan in the 1930s. When they cut Japan off from oil, from rubber, from minerals like ore; that was the origin of World War II in the pacific. And now the Americans and the British are doing the same thing to China.

The difference is that China has nuclear weapons and it also has a stronger economy than do the Americans. And so the Americans are taking a very high risk not only with themselves, but with the rest of the world. The entire world is now at stake on American over-reach; American huberus -- the drive for American hegemony over the world is driving the rest of the world into a World War."

Press TV: So these other countries would welcome having NATO troops on the ground?

PCR: Of course. They are in the CIAs pocket. It's a CIA operation, not a legitimate protest of the Libyan people. It's an armed rebellion that has no support in the capital city. It's taking place in the east where the oil is and is directed at China.

Qaddafi has been ruling for 40 years -- he goes back to Gamal Abdel Nasser (before Anwar Sadat) who wanted to give independence to Egypt.

He (Qaddafi) was never before called a brutal dictator that has to be removed. No other president has ever said Qaddafi has to go. Not even Ronald Reagan who actually bombed Qaddafi's compound and tried to kill him. But all of a sudden he has to go. Why?

Because he's blocking the US African Command, he controls part of the Mediterranean and he has let China in to find its energy needs for the future. We (the US) are trying to cripple our main rival, China by denying it energy. That's what this is really about; a reaction by the US.

If the US was concerned about humanitarianism, it wouldn't be killing all these people in Afghanistan and Pakistan with their drones and military strikes. Almost always it's civilians that are killed. And the US is reluctant to issue apologies about any of it. They say we thought we were killing Taliban or some other made-up enemy.

Press TV: Who will benefit from all of this other than the US? The other countries that comply with US wishes- What do they stand to gain from this?

PCR: We are only talking about NATO countries, the American puppet states. Britain, France, Italy, Germany, all belong to the American empire. We've had troops stationed in Germany since 1945. You're talking about 66 years of American occupation of Germany. The Americans have military bases in Italy -- how is that an independent country? France was somewhat independent until we put Sarkozy in power. So they all do what they're told.

America wants to rule Russia, China, Iran, and Africa, all of South America. They want hegemony over the world. That's what the word hegemony means. And they will pursue it at all costs.


click here=todaysheadlines&emc=tha22
War in Libya Could Drag On, Military Analysts Say , New York Times 4/20/11 by Steven Anger
PARIS -- "France and Italy said Wednesday that they would join Britain in sending liaison officers to support the rebel army in Libya, in what military analysts said was a sign that there would be no quick and easy end to the war in Libya."

Whew! Mega colonial conquerers and exploiters of Africa, Britain and France bad enough, but to think that the Italian government which once brought death to millions of Libyans, now sends military advisers to help overthrow the government it apologized to (under Gaddafi)??

"The dispatching of the liaison officers -- probably fewer than 40 of them, and carefully not designated as military trainers -- is a sign also, they said, that only a combination of military pressure from the sky, economic pressure on the government and a better-organized and coordinated rebel force will finally convince Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi that he has no option but to quit."

"Some countries thought the Libya operation could be over quickly," said a senior NATO ambassador. "But no military commander thinks so."

And now, one supposes the investors in war can sit back and relax knowing that a long drawn out bloodiest of wars is going along as hoped for, because Obama has ordered personnel siting in front of a screen of coordinates somewhere in the midwest to begin firing those pin point accurate missiles from drones already in the air in reconnaissance over Misurate, Libya. This in turn has precipitated a widening of the fighting according to BBC April 22.

Libya crisis: Misrata tribes 'may fight rebels'
Tribes loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi have given the army an ultimatum to drive rebels out of the besieged city of Misrata or let them do the job, a senior official says.
Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim said the army had tried to keep civilian casualties low but he tribes would not show the same restraint. The tribes were angry that people's lives had been disrupted by weeks of fighting that had cut the main coastal road and stopped trade in the city.
Tribal leaders say the seaport is for all Libyans not just the rebels, Mr Kaim said.

"The tactic of the army is to have a surgical solution but with the (Nato) air strikes it doesn't work." The US has authorised the use of armed, unmanned Predator drones over Libya to give "precision capabilities".

US Adm Mike Mullen, said the war in Libya was " moving towards stalemate" , even though US and Nato air strikes have destroyed 30-40% of Libya's ground forces.

Guardian, UK , 4/21/11, David Swanson Libya: Another Neocon War
click here
Former supreme allied commander Europe of Nato, from 1997 to 2000, Wesley Clark claims that in 2001, a general in the Pentagon showed him a piece of paper and said:

"I just got this memo today or yesterday from the office of the secretary of defence upstairs. It's a, it's a five-year plan. We're going to take down seven countries in five years. We're going to start with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, then Libya, Somalia, Sudan, we're going to come back and get Iran in five years."

That agenda fit perfectly with the plans of Washington insiders, such as those who famously spelled out their intentions in the reports of the thinktank called the Project for the New American Century. The fierce Iraqi and Afghan resistance didn't fit at all. Neither did the nonviolent revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. But taking over Libya still makes perfect sense in the neoconservative worldview.

The Libyan government controls more of its oil than any other nation on earth, and it is the type of oil that Europe finds easiest to refine. Libya also controls its own finances, leading American author Ellen Brown to point out an interesting fact about those seven countries named by Clark:

"What do these seven countries have in common? In the context of banking, one that sticks out is that none of them is listed among the 56 member banks of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). That evidently puts them outside the long regulatory arm of the central bankers' central bank in Switzerland."

- Libya's Great Man-Made River (GMMR).

The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) lies beneath four North African countries - Chad, Egypt, Sudan and Libya, called the world's largest fossil water system because it's ancient and non-renewable. In fact, the Qur'an's (Koran) Surah 2, Verse 74 says:

"For among rocks there are some from which rivers gush forth; others there are which when split asunder send forth water."

In fact, three major aquifers lie beneath the Sahara, NSAS the largest, containing an estimated 375,000 cubic km of water.

Covering two million square km, it's an ocean of water beneath the desert for irrigation, human consumption, development, and other uses. At 2007 consumption rates, it could last 1,000 years. Gaddafi calls NSAS the "Eighth Wonder of the World." Its web site says it's the largest global underground network of pipes and aqueducts, consisting of:

-- over 1,300 wells;

-- 7 million miles of pre-stressed steel wire to strengthen 12-foot diameter pipes;

-- 3,500 km of pipeline covering an area equal to Western Europe;

-- four pipelines - two east and two west, connecting with links north; and

-- thousands of miles of roads between and connecting its various lines and infrastructure, supplying 6.5 million cubic meters of fresh water daily to Libyans and others in the region. Extracting water at a depth of from 1,600 - 2,500 feet, the system purifies and supplies it mainly to populated coastal cities.

Conceived in the late 1960s, feasibility studies were conducted in 1974. Construction then began in 1984, divided in five phases, each largely separate, then combined into an integrated system. Funded by Gaddafi without loans from other nations or Western banks, the project cost $25 billion so far.

Inaugurated in August 1991, phase I provides two million daily cubic meters of water along a 1,200 km pipeline from As-Sarir and Tazerbo to Benghazi and Sirt, via the Ajdabiya reservoir. Phase II delivers one million daily cubic meters from the Fezzan region to the fertile Jeffara plain in the Western coastal belt, also supplying Tripoli.

Phase III is in two parts. Its first adds an additional 1.68 million cubic meters daily through another 700 km of pipeline and pumping stations. It also supplies 138,000 more cubic meters daily to Tobruk and the coast from a new Al-Jaghboub wellfield through another 500 km of pipeline.

The final phases involve extending the distribution network by pipelines linking the Ajjabiya reservoir to Tobruk, then connecting Eastern and Western systems at Sirt into a single integrated network. When fully operational, Gaddafi hopes to make the desert as green as Libya's flag.

The project is owned by the Great Man-Made River (GMMR) Authority, funded by Gaddafi's government as explained above. However, with war raging, the system is jeopardized as well as Gaddafi's dream to turn the desert green.

On April 3, AFP headlined, "Libya warns of disaster if 'Great Man-Made River' hit," saying
Libya's Great Man-Made River 15 April, 2011 by Sephan Lendmen.


Monday, May 9, 2011
China Gave Go-Ahead for Neocolonial Capitalist Destruction of Socialist Libya Why? Part I
(9 comments) China, after indicating it was against military intervention, abstained instead of voting no on a UN Security Council resolution calling for war on the Libyan government with the fig lief of enforcing a no-fly zone to protect civilians - a war by white neocolonialist powers on their former African colony that had raised its living standard to be higher than nine European nations including Russia. The disappointed ask why

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
NY Times Works Hard to Prove US Bombs Only Kill Bad Libyans
(1 comments) Though the NY Times, famous for backing every US war in history, has apparently long given up pretending that U.S. air strikes in the rest of the Muslim world do not intentionally include permissible collateral death of women and children (by simply not publishing most of AP wire service reports of U.S./NATO massacres), Libya as a new war, needs to be sanitized and justified as another 'clean' and 'U.S. good guys conflict

Thursday, April 7, 2011
US Depleted Uranium on Libya 10th Muslim Population Generations of Cancers & Malformed Babies
(10 comments) Never much from the Central Intelligence Agency, CNN or the NY Times on the consequences of these wars for the locals, so don't expect to hear much about the effects of depleted uranium on the Libyans now and in the years to come. No public interest in grotesquely malformed babies horribly deformed and vast increase of cancers where US has massively used radioactive depleted uranium-tipped bombs, bullets, shells and missile

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Bizarre Adulation? Gaddafi's Son Grandchildren Murdered by Queen's Royal Air Force after Roy
al Wedding?
(2 comments) NATO has murdered the son and grandchildren of the leader of Socialist Libya, a former colony of imperialist nations now bombing a Libya that had risen to giving its citizens a higher standard than nine European nations including Russia - far and away #1 in Africa with free health care and free higher education. Real reasons for targeting Gaddafi and an orchestrated civil war are noted.

Monday, May 16, 2011
USNATO Pilots Having Fun Bombing Libya? No USSR Migs like Vietnam Korea
(2 comments) Fly relaxed over Mediterranean Sea, countryside and towns without fear of meeting defending warplanes, watch your missiles explode below on target, just as calmly as turning Iraqi soldiers retreating from Kuwait into a line of burning vehicles and 100,000 corpses. Bombing Korea and Vietnam not a sport. McCain's example. Nuremberg Prosecutor Telford Taylor would have prosecuted pilots. By contrast bombardier Zinn in 1945.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
War Criminal Obama Killing Civilians in 6 Counties Accuses Gadhafi of Same If Gadhafi is killer of civilians, "it takes one to know one.' Gadhafi ? Obama? Who is killing? "It's all in the eye of the [CNN] beholder.' Karzai, all Afghanis, plead Obama to stop killing them. Pakistani Senators take Obama to court, Pakistanis march against Obama killing their children with Predator and (Grim) Reaper drones. Libya civil war another CIA- al Qaeda orchestration? UN rates Libya living standard #1 in Africa.


8. Dominican Republic

Wilson ordered the U.S. occupation of the Dominican Republic. U.S. Marines landed on May 16, 1916. and had control of the country two months later. The military government established by the U.S., led by Rear Admiral Harry Shepard Knapp, was widely repudiated by Dominicans. U.S. naval officers had to fill some cabinet posts, as Dominicans refused to serve in the administration. Censorship and limits on public speech were imposed. The guerrilla war against the U.S. forces was met with a vigorous, often brutal response.[48] [Wikipedia]

Opposition to the occupation continued, however, and after World War I it increased in the U.S. as well. There, President Warren G. Harding (1921–23), Wilson's successor, worked to end the occupation, as he had promised to do during his campaign. U.S. government ended in October 1922,

In February 1963, a democratically elected government under leftist Juan Bosch took office but was overthrown in September. In April 1965, after 19 months of military rule, a pro-Bosch revolt broke out. Days later, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson, concerned that Communists might take over the revolt and create a "second Cuba", sent the Marines, followed immediately by the Army's 82nd Airborne Division and other elements of the XVIIIth Airborne Corps in Operation Powerpack. "We don't propose to sit here in a rocking chair with our hands folded and let the Communist set up any government in the western hemisphere", Johnson said.[55] The forces were soon joined by comparatively small contingents from the Organization of American States. All these remained in the country for over a year and left after supervising elections in 1966 won by Joaquín Balaguer, who had been Trujillo's last puppet-president.

That bombardment, invasion and months long US sniper slayings of Dominican patriots was to prevent their beloved elected president, unacceptable to Wall Street interests and therefore also the US State Department, from being allowed to govern.


Kermit "Kim" Roosevelt, Jr., grandson of US president Theodore Roosevelt, was a political action officer of the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Directorate of Plans who coordinated the Operation Ajax, which successfully orchestrated a coup d’état against Iran's prime minister, Mohammed Mosaddeq, and return Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, to Iran's Peacock Throne in August 1953. He decribed his success with zeal his Countercoup - the Struggle for Control of Iran, which he published in 1979. [Wikipedia]

The 1953 Iranian coup d'état (known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup[3]) was the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh on 19 August 1953, orchestrated by the intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom and the United States under the name TPAJAX Project. The coup saw the transition of Mohammad-Rez? Sh?h Pahlavi from a constitutional monarch to an authoritarian one who relied heavily on United States support to hold on to power until his own overthrow in February 1979

In 1951, Iran's oil industry had been nationalized with near-unanimous support of Iran's parliament. Iran's oil had been controlled by the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC).Popular discontent with the AIOC began in the late 1940s, a large segment of Iran's public and a number of politicians saw the company as exploitative and a vestige of British imperialism Despite Mosaddegh's popular support, Britain was unwilling to negotiate its single most valuable foreign asset, and instigated a worldwide boycott of Iranian oil to pressure Iran economically.[8] Initially, Britain mobilized its military to seize control of the Abadan oil refinery, the world's largest, but Prime Minister Clement Attlee opted instead to tighten the economic boycott[9] while using Iranian agents to undermine Mosaddegh's government.[10] With a change to more conservative governments in both Britain and the United States, Churchill and the U.S. Eisenhower administration decided to overthrow Iran's government
According to the CIA's declassified documents and records, some of the most feared mobsters in Tehran were hired by the CIA to stage pro-Shah riots on 19 August. Other CIA-paid men were brought into Tehran in buses and trucks, and took over the streets of the city.[14] 800 people were killed during and as a direct result of the conflict.[2] Mosaddegh was arrested, tried and convicted of treason by the Shah's military court. On 21 December 1953, he was sentenced to three years in jail, then placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life.Mosaddegh's supporters were rounded up, imprisoned, tortured or executed.
After the coup, Pahlavi ruled as an authoritarian monarch for the next 26 years, until he was overthrown in a popular revolt in 1979. The tangible benefits the United States reaped from overthrowing Iran's elected government included a share of Iran's oil wealth[19] as well as resolute prevention of the slim possibility that the Iranian government might align itself with the Soviet Union, although the latter motivation produces controversy among historians. Washington continually supplied arms to the unpopular Shah, and the CIA-trained SAVAK, his repressive secret police force. The coup is widely believed to have significantly contributed to anti-American sentiment in Iran and the Middle East. The 1979 Iranian Revolution deposed the Shah and replaced the pro-Western royal dictatorship with the largely anti-Western Islamic Republic of Iran.
[U.S. foreign policy in perspective: clients, enemies and empire. David Sylvan, Stephen Majeski] On 4 November 1979, a group of Iranian students seized US embassy personnel, labeling the embassy a "den of spies". They accused its personnel of being CIA agents plotting to overthrow the revolutionary government, as the CIA had done to Mosaddegh in 1953. While the student ringleaders had not asked for permission from Khomeini to seize the embassy, Khomeini nonetheless supported the embassy takeover after hearing of its success. While most of the female and African American hostages were released within the first months, the remaining 52 hostages were held for 444 days. Jimmy Carter ordered military attempted a rescue operation, Operation Eagle Claw, on April 24, 1980, which resulted in the death of one Iranian civilian in a failed mission, an the deaths of eight American invaders,, and the destruction of two aircraft. It ended with the signing of the Algiers Accords in Algeria on January 19, 1981.

President Reagan backed and financially aided his friend Saddam Hussein's eight year long invasion of Iran and had US spy satellites report the position of defending Iranian troops.
United States support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq War, as a counterbalance to post-revolutionary Iran, included several billion dollars worth of economic aid, the sale of dual-use technology, non-U.S. origin weaponry, chemicals necessary for gas manufacture, military intelligence, Special Operations training, and direct involvement in warfare against Iran. [Friedman, Alan. Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq, Bantam Books, 1993]

Support from the U.S. for Iraq was not a secret and was frequently discussed in open session of the Senate and House of Representatives. On June 9, 1992, Ted Koppel reported on ABC's Nightline, "It is becoming increasingly clear that George Bush, operating largely behind the scenes throughout the 1980s, initiated and supported much of the financing, intelligence, and military help that built Saddam's Iraq into" the power it became", and "Reagan/Bush administrations permitted—and frequently encouraged—the flow of money, agricultural credits, dual-use technology, chemicals, and weapons to Iraq." [Friedman, Alan. Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq, Bantam Books, 1993] Iran Air civilian jet airliner Flight 655 was shot down by U.S. missiles on July 3, 1988, over the Strait of Hormuz, toward the end of the Iran–Iraq War. The aircraft, an Airbus A300 was flying from Bandar Abbas, Iran, to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, over Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf on its usual flight path when it was destroyed by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes (CG-49), killing all 290 passengers and crew aboard. At the International Court of Justice. As part of the settlement, the US agreed to pay US$61.8 million, an average of $213,103.45 per passenger, in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims. However, the United States has never admitted responsibility, nor apologized to Iran. At the UN The Soviet Union asked the U.S. to withdraw from the area. The total Iranian casualties of the war were estimated to be anywhere between 500,000 and 1,000,000; with more than 100,000 Iranians being victims of Iraq's chemical

on May 6, 1995, Clinton signed Executive Order 12957 which implemented tight oil and trade sanctions on Iran and made it illegal for American corporations or their foreign subsidiaries to participate in any contract "for the financing of the development of petroleum resources located in Iran." On May 6, 1995, President Clinton issued Executive Order 12959 which banned almost all trade between U.S. businesses and the Iranian government with the exception of informational materials. Beginning in 1997, the administration began to take a softer approach towards Iran, particularly after the election of reformist Mohammad Khatami as the President of Iran. That year, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and President Clinton mandated what could be considered an apology to the Iranian people for the 1953 CIA-assisted coup that overthrew the democratically elected Prime Minister, Mohammed Mossadegh, and replaced him with the Shah. later. Albright and Clinton also acknowledged that the U.S.-backed government of the Shah "oppressed political opponents."

In January of 2002, President George Bush called Iran part of an "axis of evil" during his first State of the Union address.
He said, "Iran aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror, while an unelected few repress the Iranian people's hope for freedom. States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger."

Obama threatened to bomb Iran on many many occasions, even threatened to Iran with nuclear weapons attack when speaking before the UN General Assembly, so much so NY Times Op-Ed, 1//22/2012 Bomb-Bomb-Bomb, Bomb-Bomb-Iran?

July 04, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- When the UN refused to agree to the severe sanctions that the U.S. wanted, Obama responded as his predecessor did went solo. The new U.S. sanctions against Iran — signed into law by Obama on July 1st — are an unmistakable act of war.The pretext is Iran continues its nuclear development, which it has assured the world continually is without intention to produce a nuclear weapon.

Report: Obama secretly ordered cyber attacks on Iran's nuclear program

By Haaretz, Israel, June 01, 2012

Shortly after taking office in 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama secretly ordered sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that control Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities, the New York Times reported.

According to the report, Obama decided to expand attacks that had begun during the George W. Bush administration.

The report said that the Stuxnet worm, the existence of which became public in 2010, was developed by the United States and Israel as part of a joint effort to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program.

Obama reportedly decided that cyber attacks should continue, even after Stuxnet was publicized. ...

The report comes almost a week after the internet security company Kaspersky Lab announced that it had uncovered a 'cyber-espionage worm' designed to collect and delete sensitive information, primarily in Middle Eastern countries.

Kaspersky called the malware, named "Flame," the "most sophisticated cyber-weapon yet unleashed." It said the bug had infected computers in Iran, the West Bank, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.


10. Syria

Syria: CIA, M16, French, Mossad, Saudi Involvement Unreported in Corporatist Media. 6/27,2012, by jay janson
What is unfolding in Syria is an armed insurrection supported instigated covertly by foreign powers France, Britain, Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia led by the US CIA. Armed insurgents belonging to Islamist organizations have crossed the border from Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. The US State Department has confirmed that it is supporting the insurgency. A monolithic unified-slant media cartel restricts reports to indiscriminate killing of civilian protesters by Syrian government as if nothing else is happening.

When the West’s war on Gaddafi is going well, American news commentators can in rare moments proudly admit that the CIA is heavily involved. No so, when if comes to Syria. It's too early. The public has not been yet been properly taught to hate Syria's President Assad sufficiently.

The corporatist media cartel that controls what news is selected and how and with what intention it shall be broadcasted has done its best to demonize Assad. News networks and newspapers repeat day in day out that Syrian government forces are shooting and massacring protesters, period. They don’t report anything else, making it appear nothing else is happening. When it is necessary to admit that police and soldiers are being ambushed and killed, a cover story comes with it, like, ‘it is suspected that they were killed by defecting police and military.’

The Western controlled media resorts, as in Libya reporting to flimflam. The same videos and photos of armed groups perched on the rooftops and firing at random into the crowd or on police forces broadcast on Syria's national television networks are used by Western and Saudi television channels to attribute these crimes to the government of Damascus.

This amazing great cartel of Pentagon/CIA fed media conglomerates, which seems to have the great majority of the basically indifferent population of the West in tow, is effortlessly running its usual cascade of disinformation, half-truths and propaganda preparing justification for military intervention as previously in the cases of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan and Iran.

However, "The plan to destabilize Syria is not working all that well. It succeeded in persuading public opinion that the country is in the grips of a brutal dictatorship, but it also welded the vast majority of the Syrian population firmly behind its government. Ultimately, the plan could backfire on those who masterminded it, notably Tel Aviv" surmises Thierry Meyssan in The Plan to Destabilize Syria, Voltaire Network, Lebanon, 6/13/11.

A few scholarly sites on the Internet always manage to fill in what is intentionally blacked out in Pentagon counseled and fed commercial mass media of the Western pseudo-democracies. Michael Chossudovsky, consultant with a half-dozen UN agencies and publisher of Global Research out of Canada tells us:

“What is unfolding in Syria is an armed insurrection supported covertly by foreign powers including the US, Turkey and Israel. Armed insurgents belonging to Islamist organizations have crossed the border from Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. The US State Department has confirmed that it is supporting the insurgency. U.S. State Department official Victoria Nuland, 'We started to expand contacts with the Syrians, those who are calling for change, both inside and outside the country.'"

Action against Syria is part of a "military roadmap", a sequencing of military operations. According to former NATO Commander General Wesley Clark--the Pentagon had clearly identified Iraq, Libya, Syria and Lebanon as target countries of a US-NATO intervention:
"[The] Five-year campaign plan [included]... a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan" (Pentagon official quoted by General Wesley Clark) In Winning Modern Wars (page 130) General Wesley Clark.

The objective is to destabilize the Syrian State and implement regime change through the covert support of an armed insurgency, integrated by Islamist militia. The reports on civilian deaths are used to provide a pretext and a justification for humanitarian intervention under the principle "Responsibility to Protect".’

Media Disinformation

What is mentioned profusely is that the armed forces and the police are involved in the indiscriminate killing of civilian protesters. Press reports confirm, however, from the outset of the protest movement an exchange of gunfire between armed insurgents and the police, with casualties reported on both sides.

The insurrection started in mid March in the border city of Daraa, which is 10 km from the Jordanian border. The Daraa "protest movement" on March 18 had all the appearances of a staged event involving, in all likelihood, covert support to Islamic terrorists by Mossad and/or Western intelligence. Government sources point to the role of radical Salafist groups (supported by Israel)
Other reports have pointed to the role of Saudi Arabia in financing the protest movement.

What has unfolded in Daraa in the weeks following the initial violent clashes on 17-18 March, is the confrontation between the police and the armed forces on the one hand and armed units of terrorists and snipers on the other which have infiltrated the protest movement” The Destabilization of Syria and the Broader Middle East War, By Michael Chossudovsky

One would be naive to believe that the century of brutal occupation of the Arab lands of Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco by France and those of Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Somaliland, Aden, and Yemen by the British, with both occupying Libya after W.W.II, that British M16 and and the French Secret Service would not be indispensable for the johnny-come-lately America empire and its CIA. But one would have to be even more naive to believe the excellent secret service of Israel, Mossad, at war with the Arab world since 1948 was not playing a key role in Syria and Libya, two adamant adversaries of the State of Israel. Here below is some background.

Experts Fear Israeli Design to Balkanize Arab States By Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani, 6/19/11

In A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s, in 1982, written by Oded Yinon, then a senior advisor for Israel's foreign ministry, the essay explicitly calls for breaking up the Arab states of the region along ethnic and sectarian lines. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas… is Israel's primary target on the eastern front in the long run."

"In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines… is possible," he writes. "So, three states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shiite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north."

As for Egypt, Yinon calls for breaking the country up into "distinct geographical regions." The establishment of an independent Coptic-Christian state in Upper Egypt, he writes, "alongside a number of weak states with very localized power and without a centralized government…seems inevitable in the long run."

Political maneuvering in recent years by Israel and the western powers - both overt and covert - appears to conform to this strategy of balkanization.

"Israel and the U.S. have both helped break up Iraq by encouraging the emergence of an independent Kurdish state and fostering Sunni-Shiite division," he said. "And in Sudan, Earlier this month, Mohamed Abbas, a leading member of Egypt's Revolutionary Coalition Council (RCC), likewise warned of an ongoing "conspiracy" aimed at breaking Egypt into three petty states.

"The Zionist plan to politically fragment the Arab Middle East so as to keep Arab states in a perpetual state of instability and weakness has been well known for the last three decades," Gamal Mazloum, retired Egyptian major-general and expert on defense issues told IPS.

"The western campaign against Libya ... was launched with the aim of breaking Libya; Libya could be split in two, with Gaddafi staying on in the west of the country and an exiled controlled 'revolutionary' government loyal to the western powers in control of the east, Mohamed al-Sakhawi, leading member of Egypt's as-yet-unlicensed Arabic Unity Party, told IPS."

The satellite-generated media conglomerate cartel’s unified single-angle-presentation of world events is really difficult for progressive alternate media to dare challenge as slanted. Its deceptions become truths for the overwhelming majority. When it is firmly established in the minds of most that Syrian and Libyan leaders are villains what to do? Most progressive magazines and Internet sites and newsletters depend on keeping their less politically educated liberal subscribers.

Most of us never hear of the mass homicidal crimes of the CIA in countries like Syria until files are forced open by freedom of information law decisions decades too late? Socialist anti-war and anti-capitalism journalism in the U.S. is now negligible.

By jay janson, 80 year old archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer, who has lived and worked on all the continents and whose articles on media have been published in China, Italy, England, India and the US, and now resides in New York City. Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his. GlobalReserch, InformationClearingHouse, CounterCurrentsKeralaIndian, DissidentVoice, MinorityPerspectiveUK, HistoryNewsNetwork, are among those who have republished his articles.
Feb.8, 2012
Today a day after the Russian and Chinese Security Council vetoing of the resolution condemning the government of Syria the US announced the study of planes for US military intervention at minimum providing the anti-government forces with weapons.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Add this Page to Facebook! Submit to Twitter Submit to Reddit Submit to Stumble Upon Pin It! Fark It! Tell A Friend
Syria Savaged by US UK France Israel Turkey Arabia Qatar al Qaeda & Media for Whom?
Death, destruction in Syria, arranged by armed insurrection sustained covertly by foreign powers including the US, NATO nations, Israel, Arabia, Qatar, al Qaeda, and made into an "Arab Spring' by imperialist media managed "reporting.' Armed insurgents belonging to Islamist organizations cross the border from Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. US State Dept. proudly admits involvement. Why? for whom? brought into historical context

After invasion by Italy during WW II and subsequent British reoccupation Somalia had been permitted independence in 1960.
The same as every other nation, formerly military occupied by colonial empires seeking beyond formal independence economic and political freedom, Somalia became a pawn in the cold war for trading privileges and military alliances between the Soviet Union, backing indigenous nationalism and socialism, and the US and European powers backing the interests of foreign investors and indigenous collaboration.

Video footage showed US attack helicopter firing down through the roof of a large enclosed market just minutes before two helicopters were shot down by ground fire from the surrounding streets.

CLICK ON an excellent short history of period 1970-1994 that describes the US introducing its military criminally before and after the 'Blackhawk Down' war crime.

CLICK ON FOR BACKGROUND US CRIMES 2000-2012 Jan. For the next decade, the Western world mostly stayed away. But Arab organizations, many from Saudi Arabia and followers of the strict Wahhabi branch of Sunni Islam, quietly stepped in. They built mosques, Koranic schools, and social service organizations, encouraging an Islamic revival.
By the early 2000s, Mogadishu's clan elders set up a loose network of neighborhood-based courts to deliver a modicum of order in a city desperate for it.
They rounded up thieves and killers, put them in iron cages, and held trials. Islamic law, or sharia, was the one set of principles that different clans could agree on; the Somali elders called their network the Islamic Courts Union.

Monday, December 12, 2011 ARTICLE
US War Crimes Collaborator Assessory Ban Ki-moon Korean Traitor US Stooge UN 'Terror Council' Sec. Gen. in Somalia
"Dressed in a black flak jacket with "United Nations" stamped across his chest, Mr. Ban met with leaders from Somalia's Transitional Federal Government, a weak, divided and thoroughly unpopular entity that the UN has been trying to prop up." Ban Ki-moon is happy to describe the case of UN war in his homeland in the same glowing terms he describes UN armed intervention in Somalia to prevent an unacceptable Somali government.



More than a century of British crimes against humanity in Yemen preceded those of the US. British withdrew their troops, under fire from Yemen independence fighters, in 1967. Of course during the centruries of savage white racist colonial imperialism and militrary occupation of the more sophisticaed ancient cultures of the non-white 84% of Mankind, there was even less talk of imperialist crimes against humanity that now.

A radical (Marxist) wing of the National Liberation Front gained power in South Yemen in June, 1969.

The NLF changed the name of South Yemen on 1 December 1970 to the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen with all political parties amalgamated into the Yemeni Socialist Part, which became the only legal party. The PDRY established close ties with the Soviet Union, People's Republic of China, Cuba, and radical Palestinians.

During a 1979 border conflict between the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, the United States cooperated with Saudi Arabia to greatly expand the security assistance program to the YAR by providing F-5 aircraft, tanks, vehicles and training. George H.W. Bush, while Vice President, visited in April 1986, and President Ali Abdullah Saleh visited the United States in January 1990. [CIA with British M-16 worked covertly to foster a win for Saleh.]

A Shia tribal insurgency in Yemen, also known as the Houthi rebellion, Sa'dah War fought mostly by Shabab al Muomineen (Believing Youth) is a civil war in Northern Yemen. It began in June 2004 when dissident cleric Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, head of the Shia Zaidiyyah sect, launched an uprising against the US backed Yemeni government. Most of the fighting has taken place in Sa'dah Governorate in northwestern Yemen although some of the fighting spread to neighbouring governorates and the Saudi province of Jizan.
Belligerents [notice US and al Qaida fighting on the same side]
Yemen government side

  • Security Forces
  • Pro-government tribes[6]

Saudi Arabia (2009-2010)
United States

Dhulfiqar.pngRebelling Houthis (Al-Shabab al-Muminin) side

Iran (Quds Force)[citation needed]
Libya [Wikipedia]

click on: Obama ordered US air strikes on Yemen on 12/21/2009

click on: US Predator Drone Hellfire Missiles 10 Years Targeting SUSPECTED al Qaeda



Drone attacks in Pakistan

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Drone attacks in Pakistan
Part of the War on Terrorism, War in North-West Pakistan,War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
Date 18 June 2004 – present
Location FATA, Pakistan
Status Ongoing
United States Air Force U.S. Air Force
Central Intelligence AgencyCIA
Afghanistan Taliban
Afghanistan Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
Afghanistan TNSM
Afghanistan Haqqani network
Flag of Jihad.svg Lashkar-e-Islam
Flag of Jihad.svg Foreign Mujahideen
Flag of Jihad.svg Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

Casualties and losses
9 (CIA & other intel agents) Total killed: Estimated as between 1,745 and 2,711 (As of 8 February 2012)[2]

The United States government has made a series of attacks on targets in northwestPakistan since 2004 using drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) controlled by theCentral Intelligence Agency's Special Activities Division.[3] The strikes were increased five fold under Obama.

PressTV, Jun 23, 2009

At least 50 people have been killed and scores others injured after US drones fired several missiles on what Washington calls insurgents' targets in the troubled north-west Pakistan.

The causalities occurred when three drones fired countless missiles on Tuesday afternoon at the funeral procession in the South Waziristan bordering Afghanistan.

The missiles hit the funeral of people who were killed earlier in the day during a similar strike in the volatile region.


US Drone Strike statistic based on extensive research by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism:[21][16]

  • Total reported killed: 2,383 - 3,019
  • Civilians reported killed: 464 - 815
  • Children reported killed: 175
  • Total reported injured: 1,149-1,241
  • Total strikes: 312
  • Obama strikes: 260

In 2010 a group of Senators made international news filing a criminal law suit against President Obama for illegally bombing Pakistan. Not much further reporting on its progress has reported. On Dec. 9, 2011

US ambassador to Pakistan threatened with lawsuit over drone deaths

A letter has been sent to the US ambassador about the killing of a 12 and 16-year-old, who had begun a photo documentation of previous drone strike.



Lebanon was twice invaded and occupied by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in 1978 and 1982,[49] with the PLO expelled in the second invasion. Israel remained in control of Southern Lebanon until 2000

On Sept. 13, President Reagan authorized what was called aggressive self-defense for the Marines, including air and naval strikes.27 Five days later the United States essentially joined the war against the Muslims when four U.S. warships unleashed the heaviest naval bombardment since Vietnam into Syrian and Druze positions in eastern Lebanon in support of the Lebanese Christians.28 [White House spokesman Larry Speakes said the local Marine commander in Lebanon can order air strikes of firepower “of any kind” from U.S. naval vessels off Beirut., Daily Record, Washington, 9/13/1983 The bombardment lasted for three days and was personally ordered by National Security Council director Robert McFarlane, a Marine Corps officer detailed to the White House who was in Lebanon at the time and was also a strong supporter of Israel and its Lebanese Maronite Christian allies. McFarlane issued the order despite the fact that the Marine commander at the airport, Colonel Timothy Geraghty, strenuously argued against it because, in the words of correspondent Thomas L. Friedman, “he knew that it would make his soldiers party to what was now clearly an intra-Lebanese fight, and that the Lebanese Muslims would not retaliate against the Navy’s ships at sea but against the Marines on shore.”29

By then, the Marines were under daily attack and Muslims were charging they were no longer neutral.30 At the same time the battleship USS New Jersey, with 16-inch guns, arrived off Lebanon, increasing the number of U.S. warships offshore to 14. Similarly, the Marine contingent at Beirut airport was increased from 1,200 to 1,600.31

The fight now was truly joined between the Shi’i Muslims and the Marines, who were essentially pinned down in their airport bunkers and under orders not to take offensive actions. On Oct. 23, a Muslim guerrilla drove a truck past guards at the Marine airport compound and detonated an explosive with the force of 12,000 pounds of dynamite under a building housing Marines and other U.S. personnel. Almost simultaneously, a car-bomb exploded at the French compound in Beirut. 241 Americans and 58 French troops were killed. On Dec. 3, two carrier planes were downed by Syrian missiles during heavy U.S. air raids on eastern Lebanon.;33 On the same day, eight Marines were killed in fighting with Muslim militiamen around the Beirut airport.;34

By the start of 1984, an all-out Shi’i Muslim campaign to rid Lebanon of all Americans was underway. The highly respected president of the American University of Beirut, Dr. Malcolm Kerr, a distinguished scholar of the Arab world, was gunned down on Jan. 18 outside his office by Islamic militants

aligned with Iran. The next day Professor Frank Regier, a U.S. citizen teaching at AUB, was kidnapped by Muslim radicals, beginning of a series of kidnappings of Americans in Beirut. that would lead to the eventual expulsion of nearly all Americans from Lebanon where they had prospered for more than a century. Even today Americans still are prohibited from traveling to Lebanon.

The day after Regier’s kidnapping, on Feb. 7, 1984, Reagan suddenly reversed himself and announced that all U.S. Marines would shortly be “redeployed.” The next day the battleship USS New Jersey fired 290 rounds of one-ton shells from its 16-inch guns into Lebanon as a final act of U.S. frustration.

[In his 800 page volume “Pity the Nation” eminent Middle eastern correspondent Robert Fish, at home in Lebanon, wrote, “They brought the old battleship New Jersey towards the shore for one long broadside, to the astonishment of the Lebanese and all the rest of us. What was the ship firing at? It had no effect on the Shia Muslim militiamen who calmly drove into the last Amer bastion on the tideline at Green Beach and hoisted a green Islamic flag where the Stares and Stripes has been lower a few hours before. Thus the Amer left Lebanon, their last boats trailing a wake through the polluted water to the sound of gunfire.

Six das later, the commander of the New Jersey, Captain Rl D. Milligan, was interviewed by the Associated Press at the El Paha nightclub in the Israeli port of Haifa. "I think the battleship is a definate weapon of peace,"he said. '

and hope we have made some impact on bringing peace to Lebanon.']

Reagan’s “redeployment” was completed by Feb. 26, when the last of the Marines retreated from Lebanon.

The mission of the Marines had been a humiliating failure. [from Israel Charged with Systematic Harassment of U.S. Marines, by Donald Neff

Former Time Magazine Bureau Chief, Israel

Fisk concludes, “The moment the Sixth Fleet opened fire to help Gemayel's forces, the Marines in Beirut became participants in the civil war. The very second that the first US navy shell landed among the Druze at Soq al-Gharb, the Americans aligned themselves with the [fascist Christian] Phalange in open war against the Muslims of Lebanon. Every self-imposed rule of the 'peace-keeping' force would be broken.

Amer produced another ever more fanciful chimera -. Iranian suicide pilots were installed in Ballbek, we were informed.”



In April 1994, a genocide erupted in Rwanda due to a conflict between Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups. Over the next few months, an estimated 500,000 to 1 million Rwandans, mainly Tutsi, were killed. By July, the Rwandan Patriotic Front took over the country. Although the Clinton Administration and the international community was aware of the genocide taking place in Rwanda, no action was undertaken.[4] By the end of July, nearly two million of Hutus fled the country for safety, spawning the growth of refugee camps in neighboring countries.[5] As thousands of people died of disease and starvation in these refugee camps, Clinton ordered airdrops of food and supplies for the Hutu refugees, including known genocidaires. In July, he sent 200 non-combatant troops to the Rwanda capital of Kigali to manage the airport and distribute relief supplies. These troops were subsequently withdrawn by October 1994. Clinton and the United Nations faced criticism for their non-response to the genocide. When Clinton traveled to Africa in 1998, he said that the international community, presumably including the US, must accept responsibility for the failure to respond to the massacres.[6] When speaking about the Rwanda Crisis, Clinton called it his worst failure, admitting "I blew it."[7]


4/9/12, PENTAGON PRODUCES SATELLITE PHOTOS OF 1994 RWANDA GENOCIDE, keith harmon snow, Conscious Being

Eighteen years after the historic '100 days of genocide' in Rwanda the United States Government has suddenly produced never-before-seen satellite images to support the genocide extradition trial of a former Rwandan now U.S. citizen in New Hampshire (USA). The existence of satellite imagery from 1994 would enable the 'international community' to further explore heretofore hidden facts about the double presidential assassinations of April 6 or massacres committed before, during and after 1994.
In a remarkable development, this is the first time in the history of the 'Rwanda genocide' trials or related Rwanda asylum hearings where Pentagon satellite photographs have been produced as evidence, and the first time that the existence of satellite photographs taken over Rwanda during the so-called '100 days of genocide' has ever been verified.

Later in the Munyenyezi trial the U.S. prosecutors produced a 'Pentagon analyst' who testified about the satellite photographs. The Pentagon analyst was Mr. Eric R. Benn, Technical Executive, Analysis and Production Directorate, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). The photographs introduced into the public record include very high resolution images shot over Rwanda in May, June and July of 1994. The NGA is one of the most secretive organizations on earth and its customers include the Pentagon and all 16 shadowy agencies of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC).



The Al-Shifa, Arabic for "healing") pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum North, Sudan, was constructed between 1992 and 1996 with components imported from the United States, Sweden, Italy,Switzerland, Germany, India, and Thailand.

The industrial complex was composed of around four buildings. It was the largest pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum and employed over 300 workers, producing medicine both for human and veterinary use. The factory was used primarily for the manufacture of anti-malaria medicines and veterinary products.

The factory was destroyed in 1998 by a missile attack launched by the United States government, killing one employee and wounding eleven. Critics of the attack have estimated that up to tens of thousands of Sudanese civilians died throughout Sudan as the supply of necessary drugs was cut off.[1][2] The US government stated several reasons for its attack:

These justifications for the bombing were disputed by the owners of the plant, the Sudanese government, and other governments.

Sudan has since invited the U.S. to conduct chemical tests at the site for evidence to support its claim that the plant might have been a chemical weapons factory; so far, the U.S. has refused the invitation to investigate. Nevertheless, the U.S. has refused to officially apologize for the attacks, suggesting that some privately still suspect that chemical weapons activity existed there.[6]

The Khartoum attack was noted for its outstanding precision, as successive missiles all but leveled the Al-Shifa works with minimal damage to surrounding areas, although one person was killed and ten wounded in the attack.

Directly after the strike the Sudanese government demanded that the Security Council conduct an investigation of the site to determine if it had been used to produce chemical weapons or precursors. Such an investigation was from the start opposed by the US. Nor has USA ever let an independent laboratory analyze the sample allegedly containing EMPTA. Michael Barletta, Bulletin Atomic Scientists, concludes that there is no evidence the al-Shifa factory was ever involved in production of chemical weapons, and it is known that many of the initial US allegations were wrong.[4]



In the first eighty years following independence from Spain, Panama was a department of Colombia, since voluntarily becoming part of it at the end of 1821.

In November 1903, Panama proclaimed its independence and concluded the Hay/Bunau-Varilla Treaty with the United States. The treaty granted rights to the United States "as if it were sovereign" in a zone roughly 10 miles (16 km) wide and 50 miles (80 km) long. In that zone, the U.S. would build a canal, then administer, fortify, and defend it "in perpetuity."

In 1914, the United States completed the existing 83 km (52 mi) canal.

From 1903 until 1968, Panama was a constitutional democracy dominated by a commercially oriented oligarchy. During the 1950s, the Panamanian military began to challenge the oligarchy's political hegemony.

In 1968 Lieutenant Colonel Omar Torrijos Herrera and Major Boris Martínez commanded a coup.

The military justified itself by declaring that Arias Madrid was trying to install a dictatorship, and promised a return to constitutional rule.

The Guard began a series of populist measures that would gain support for the coup. Amongst them were the freezing of prices on food, medicine[17] and other goods until January 31, 1969, the freezing of renting prices, and the legalization of the permanence of squatting families in boroughs surrounding the historic site of Panama Viejo.[16] The military soon began calling itself El Gobierno Revolucionario ("The Revolutionary Government").

During Omar Torrijos's control, the military regime transformed the political and economic structure of the country by initiating massive coverage of social security services and expanding public education.

The constitution was changed in 1972. For the reform to the constitution, the military created a new organization, the Assembly of Corregimiento Representatives, which replaced the National Assembly. The new assembly, also known as the Poder Popular ("Power of the People"), was composed of 505 members selected by the military without the participation of political parties, which had been eliminated by the military. The new constitution proclaimed Omar Torrijos the "Maximum Leader of the Panamanian Revolution", and conceded him unlimited power for six years, In 1981,

Torrijos died in a planecrash. It has been widely speculated that his death was a CIA assassination due to his resistance to renegotiate the Panama Canal Treaty, (negotiated under the Carter administration), with President Ronald Reagan.[18] Torrijos' death altered the tone of Panama's political evolution. General Manuel Noriega was firmly in control of both the PDF and the civilian government.

The military dictatorship, at that time supported by the United States, perpetrated the assassination and torture of more than one hundred Panamanians and forced into exile at least another hundred dissidents (see Zárate 15).[20] Noriega also began playing a double role in Central America under the supervision of the CIA. While the Contadora group conducted diplomatic efforts to achieve peace in the region, Noriega supplied the Nicaraguan Contras and other guerrillas in the region with weapons and ammunition (Pizzurno Gelós and Araúz, Estudios sobre el Panamá republicano 602).[16]

On June 6, 1987, the recently retired Colonel Roberto Díaz Herrera, resentful for Noriega's violation of the "Torrijos Plan" of succession that would turn him into the chief of the military after Noriega, decided to denounce the regime. He revealed details of the electoral fraud, accused Noriega of planning Torrijos's death, declared that Torrijos had received 12 million dollars from the Shah of Iran so that Panama would give the exiled Iranian leader asylum, and blamed Noriega for the assassination by decapitation of opposition leader Dr. Hugo Spadafora .[16]

United States President Ronald Reagan began a series of sanctions against the military regime. The United States froze economic and military assistance to Panama in the summer of 1987 in response to the domestic political crisis in Panama and an attack on the U.S. Embassy. Yet these sanctions did little to overthrow Noriega but instead severely damaged Panama's economy. The sanctions hit the Panamanian population hard and caused the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to decline almost 25 percent between 1987–1989 (see Acosta n.p.).[21]

On February 5, 1988, General Manuel Antonio Noriega was accused of drug trafficking by federal juries in Tampa and Miami.

In April 1988, the U.S. President Ronald Reagan invoked the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, freezing Panamanian government assets in all U.S. organizations.

On December 19, 1989, President George H. W. Bush decided to use force against Panama, declaring that the operation was necessary to safeguard the lives of U.S. citizens in Panama, defend democracy and human rights, combat drug trafficking, and secure the functioning of the Canal as required by the Torrijos-Carter Treaties (New York Times, A Transcript of President Bush's Address n.p.).[22]

Operation Just Cause was justified by the United States as necessary to secure the functioning of the Canal and re-establish democracy in the country. Although described as a surgical maneuver, the action led to civilian deaths whose estimated numbers range from 400 to 4,000 during the two weeks of armed activities in the largest United States military operation since the end of the Vietnam War. For some commentators, the action was not intended only to rid Panama of the dictatorship but served also to reinforce United States authority over the region right at the end of the Cold War, as well as use Panama as practice field for weapons and strategies that would shortly after be used in the Gulf War (Cajar Páez 22).[23]

The urban population, living below the poverty level, was greatly affected by the 1989 invasion, becoming the ‘collateral cost’ of the democratization of the country. As pointed out in 1995 by a UN Technical Assistance Mission to Panama, the bombardments during the invasion caused the displacement of 20,000 persons. The most stricken district was El Chorrillo where several blocks of apartments were completely destroyed. El Chorrillo had been since Canal construction days a series of wooden barracks; these easily caught fire under the United States attack. According to the Technical Mission, the displaced were segregated to unfinished USAID dwellings, far from communications and basic services, or were sent back to live in El Chorrillo's new low-standard multi-family buildings constructed hastily by the Panamanian government in replacement of their lost homes (see Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, n.p.). As stated by respondents in a 2005 survey conducted in El Chorrillo, after the invasion, crime and drug trafficking increased, and living conditions in the neighborhood worsened. Coleen Acosta points out that "the intervention added further to (Panama's) economic decline. Some sections of Panama City were heavily damaged, leaving thousands homeless, and subsequent looting left businesses with damages in the hundreds of millions. The economic damage caused by the invasion and subsequent civil disobedience has been estimated to be between 1.5 and 2 billion dollars ... Unemployment rose to record highs as the government infrastructure was left in chaos. According to the Chamber of Commerce, 10,000 employees lost their jobs in the aftermath of the war (n.p.).[21]

The U.S. troops involved in Operation Just Cause achieved their primary objectives, and Noriega eventually surrendered to U.S. authorities. He completed his sentence for drug trafficking charges in September 2007. In August 2007, a U.S. federal court in Miami found Noriega extraditable to France, where he was convicted in absentia for money laundering. Noriega was extradited to France on April 26, 2010 and his trial started on June 28, 2010 in Paris, France. On July 7, 2010, Noriega was convicted by the 11th chamber of the Tribunal Correctionnel de Paris, and sentenced to seven years in jail. The prosecutor in the case had sought a ten-year prison term. In addition, €2.3 million (approximately US$3.6 million) that has long been frozen in Noriega's French bank accounts was ordered to be seized.

[Panama, Wikipedia]



What can be said about an invasion launched by a nation of 240 million people against one of 110 thousand? And when the invader is, militarily and economically, the most powerful in the world, and the target of its attack is an island of small villages 1,500 miles away, 133 square miles in size, whose main exports are cocoa, nutmeg and bananas ... the fighting was over in a week, 135 Americans killed or wounded, 84 Cubans, 400 Grenadians, more or less ... [Bill Blum]

Pre-history and early European contacts

Grenada was first sighted by Europeans in 1498 during the 3rd voyage of Columbus to the new world. At the time the indigenous Island Caribs (Kalinago) who lived there called it Camahogne. TheSpaniards did not permanently settle on Camahogne. The English failed in their attempt at settlement in 1609.

French colony (1649–1763)

On March 17, 1649 a French expedition of 203 men from Martinique, led by Jacques du Parquet founded a permanent settlement on Grenada. Within months this led to conflict with the local islanders which lasted until 1654 when the Island was completely subjugated by the French.[4] Those indigineous islanders who survived either left for neighbouring islands or retreated to remoter parts of Grenada where they were marginalised – the last distinct communities disappeared during the eighteenth century. Warfare did continue during the seventeenth century between the French on Grenada and the Caribs of present day Dominica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.The French named the new French colony La Grenade and the economy was initially based on sugar and indigo. The French established a capital known as Fort Royal (later St. George). To shelter from hurricanes the French navy would often take refuge in the capital's natural harbour, as no nearby French islands had a natural harbour to compare with that of Fort Royal. The British captured Grenada during the Seven Years' War in 1762.

British colony (1763–1950)

Grenada was formally ceded to Britain by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The French re-captured the island during the American War of Independence, after Comte d'Estaing won the bloody land and naval Battle of Grenada in July 1779. However the island was restored to Britain with the Treaty of Versailles in 1783. Britain was hard pressed to overcome a pro-French revolt in 1795–1796 led byJulien Fedon. Nutmeg was introduced to Grenada in 1843 when a merchant ship called in on its way to England from the East Indies. The ship had a small quantity of nutmeg trees on board which they left in Grenada and this was the beginning of Grenada's nutmeg industry that now supplies nearly forty percent of the world's annual crop.[5] In 1877 Grenada was made a Crown Colony.Theophilus A. Marryshow founded the Representative Government Association (RGA) in 1917 to agitate for a new and participative constitutional dispensation for the Grenadian people. Partly as a result of Marryshow`s lobbying the Wood Commission of 1921–1922 concluded that Grenada was ready for constitutional reform in the fo of a 'modified' Crown Colony government. This modification granted Grenadians from 1925 the right to elect 5 of the 15 members of the Legislative Council, on a restricted property franchise enabling the wealthiest 4% of adult Grenadians to vote.[6]

The capital St. George's.

Towards independence (1950–1974)

In 1950 Eric Gairy founded the Grenada United Labour Party, initially as a trades union, which led the 1951 general strike for better working conditions, this sparked great unrest – so many buildings were set ablaze that the disturbances became known as the 'red sky' days – and the British authorities had to call in military reinforcements to help regain control of the situation. On October 10, 1951 Grenada held its first general elections on the basis of universal adult suffrage [7]- Eric Gairy's Grenada United Labour Party won 6 of the 8 seats contested.[7] From 1958 to 1962 Grenada was part of the Federation of the West Indies.

On March 3, 1967 Grenada was granted full autonomy over its internal affairs as an Associated State. Herbert Blaize was the first Premier of the Associated State of Grenada fom March to August 1967. Eric Gairy served as Premier from August 1967 until February 1974.

Independence and revolution (1974–1983)

Independence was granted in 1974 under the leadership of the then Premier, Sir Eric Matthew Gairy, who became the first Prime Minister of Grenada.

Civil conflict gradually broke out between Eric Gairy’s government and some opposition parties including the New Jewel Movement (NJM). Gairy’s party won elections in 1976 but the opposition did not accept the result, accusing it of fraud. In 1979, the New Jewel Movement under Maurice Bishop launched a paramilitary attack on the government resulting in its overthrow.

On October 19, 1983, Bernard Coard and his wife Phyllis, backed by the Grenadian Army, led a coup against the government of Maurice Bishop and placed Bishop under house arrest. These actions led to street demonstrations in various parts of the island. Bishop had enough support from the population that he was eventually freed after a demonstration in the capital. When Bishop attempted to resume power, he was captured and executed by soldiers along with seven others, including government cabinet ministers. The Coard regime then put the island under martial law.[citation needed]

The constitution was suspended and Bishop's "People's Revolutionary Government" ruled subsequently by decree. Cuban doctors, teachers, and technicians were invited in to help develop health, literacy, and agriculture over the next few years. Agrarian reforms started by the Gairy government were continued and greatly expanded under the revolutionary government of Maurice Bishop.

Some years later a dispute developed between Bishop and certain high-ranking members of the NJM. Though Bishop cooperated with Cuba and the USSR on various trade and foreign policy issues, he sought to maintain a "non-aligned" status. Bishop had been taking his time making Grenada wholly socialist, encouraging private-sector development in an attempt to make the island a popular tourist destination. Hardline Marxist party members, including Communist Deputy Prime Minister Bernard Coard, deemed Bishop insufficiently revolutionary and demanded that he either step down or enter into a power-sharing arrangement.[citation needed]

After a 1983 internal power struggle ended with the deposition and murder of revolutionary Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, the invasion began on 25 October 1983, less than 48 hours after the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut.

The US Army's Rapid Deployment Force (1st, 2nd Ranger Battalions and 82d Airborne Division Paratroopers), Marines, Army Delta Force and Navy SEALS and other combined forces consisted of the 7,600 troops from the United States, Jamaica, and members of the Regional Security System (RSS)[3] defeated Grenadian resistance after a low-altitude airborne assault by the 75th Rangers on Point Salinas Airport on the southern end of the island while a Marine helicopter and amphibious landing occurred on the northern end at Pearl's Airfield shortly afterward.

While the invasion enjoyed broad public support in the United States,[4] and received support from some sectors in Grenada from local groups who viewed the post-coup regime as illegitimate,[5] it was criticized by the United Kingdom, Canada and the United Nations General Assembly, which condemned it as "a flagrant violation of international law".[6] by a vote of 108 in favor to 9, with 27 abstentions. The United Nations Security Council considered a similar resolution, which failed to pass when vetoed by the US.

[Excerpted from Grenada, and The Invasion of Grenada by Wikipedia]

Bill Blum adds, unfortunately without documented footnotes,

Before long the Psychological Operations Battalion of the US Army was cruising over the island in a helicopter offering the Grenadians, via a loudspeaker, a large serving of anti-Cuban fare: the Cubans had supported those who had killed Bishop, Grenada had been a pawn of Cuba, Castro/communism were still a threat, and so forth. Posters were put up showing alleged captured Cuban weapons with the slogan, "Are these the tools that build airports?" Other posters linked the MRC leaders to Moscow.

In March 1984, a visiting London journalist could report:

'The island remains visibly under American occupation. Jeeps patrol constantly. Helicopters fly over the beaches. Armed military police watch the villagers and frequent the cafes. CIA men supervise the security at the courthouse. The island's only newspaper pours out weekly vitriol about the years of the revolutionary government, this gruesome period in our history". The pressures, in a small a small community, are heavy.


19 YUGOSLAVIA This sites archival research peoples historian spent the 1970-71 concert season performing in all the six republics of what was Yugoslavia, and it was the happiest year of his life up to then. It was then at the hight of the cold war. Yugoslavia had enviable thriving economy and culture amazingly independent of imperialist domination and independent of domination by the Soviet Union led East bloc. At that time the only insignificant occasional irritation was the occasional bombings of a Yugoslav embassy or consulate abroad by Croatian fascists, assumed to be not all that secretly funded by CIA and related US covert organizations. What developed in the years that followed under a willful program of US engineered destabilization through financial manipulation, CIA covertly funded violence, military threats and finally 78 days of steady bombing of soft city targets in Serbia and Kosovo will take some good amount of documented explaining...[to be continued] ----------------------------------


The racist investor ruling elite of the new United States of America with a preponderance of slave holders in the South and slave traders in the North, after the successful slave revolt in Haiti were naturally fearful of another rule of freed slaves in Cuba, during its first war for independence, The US sold the latest weapons to Spain, but not to the Cuban rebels.[10], and although various European governments recognized the rebel government, the US did not.

During the slave state - free state political conflict in Congress, which had stalled the process of opening the western territories to settlement, efforts were made to acquire Cuba and to annex Nicaragua, both to be slave states.

Towards the end of the 19th century powerful investors had been casting a eye on Cuba with its lucrative sugar industry as a possible future US possession. The wide newspaper chain of Randolph Hearst is credited with whipping up the necessary war fever that would free Cuba from Spanish control with the Spanish-American war, just as Cuban revolutionaries were about to win true independence.

Cuba was granted formal independence from the US in 1902, the US retained the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and to supervise its finances and foreign relations and force the US leaseing the Guantánamo Bay naval base from Cuba. In 1906, upon a successful armed revolt by independence war veterans, the US intervened reoccupying Cuba for three years, and according to Cuban historians introduced political and social corruption.[48] ...(to be continued)



Noam Chomsky, "America must prosecute its own leaders for war crimes"; Elliot Adams, former President, Veterans For Peace, author of the indictment of President Obama and all who follow his criminal orders that was read at the US Air Force Drone Base, Hancock, NY; Rev. Jeremiah Wright, "God Damn America for her crimes against humanity"; Cindy Sheehan; Bill Blum of the AntiEmpire Report; Tom Feeley, publisher of Information Clearing House; Angela Keaton, editor of and publisher of Come Home America’"; Ron Fisher, Chair,Veterans For Peace Workshop Prosecute War Criminals and We the peoples historian jay janson, coordinator, King Condemned US Wars International Awareness and writing the documented history of US crimes in nineteen and counting nation that precedes this list.